1994 Crime Bill, Troll used against Biden and the Democrats as voter suppression tactic.

Weak as fuck.

Really all Biden has going for him is he's not Trump. Stop trolling me with pro Biden bullshit.
Then quit saying stupid shit like the:
I'm surprised about how little people actually know about the busing issue. It was a big deal, there was even some violence over it. That was probably the biggest thing he's even known for. He was quite vociferous about it and people were still very much in the civil rights mindset. Black people had only been voting legally for a short time by then and he fought hard for his white constituents.

The least he can do is apologize for it. Instead, he thinks it will make him appeal to racists and bolster his chances since he already feels he has the black vote on lock.

You notice how everything you have posted is just little edits of what he has said, which removes all context outside of a sentence or two that after 50 years in public office. Everything you have posted about Biden has you all worked up, but it is weak ass shit if you take a few minutes longer to look at it.
This dude just wants to copy part of my comment in his troll thread and say I am taking shit out of context.

Shytstikk level projection there. I guess that's what Biden cultists have to do now.
Funny how you took a comment I made in this thread and answered it in another thread. Actually, I copy pasted the entire article.

Instead of trying to troll me in your dishonesty thread, answer my comment where I made it, liar. I'm losing all respect for you and you're making a very strong case against Biden.

If you look at your article, it was edited out comments by Biden mixed with the writers commentary. It wasn't a an entire speech.

I am sure I had to work really hard to get you to not take a breath to read what I wrote. Its a bummer you are plugging your eyes and ears to reality so hard in an effort to keep your hate alive.

And yeah I am not a fan of amplifying propaganda titles like that other one. So I will do what I do, at least until @rollitup or some other moderator tells me I am out of line.

I do find it funny you calling me a cultist though, good one.
Hey you dems wanted to talk about Biden...you thought you would defend it immediatly and try to say he did nothing wrong. The Bidens were assigned, or VP Biden was to corruption in Ukraine and there is ecidence they took advantage of it for self gain. Evidence! We wont even need a trial for that its on paper
lol by Hunter taking a job on a board in Ukraine? You can keep pushing this nonsense, but it is not going to stick.

Joe Biden is the only Senator I have heard of that hadn't cashed in on a lifetime of being in political office. His net worth after a 50 year career was under $1 million. It wasn't until he left office that he started making money doing speeches and whatnot.

It is very funny that the Trump cult is pretending to clutch their pearls when Trump's kids are running around playing American royalty getting paid far more doing their little hate rallies on the American public's dime.
lol by Hunter taking a job on a board in Ukraine? You can keep pushing this nonsense, but it is not going to stick.

Joe Biden is the only Senator I have heard of that hadn't cashed in on a lifetime of being in political office. His net worth after a 50 year career was under $1 million. It wasn't until he left office that he started making money doing speeches and whatnot.

It is very funny that the Trump cult is pretending to clutch their pearls when Trump's kids are running around playing American royalty getting paid far more doing their little hate rallies on the American public's dime.
All presidential families have done this. I think its mandatory they use protection when traveling..its not like they can get on an econo flight. Shit ..congress soends what 80k to have a meeting with $20 cupcakes and linens. Or they could break out the folding chairs and point to the drinking fountain. Wow weed is good in the morning
All presidential families have done this. I think its mandatory they use protection when traveling..its not like they can get on an econo flight. Shit ..congress soends what 80k to have a meeting with $20 cupcakes and linens. Or they could break out the folding chairs and point to the drinking fountain. Wow weed is good in the morning
Trump is dumping hundred of millions of American tax payer funds into his hotels, and using his Presidency as a way to make money anyway that he can on our time. In an attempt to prop up his golf courses and hotels while he is unable to wash money for foreign dictators.

Our President is also using his office to run his re-election campaign since day one, and has finally been caught breaking the law trying to get an ally to dig up dirt on a political opponent, something that if any governor did would land them next to Blagojevitch.

And instead of finding it wrong that we are footing the bill for Trump's kids tax funded world tour:

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You are wasting your effort on pretending that somehow a Harvard educated lawyer getting a job on a board that pays as much in one month is the real problem while ignoring Trump Jr's 30 minutes at a hate rally at a Koch funded university.

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Trump is dumping hundred of millions of American tax payer funds into his hotels, and using his Presidency as a way to make money anyway that he can on our time. In an attempt to prop up his golf courses and hotels while he is unable to wash money for foreign dictators.

Our President is also using his office to run his re-election campaign since day one, and has finally been caught breaking the law trying to get an ally to dig up dirt on a political opponent, something that if any governor did would land them next to Blagojevitch.

And instead of finding it wrong that we are footing the bill for Trump's kids tax funded world tour:

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You are wasting your effort on pretending that somehow a Harvard educated lawyer getting a job on a board that pays as much in one month is the real problem while ignoring Trump Jr's 30 minutes at a hate rally at a Koch funded university.

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Can you show me some trump kids hate speeches..i cant find any. Please and ty
Can you show me some trump kids hate speeches..i cant find any. Please and ty
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Also can you show me where he is stealing tax $ and putting it in his hotels


It is so bad Steve Mnuchin is trying to hide the spending that has taken place until AFTER the upcoming Presidential election:

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Trump jr challenge was a joke. How is that a rally hate speech?
I seen Obama family spent 16m a month on personal. Id wait and see after this term. Not sure i believe whats being said so far. Numbers arnt consistant.
Trump jr challenge was a joke. How is that a rally hate speech?
I seen Obama family spent 16m a month on personal. Id wait and see after this term. Not sure i believe whats being said so far. Numbers arnt consistant.
Trying to rip apart families during the holidays and offering shit for proof is extremely hateful.

Show your numbers, I am guessing that must be some stat about the total government costs of employees and shit, and not just his vacations at his hotels to funnel tax payer money.
Trump jr challenge was a joke.
One of the life lessons I had to learn, anytime I say "I am just joking", I was/am being an asshole and should just shut up, apologize, and think on why I was an asshole later when I am not being defensive from saying stupid shit and getting called out on it.
And can you tell me why he isnt on trial for this if hes doing this? And the pedophelia i constantly here about...
Republicans don't care about pedophilia as long as it is a old white guy and a girl. Look at Trump and pedophile Roy Moore:

And he is currently in court over emoluments:
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