1994 Crime Bill, Troll used against Biden and the Democrats as voter suppression tactic.

One of the life lessons I had to learn, anytime I say "I am just joking", I was/am being an asshole and should just shut up, apologize, and think on why I was an asshole later when I am not being defensive from saying stupid shit and getting called out on it.

Republicans don't care about pedophilia as long as it is a old white guy and a girl. Look at Trump and pedophile Roy Moore:

And he is currently in court over emoluments:
View attachment 4467183
Her internet must be spotty out on the plains of CO. Or she's part ostrich.
Her internet must be spotty out on the plains of CO. Or she's part ostrich.
If people on this board had not told us they know her in real life, I would have guessed she is waiting for the responses her handlers telling her what she should be responding with.

Lukcily I don't think this, so don't look at it as a waste of time, because she is an American, and this stuff matters. I should have taken more time to explain this shit to my family when I realized they were falling into the online trap leading up to the election, but I just didn't have it in me to care enough about online trolling in the real world.

Trump winning with the Russian military online trolling support changed that for me.
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Trump jr challenge was a joke. How is that a rally hate speech?
I seen Obama family spent 16m a month on personal. Id wait and see after this term. Not sure i believe whats being said so far. Numbers arnt consistant.
You are having a psychotic break. Completely lost in your own delusions, divorces from reality, engulfed by propaganda

Kinda funny to watch
If people on this board had not told us they know her in real life, I would have guessed she is waiting for the responses her handlers telling her what she should be responding with
nope, unfortunately. she and bugeye are residents of CO. gotta take the bad with the good i guess. if i remember, she's british though.
Trump jr challenge was a joke. How is that a rally hate speech?
I seen Obama family spent 16m a month on personal. Id wait and see after this term. Not sure i believe whats being said so far. Numbers arnt consistant.

This is what you seen. You've got your presidents mixed up though. The numbers might be more consistent if you stop making shit up. Hope this helped.

As of October 14, 2017
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha
$98,000,000.00 over 8 years or $1,020,833.33 per month
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Donald, Melania and Barron
$147,000,000.00 over 9 months or $16,333,333.33 per month
Not a peep from Conservatives
This is what you seen. You've got your presidents mixed up though. The numbers might be more consistent if you stop making shit up. Hope this helped.

As of October 14, 2017
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha
$98,000,000.00 over 8 years or $1,020,833.33 per month
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Donald, Melania and Barron
$147,000,000.00 over 9 months or $16,333,333.33 per month
Not a peep from Conservatives
But he's not taking a salary of $400K so that makes up for it. LOL.

How come FOX doesn't show the debt scroll 24/7 anymore?
You are on the bottom of my list of priority. I had a family emergency.
Instead of shitting on everyone. Do you ever ask yourself maybe if i explain things i can change peoples mind? Or you just going to shit all over everyone ans convince them your party IS crazy hateful and are backed by Antifa. I see how it works oit for you..its epic. Good luck..and oh yeah " game over"
This is what you seen. You've got your presidents mixed up though. The numbers might be more consistent if you stop making shit up. Hope this helped.

As of October 14, 2017
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha
$98,000,000.00 over 8 years or $1,020,833.33 per month
Taxpayer dollars spend on vacations, golf and personal security while not at the White house for Donald, Melania and Barron
$147,000,000.00 over 9 months or $16,333,333.33 per month
Not a peep from Conservatives
This is what you seen , but your making shit up" makes sense lmao
You are on the bottom of my list of priority. I had a family emergency.
Instead of shitting on everyone. Do you ever ask yourself maybe if i explain things i can change peoples mind? Or you just going to shit all over everyone ans convince them your party IS crazy hateful and are backed by Antifa. I see how it works oit for you..its epic. Good luck..and oh yeah " game over"
I hope everyone is ok.
If people on this board had not told us they know her in real life, I would have guessed she is waiting for the responses her handlers telling her what she should be responding with.

Lukcily I don't think this, so don't look at it as a waste of time, because she is an American, and this stuff matters. I should have taken more time to explain this shit to my family when I realized they were falling into the online trap leading up to the election, but I just didn't have it in me to care enough about online trolling in the real world.

Trump winning with the Russian military online trolling support changed that for me.
You should have done it during the holiday dinners. Bahahaha. See how funny that is?! My family spoke of this during holiday dinner..we joked about this..we all have different views and are smart enough not to talk about it durimg our time together..but then the marine in the fam kinda went iff a little but we all listened and respected what he had to say. He has every right to voice his opinion about the gov. No one fought that day at all. The family wasnt destroyed i assure you.
I dont agree I am the one diseased with propaganda. The media is dem dominant. Youre all brainwashed imo. Youre trighered on a mispelling and you seem very sensitive victims. You are full of hate and dispair because trump won and Hillary lost. Facebook groups are the same ..you got people dying to put another person down and judge them and find fault in what they say. This is being a snowflake at its finest.
I had to address many in this post i just dont have time right now. So this isnt all directed towards you Hanimmal. Ty for your concern. It will be ok. Everything will always be ok in the end.
You should have done it during the holiday dinners. Bahahaha. See how funny that is?! My family spoke of this during holiday dinner..we joked about this..we all have different views and are smart enough not to talk about it durimg our time together..but then the marine in the fam kinda went iff a little but we all listened and respected what he had to say. He has every right to voice his opinion about the gov. No one fought that day at all. The family wasnt destroyed i assure you.
I dont agree I am the one diseased with propaganda. The media is dem dominant. Youre all brainwashed imo. Youre trighered on a mispelling and you seem very sensitive victims. You are full of hate and dispair because trump won and Hillary lost. Facebook groups are the same ..you got people dying to put another person down and judge them and find fault in what they say. This is being a snowflake at its finest.
I had to address many in this post i just dont have time right now. So this isnt all directed towards you Hanimmal. Ty for your concern. It will be ok. Everything will always be ok in the end.
Glad they are ok and that you had a nice holiday.

I would be curious when you're on Facebook and seeing these things being said by the 'Democrats', are they people you actually know? Because a lot of what I am trying to get people to see is that it is not just a right-left issue, it is a trolling issue that is designed to get people mad, and to teach them how to respond with the worst rhetoric that 'triggers' the other side.

By using sock puppet accounts, it would be easy to start arguing with you on FB as a 'lefty' and when you get mad to start pulling out all the shitty little statements that are designed to piss you off the most. Then if you don't automatically come to your own defense, they can log into the 'right' account and argue for you. This reenforcement over time 'teaches' people how to react when confronted with things in the real world with things that are made to trigger the 'other side' which ends any real world conversations.

It is completely effective and data driven.
Glad they are ok and that you had a nice holiday.

I would be curious when you're on Facebook and seeing these things being said by the 'Democrats', are they people you actually know? Because a lot of what I am trying to get people to see is that it is not just a right-left issue, it is a trolling issue that is designed to get people mad, and to teach them how to respond with the worst rhetoric that 'triggers' the other side.

By using sock puppet accounts, it would be easy to start arguing with you on FB as a 'lefty' and when you get mad to start pulling out all the shitty little statements that are designed to piss you off the most. Then if you don't automatically come to your own defense, they can log into the 'right' account and argue for you. This reenforcement over time 'teaches' people how to react when confronted with things in the real world with things that are made to trigger the 'other side' which ends any real world conversations.

It is completely effective and data driven.
This is the most effective statement you have made so far. I hope it shuts down some ppl on here and make them ponder that. The groups I spoke of are dog groups. Crazy huh. I wouldnt dare join a political group on fb..this site is pretty tocic enough for me. Ibe never lasted this long without being banned. Ive not changed at all from then and now.
You just cant back ppl in a corner and flip the script and then tell them they are nuts. Very strange NPD behaviour.
I seen what you did when you moved our convo over to this thread...but idc. It putss to light a few things. And the more dems running their mouths just proves the hatred. Ppl on here want me dead lol. That to me is no party i want to follow that acts like this.
Both sides lie, both sides have policy differences. I think this gov is an embarrasment if our country. They should sort their differences behind closed doors and stop talking so much shit to the media. Defimation is only a headline. And sadly thats as far as ppl read.

I guess when i said i had no time to reply to all the shitty comments in my absence what i really mean is i dont want to. I have some time to spare this am.
But thanks for posting replies to my questions. I will go look at them now and research a bit.
This is the most effective statement you have made so far. I hope it shuts down some ppl on here and make them ponder that. The groups I spoke of are dog groups. Crazy huh. I wouldnt dare join a political group on fb..this site is pretty tocic enough for me. Ibe never lasted this long without being banned. Ive not changed at all from then and now.
You just cant back ppl in a corner and flip the script and then tell them they are nuts. Very strange NPD behaviour.
I seen what you did when you moved our convo over to this thread...but idc. It putss to light a few things. And the more dems running their mouths just proves the hatred. Ppl on here want me dead lol. That to me is no party i want to follow that acts like this.
Both sides lie, both sides have policy differences. I think this gov is an embarrasment if our country. They should sort their differences behind closed doors and stop talking so much shit to the media. Defimation is only a headline. And sadly thats as far as ppl read.

I guess when i said i had no time to reply to all the shitty comments in my absence what i really mean is i dont want to. I have some time to spare this am.
But thanks for posting replies to my questions. I will go look at them now and research a bit.
For the road:
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So thats how i became a pedo supporter?! Oh lort! Roy Moore was the one who walked into a locker room 40 uears ago , denies it and trump supports him? Is this right? That doesnt make anyone a pedo.
I dont know the lawsuits hes in, hiw many companies or businesses he owns. If many Im sure ppl like him have lawsuits all the time. Does it affect us?No.
So thats how i became a pedo supporter?! Oh lort! Roy Moore was the one who walked into a locker room 40 uears ago , denies it and trump supports him? Is this right? That doesnt make anyone a pedo.
I dont know the lawsuits hes in, hiw many companies or businesses he owns. If many Im sure ppl like him have lawsuits all the time. Does it affect us?No.

He said it was OK because he asked her mom if he could take her out. There was other girls too.
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Tbh idk who he was soi had to look him up. A defamation lawsuit popped up 2 days ago. I like to see the outcome . Should be interesting
Trump's obstruction by lawsuit is so hot right now.
This is what you seen , but your making shit up" makes sense lmao
So let’s recap

You cry some absolute lie about how much Obama’s one vacation cost every year

Travisw corrected your lie and showed that the number you cited was actually trumps ridiculous $16 million dollar a month tab for playing golf

And yet you accuse everyone else of lying and being deluded

Are you starting to see why everyone hates you? It’s because you’re a delusional racist whos so brainwashed that you have no connection to reality anymore

You are beyond pathetic and project non stop