1994 Crime Bill, Troll used against Biden and the Democrats as voter suppression tactic.

Just looking at what he's done and doing, it's pretty clear that Sanders never intended the Democratic Party to succeed and pretty much worked at breaking the party. Backfired. We are much more unified today than a year ago. I didn't want Biden back then either.

I'm now fretting over his exposure to bullets and viruses as he goes relatively unprotected to political events. I want the Democratic party to rent a Popemobile. We can't afford to lose him now.

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It's a good thing that the protester didn't mean any physical harm. How did she get through to him? Lax security. Yikes.

Trump needs to quit screwing around and get him and Bernie Secret Service already. He is a shitty person for not doing this already.

It reminds me of how he outed the Democratic trip into a war-zone by pulling their military flight and trolling them before they could make other arrangements. Trump's childish actions are going to get someone killed.
lol it was only a matter of time before Trump tried to pull this fun little troll.

No generalizations, where he calls a group of people (where one or two are bad actors) fine people. Specific video of him being racist, You can't can you?
I would point to this tweet where the POTUS is tweeting racist conspiacy theories that lead people down the rabbit hole to racist websites like stormfront so that white nationalists can't recruit them.


And while I am sure you will go onto ignore this, I would point to these very racist things Trump has said on video.


Defend him! We do everything but hang them for j walking in this bill.

Figured I would help you out since you can't seem to figure out that the Republicans actually were the ones that added in a bunch of amendments after they took power in 94.

So you are pushing propaganda.
Hahaha.. looking forward to November. Really i can not wait it will be the second time we have went through this all.

The racist shit that Trump is in need of taking root if he has a hope of winning re-election has always lost, and it is looking like it will again this time too.
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They both are. Stop being a pet. Plus Biden can’t keep his hands off children. Watching videos of that creeper around children makes me sick. But by today’s standards we are all racist because we’re benefiting off a country that was built of racism.
Why would you be watching those videos then?

And that is not true. What people have been having happen is that they are being pumped full of propaganda showing how these protests are very anti-white guy and how the womens movement is anti-male. All of this very real attack that is happening on American citizens by the Russian military is amplifying all the madness on all sides of every story.

Nobody can escape the racist accusation in 2020. Shit 99% of music and movies made in the last decade are now racist.

Nobody should be saying racist shit in 2020. I would say that they are mostly sexist not racist. Unless you are listening to racist music I guess.

But ..... touching children...... I’d disappear another MF for that.
Ot of the thousands? Tens of thousands? of pictures Biden took with families forced to sit through long boring diners with squirmy kids do you think Biden took over the years? Out of all those, you really think that those weird moments wouldn't be likely to accidentally occur?

Do you have any actual evidence of Biden being a pedophile, like the stuff they have on Trump? He has actual legal documents filed against him with these documented crimes with Epstein.
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I'll admit that Trump isn't "presidential" in dialogue, an affinity for social media and general vulgarity. He was elected for because his opponent was widely recognized as a liar and megalomaniac.
What are you basing this on?

Have you been aware that the Russians have been shown to have been using their military for years to push lies about what you mentioned right off the bat about Trump's opponent.

Flash forward to 2020 - - - A lot of people don't like Trump because of his policies. (seems like most of them are opining on this thread.) It is equally true that a lot of people came to like Trump for the very same reasons. I'm willing to call that a push, so let's compare Trump to Biden.

73 years old, non-presidential
Net Worth: Was 2-2.1 billion, now, since covid, slightly < $1 billion (Forbes)
In politics since 2016, 4 years in office
Significant impact on domestic and foreign policies (for better or worse)
Killed federal funding of almost all international cooperation organizations, especially ones where the US provided most of the funding. Most are listed above in the initial post on this thread - they are numerous.
Seen by critics as a wealthy self-centered charlatan, taking advantage of downtrodden in favor of other fat cats.

76 years old, very presidential in speech and demeanor
Net Worth: $9 million (Forbes)
In politics since 1973, 47 years in office
Various policies and numerous reversals:
Segregation - he was a former supporter - not no mo.
Sexual preference - was against gays in military and other rights - now waves a rainbow flag whenever the opportunity arises
Law Enforcement - he authored the "Violent Crime Control Law Enforcement Act", now pleads for understanding and compassion
Abortion - was against it and banned federal funding to support it, now support federal funding before "crowning".
Seen by critics as an inept, mentally infirm old man, running on a campaign of fixing the very government he helped design while in office for the last 47 years.

You are pulling out all the stops for your first post in political section here.

I would love to go through and pick apart all of the lies you plug in here, but I don't think you have earned enough trust to not just think you are just another in the long line of Trump trolls (foreign and domestic) attacking our democracy yet.

If you are an actual American and actually think what you are posting is reality, maybe pick some of the things you care about most and look at AP news/Reuters and compare the reporting. If you can't find it on them just post where you are actually seeing it and see if it holds up to scrutiny. Because mostly this stuff out in the internet is all bullshit.

It is a lot easier to make shit up and create a bunch of media sites to circle jerk out some 'credibility' than it is to actually get away with stuff for people anymore. Reality has too many people involved to not have someone talk and expose it all.

I love the look on Ivanka's face when Trump announces to the world Trump Jr's meeting with the 'Crown Prosecuter' of Russia to get 'dirt' on Clinton.
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The only other factor in the minds of voters has to be Nancy Pelosi. No opinion from the author about her, but most voters have come to realize that this nasty skelator-faced stupid asshole should be tarred, feathered and beaten.
That is an impressive opinion to take on her. Maybe you should share what you 'know' about her (from a credible source please, there is endless shit out there that paid trolls create to for their spam to drown out reality), or where you just come on here to puke out some hate.

My final analysis: Brace yourselves for another 4 years of Trump.
It is one of the two possibilities. And Trump is not only allowing a foreign military to continue to attack our fellow Americans (which includes anyone you care about, down to little kids on their video game chat features), but he is also using the violence occurring in the street by triggered domestic terrorists as his political platform.

And it is obvious, unlike 2016 when Americans were caught offgaurd until it was too late to the use of every social media platform, microtargetting personalized propaganda, and click farms to push the cherry picked narratives into our televisions and hate radio. A lot still don't see it, but thankfully the factual news media is figuring out just how pervasive the trolling has been and Americans are waking up.

And Dear Leader can't shut up long enough to make obvious his troll armies hard work.
Way to go! These trolls just keep slamin another's opinion. We must look at the track record of both Candidates carefully. Truly I agree Trump has let the Country down. Biden on the other is not what one could call a solution. Let's take a look at his record:
Neither in my opinion are able, qualified or have the knowledge to complete their duties.
I think if you want to take a look at the record of the presidential candidates it is a really worthwhile thing to do.

Because things like the Crime Bill are very wide sweeping legislation that as done some very good things, and ultimately some of the things in it were used by our government to further hurt our minority populations.

Which parts of it are you in disagreement with?
Why would you be watching those videos then?

And that is not true. What people have been having happen is that they are being pumped full of propaganda showing how these protests are very anti-white guy and how the womens movement is anti-male. All of this very real attack that is happening on American citizens by the Russian military is amplifying all the madness on all sides of every story.

Nobody should be saying racist shit in 2020. I would say that they are mostly sexist not racist. Unless you are listening to racist music I guess.

Ot of the thousands? Tens of thousands? of pictures Biden took with families forced to sit through long boring diners with squirmy kids do you think Biden took over the years? Out of all those, you really think that those weird moments wouldn't be likely to accidentally occur?

Do you have any actual evidence of Biden being a pedophile, like the stuff they have on Trump? He has actual legal documents filed against him with these documented crimes with Epstein.
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now they both reside in Florida- what a coincidence!
I think if you want to take a look at the record of the presidential candidates it is a really worthwhile thing to do.

Because things like the Crime Bill are very wide sweeping legislation that as done some very good things, and ultimately some of the things in it were used by our government to further hurt our minority populations.

Which parts of it are you in disagreement with?

Crime Bill?:lol: Trumpy* wants to microwave us to death if we don't die from the plague that no other country has first. <shrug>