1994 Crime Bill, Troll used against Biden and the Democrats as voter suppression tactic.

So let’s recap

You cry some absolute lie about how much Obama’s one vacation cost every year

Travisw corrected your lie and showed that the number you cited was actually trumps ridiculous $16 million dollar a month tab for playing golf

And yet you accuse everyone else of lying and being deluded

Are you starting to see why everyone hates you? It’s because you’re a delusional racist whos so brainwashed that you have no connection to reality anymore

You are beyond pathetic and project non stop
Yes lets recap..mine wont be so lengthy..
Youre a jobless drunk bc youre a narcissist. Check and mate. Mate bc apparently Im british . Kekkles
Yes lets recap..mine wont be so lengthy..
Youre a jobless drunk bc youre a narcissist.

Just like Trump and his followers. Ignore and evade the evidence provided, and project your own traits onto someone else.

What is it you have to say to the person that properly pointed out your lies? What do you have to say about Trump spending so much on himself? Why did you condemn one person (Obama) for what you *thought* he was doing, when really it was Trump wasting tremendous amounts of money for nothing?

Why can't you admit that you were wrong? Why are you entirely incapable of laying fault on the true person who deserves it?
People seem to be noticing that you are a racist sack of shit who projects her own faults into everyone else

So please keep talking, I want to know what else is fucked up in your life
You just explained yourself AGAIN lmao. Youre bitter your wife left you. But its no one elses fault but yours bud. Alcohol ruins peoples lives..not only yours but your kids. You know you are an awkward person socially. Thats why you sit infront of that pc all day n night drinking lashing out on others.
You and my ol mans ex should get together. She acts like a narcissist and drinks lile a fish too. Want to know why i habnt been replying as much... She stole the kid while drinking and gott into a car wreck and almost killed the kid. I hate you fucked up drunks! I will do what you do on here..you are now a kid killer because you drink. Howba daa you alcohol soaked mush brain.
You just explained yourself AGAIN lmao. Youre bitter your wife left you. But its no one elses fault but yours bud. Alcohol ruins peoples lives..not only yours but your kids. You know you are an awkward person socially. Thats why you sit infront of that pc all day n night drinking lashing out on others.
You and my ol mans ex should get together. She acts like a narcissist and drinks lile a fish too. Want to know why i habnt been replying as much... She stole the kid while drinking and gott into a car wreck and almost killed the kid. I hate you fucked up drunks! I will do what you do on here..you are now a kid killer because you drink. Howba daa you alcohol soaked mush brain.
All that hate could be fixed by using the ignore button.

For at least a decade a constant flow of hate trolls have been attacking this site causing people to increase the level of shit talking at each other. Because if you can get the right string of insults, at the right time, it will end any constructive conversation being had.

This is the exact goal of the Russians, to cause each 'side' to hate each other so much that they can't see strait.

Naa thats what you stand for ..repubs dont go around convincing ppl they are oppressed and victims..that they deserve reperations for their ancestors. Bahahah we want equal rights" gtfoh i bet you will vote for slimey joe because he thinks drunk driving is ok..which you do.
Setting aside the obvious for a bit, I was curious where you saw that Biden is for Drunk Driving.

One of the things the Russian's have been doing very well since at least 2014 is setting up websites that seem like legitimate sources of information, but are really just propaganda sites. In these sites they can highlight stories that fit into their narrative and insert false information here and there that gets buried in the legitimate news.

But the real genius of it is they can do 2 things:
1. Insert cookies on your computer which they can use to follow what stories you care about and spend the most time reading, and then follow you around to see what the other sites are you frequent.

2. Use the comment section as a troll starter kit. This is where they get to mangle the story into what they want it to be when someone real actually posts in them. That is when they can start doing the back and forth with sock puppets like we talked about earlier. And once they have the information about who you are (from the FB data that Trump gave the Russians), what stories you care about most (from the stories you read/comment), what other sites you visit (from cookies), and how you respond to trolls attacking you, they have everything they need to make sure you are 'nudged' into a information bubble.
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All that hate could be fixed by using the ignore button.

For at least a decade a constant flow of hate trolls have been attacking this site causing people to increase the level of shit talking at each other. Because if you can get the right string of insults, at the right time, it will end any constructive conversation being had.

This is the exact goal of the Russians, to cause each 'side' to hate each other so much that they can't see strait.

Setting aside the obvious for a bit, I was curious where you saw that Biden is for Drunk Driving.

One of the things the Russian's have been doing very well since at least 2014 is setting up websites that seem like legitimate sources of information, but are really just propaganda sites. In these sites they can use to highlight stories that fit into their narrative and insert false information here and there that gets buried in the legitimate news.

But the real genius of it is they can do 2 things:
1. Insert cookies on your computer which they can use to follow what stories you care about and spend the most time reading, and then follow you around to see what the other sites are you frequent.

2. Use the comment section as a troll starter kit. This is where they get to mangle the story into what they want it to be when someone real actually posts in them. That is when they can start doing the back and forth with sock puppets like we talked about earlier. And once they have the information about who you are (from the FB data that Trump gave the Russians), what stories you care about most (from the stories you read/comment), what other sites you visit (from cookies), and how you respond to trolls attacking you, they have everything they need to make sure you are 'nudged' into a information bubble.
Agreed agreed..the 1st part. About the Russians...i dont doubt it. I read a story 1x about a guy that was paid by the gov to sit at a pc all day and make conspiracy theorist go nuts..so i wouodnt doubt the same thing is happening in politics. This site is ran by a hateful political nutjob..so as long as they see him act like shit they think its ok. Then the nepotism.
Let me find the biden clip..

This guy is just weird

And dont get me wrong, trump is weird also. But i believe he has the ppls in his best interest. Id take a business man to be pres over and life long politician. But not Madoff lol. You know what i mean
Agreed agreed..the 1st part. About the Russians...i dont doubt it. I read a story 1x about a guy that was paid by the gov to sit at a pc all day and make conspiracy theorist go nuts..so i wouodnt doubt the same thing is happening in politics. This site is ran by a hateful political nutjob..so as long as they see him act like shit they think its ok. Then the nepotism.
Let me find the biden clip..
The Russian Military funded an army of trolls starting in 2014, they even sent spies to America to collect data on what Americans cared about, pictures, etc. to use in their scams. They had direct contact with over 100million Americans leading up to the 2016 election.

Screen Shot 2019-10-08 at 7.32.47 PM.png

The FBI shows that the building below was bought for the IRA troll farm, basically just a building full of online trolls used to attack our democracy:


Here is a picture someone snapped inside:


A decent story on what is going on with the understanding the news had in 2018. They have not really grasped the full weight of every website with a comment section being attacked by the Russians/Saudi Arabians/Chinese cult/etc, but they are getting it more and more now:

Since you have family it is important to understand they are attacking children on their online games/chat groups too. And they are soulless. Any vulnerability that they can find is being exploited.

This guy is just weird

And dont get me wrong, trump is weird also. But i believe he has the ppls in his best interest. Id take a business man to be pres over and life long politician. But not Madoff lol. You know what i mean
Is drunk driving a felony? I never got caught so don't really know. But it would suck to get pulled over after having a couple drinks and being ripped away from your family.

Ill need to watch the whole speech:
He starts at 2:54:00
The Russian Military funded an army of trolls starting in 2014, they even sent spies to America to collect data on what Americans cared about, pictures, etc. to use in their scams. They had direct contact with over 100million Americans leading up to the 2016 election.

View attachment 4468442

The FBI shows that the building below was bought for the IRA troll farm, basically just a building full of online trolls used to attack our democracy:


Here is a picture someone snapped inside:


A decent story on what is going on with the understanding the news had in 2018. They have not really grasped the full weight of every website with a comment section being attacked by the Russians/Saudi Arabians/Chinese cult/etc, but they are getting it more and more now:

Since you have family it is important to understand they are attacking children on their online games/chat groups too. And they are soulless. Any vulnerability that they can find is being exploited.
I wish we could block their internet. But like ya said, they are here..they always been here. I seen what they do to their own people..and they have hayed us since forver. They know one thing deep down and that is we are alot smarter than they are thats why they dont fux with us.
I wish we could block their internet. But like ya said, they are here..they always been here. I seen what they do to their own people..and they have hayed us since forver. They know one thing deep down and that is we are alot smarter than they are thats why they dont fux with us.
Any time I start to think I am too smart to fall for their attack, I think about this video:

We are very programmable.

Also they really attack the most vulnerable in our society:

People like:
MAGA bomber

Pizzagate shooter:

And it is not just them, they are the ones that were most affected by the Russian hate propaganda (our most vulnerable), but you get things like this video:

Where the Russians were able to start protests in America, on both sides.
Is drunk driving a felony? I never got caught so don't really know. But it would suck to get pulled over after having a couple drinks and being ripped away from your family.

Ill need to watch the whole speech:
He starts at 2:54:00
Eck..i tried ro start watching that whole thing..i just cant. They act like they care about colored folks but oppress them. It makes me ill. Womens rights shit, same deal. Its very toxic.
Eck..i tried ro start watching that whole thing..i just cant. They act like they care about colored folks but oppress them. It makes me ill. Womens rights shit, same deal. Its very toxic.

It is hard to watch stuff you believe is wrong, but I would point to the below picture to show that the Democrats are the Not Only Wealthy White Heterosexual Male party. We need people from every community to come together as a country. The Republicans have been running on the Southern Strategy since the Civil Rights Era. We need every community to do well in our country to be as successful as possible.

It is hard to watch stuff you believe is wrong, but I would point to the below picture to show that the Democrats are the Not Only Wealthy White Heterosexual Male party. We need people from every community to come together as a country. The Republicans have been running on the Southern Strategy since the Civil Rights Era. We need every community to do well in our country to be as successful as possible.

I myself if put into the position to hire a unqualified person bc it will balance the race in my company. I cant do that. I would hire based on skills. And idiots come in all colors.
I myself if put into the position to hire a unqualified person bc it will balance the race in my company. I cant do that. I would hire based on skills. And idiots come in all colors.
Of course you shouldn't hire someone who can't do the job well.

But I have hired enough people to know you never know if they will suck or not until it is too late. There is no crystal ball on how good someone is, you can only hope for the best. The problem is people tend to have racial/gender bias and are unable to see someone who is not a white guy being able to do as good of a job enough to get past their prejudices.

Until very recently this was made even worse by actual government sanctioned laws to discriminate against people of color and women, to the point that we still are dealing with the old 'Leave it to Beaver' ideal of America.
Just like Trump and his followers. Ignore and evade the evidence provided, and project your own traits onto someone else.

What is it you have to say to the person that properly pointed out your lies? What do you have to say about Trump spending so much on himself? Why did you condemn one person (Obama) for what you *thought* he was doing, when really it was Trump wasting tremendous amounts of money for nothing?

Why can't you admit that you were wrong? Why are you entirely incapable of laying fault on the true person who deserves it?
Dude we will never know what they really spend..who gives a fk really. I dont have issues with what the pres spends ir what past pres spends..its all kinda outragous and we dont have a say . One of those $20 cupcakes sounds good right about now. Trump stop spending money on bs! There happy?
Of course you shouldn't hire someone who can't do the job well.

But I have hired enough people to know you never know if they will suck or not until it is too late. There is no crystal ball on how good someone is, you can only hope for the best. The problem is people tend to have racial/gender bias and are unable to see someone who is not a white guy being able to do as good of a job enough to get past their prejudices.

Until very recently this was made even worse by actual government sanctioned laws to discriminate against people of color and women, to the point that we still are dealing with the old 'Leave it to Beaver' ideal of America.
What if....yyou had 2 male applicants. 1 black: just out of college, no experience, but has a degree.
Other app: white man, all the experience, no degree.
Would you you pick the white or black guy? Jc
What if....yyou had 2 male applicants. 1 black: just out of college, no experience, but has a degree.
Other app: white man, all the experience, no degree.
Would you you pick the white or black guy? Jc
What is the job?

I had a job opening where I had taken the time and found 4 really strong candidates (it was a sales type job). The owner of the company I worked for had me hire this other guy who had a stellar resume', looked the part, super nice guy with a friendly demeanor, very successful family, college degrees, etc. After interviewing him though I felt something was not right.

I told my boss that either he is everything he appears to be on paper and we are just a stepping stone for him to go to another career after being here for a couple months, or what I sensed was the case and he was just not quite there. They made me hire him instead of one of the other people I had thought would be better fits.

He was one of the nicest guys, but absolutely horrible at damn near everything. He showed up on time and was super friendly, but just clueless and flighty causing me to have to go behind him and spend hours fixing almost everything he touched.

My question back at you (if you feel I didn't answer your question I apologize, I just don't have enough information based on what you mentioned) is if you have two guys with the same basic qualifications and one is black and one is white who would you choose?
What is the job?

I had a job opening where I had taken the time and found 4 really strong candidates (it was a sales type job). The owner of the company I worked for had me hire this other guy who had a stellar resume', looked the part, super nice guy with a friendly demeanor, very successful family, college degrees, etc. After interviewing him though I felt something was not right.

I told my boss that either he is everything he appears to be on paper and we are just a stepping stone for him to go to another career after being here for a couple months, or what I sensed was the case and he was just not quite there. They made me hire him instead of one of the other people I had thought would be better fits.

He was one of the nicest guys, but absolutely horrible at damn near everything. He showed up on time and was super friendly, but just clueless and flighty causing me to have to go behind him and spend hours fixing almost everything he touched.

My question back at you (if you feel I didn't answer your question I apologize, I just don't have enough information based on what you mentioned) is if you have two guys with the same basic qualifications and one is black and one is white who would you choose?
Ughg i had that same situation. My boss demanded he stay on the payroll reguardless of his shiity work ethic because he thought the gpuy was " nice" . Then he costed him alot of money on a major fkup.
Does it matter what the job is?
Im just curious if you would pick the black guy withno exp to show everyone you are not racist. It seems thats what it come to. I dont agree with this at all and I surely dont care what others think
Ughg i had that same situation. My boss demanded he stay on the payroll reguardless of his shiity work ethic because he thought the gpuy was " nice" . Then he costed him alot of money on a major fkup.
Does it matter what the job is?
Im just curious if you would pick the black guy withno exp to show everyone you are not racist. It seems thats what it come to. I dont agree with this at all and I surely dont care what others think
This guy at one point puked right on a ladies shoes. I mean how the fuck does a grown man not know enough to turn their head and not puke directly onto a person. I swear I have PTSD because after a couple years of dealing with it on a daily basis whenever my phone rings I get that cringe feeling like something is wrong.

If it was a sales job, or something that didn't require some formal knowledge I would have no problem hiring the Black guy without a degree over a white guy with one, because I would have to train them to do the work anyways.

Now if it was to do my taxes, sure I would not hire someone without a accounting degree.

But there are so many factors, what is the work history, do they have a family (more dedicated worker usually), etc.

I think the real point of this conversation however is looking at the history of our country.

Until the 70's what was the likelihood of a black person being able to get a college degree? Pretty low with the laws at the time. Knowing that it is less likely that someone without a college degree to understand the need enough to know what to push their kid to do to get a college degree leads to the next generation (who may well do much better than the previous) to achieve that level of education. on and on.

We are at a point that there is still too large of a economic gap between minority and white communities because of our government's legal suppression of the minority communities and centuries of devastation racist white people have caused them.