1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Oor man in Tenerife will no be happy lol. he'll be asking if he has to run a competition just to see us.
enjoy geez.
Might be worthwhile snipping it off. Grape growers cut back some of the grapes in a bunch so as the fruit grows biggers.... so you never know...could be mammoth bud in the end.
hahaha Ive had colas like that and if u take them out the super hot part of the tent they grow round it as if not much happened.
I'd snip it off. It could be a mold trap at this time of year and with high humidity. That's my thoughts on the matter. Looking real nice and chocka in there. You'll be in there with the bamboo and cable ties in a few weeks lol
I'd snip it off. It could be a mold trap at this time of year and with high humidity. That's my thoughts on the matter. Looking real nice and chocka in there. You'll be in there with the bamboo and cable ties in a few weeks lol
yeah I was moving them about to water this morning and they're going to need staking real soon..
I have a 6 inch blowing in from one end and a 6 inch port open with duct going to the cracked open window, I was thinking I could move that ducting to feed into the bottom of the tent but that would only be a marginal improvement i reckon. I'll put another fan in at the bottom of the other end blowing in and see if that makes a big difference. I've the veg tent in the same room which has my cloner in it currently too which is putting the RH right up. Either way i need to sort it before the buds turn squishy. which isn;t happening soon as the leaves are curling in a bit this morning, like taco's. :roll:
So I ordered some cucumber lemon pips online and forgot about them coming as they came from china it took an age. they've turned up and the grow instructions are awesome...

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