1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

An old guy once told me you only get a bucketful...

So the fan is in place and lights have just come on. It's on half power and the tent is no longer concave. Bit worried about it not having negative pressure but we'll see how the have reads in the morning. Unless my gaff is stinking before then...
I was going to hook it to a timer to run just at lights on and the dehumidifier when lights off but I think the next step is a bigger vortex fan/filter with a speed controller and temp sensor. I'll need it when it gets to summer for deffo if I'm struggling now ffs.
New fan brought the temp down by 3c on half power setting but made the room a bit smelly. It didn't smell outside the room though so it's a workaround for now.
Are they autopot res's? Are you doing auto pots this go?

All looking mighty fine.
Aye they are. I'm just using them to grandstand stuff. I'm gonna bin valves n shit. never gonna use them again. Ive a full one pot auto pot system sat unused in my living room as I've no space for it. No one I know needs a one pot hydro system few dunno what I was thinking.
they are buggers for over watering as well.
looks like a nice crop ahead lad.
my dogs look like shit but the nugs are rock solid frosttastic.
Yeah it's already rust spotting and yellow. It'll be binned soon likely. Real estate needs etc haha.

Yeah I think I'll do 8 in the tent from now forwards. Seems the right number though I've 3 fireballs mums that need potting up and flipping I'm going to use a corner for them.
Psycho' s are leading the charge atm. Only a couple of the fireballs have shoots but they're the bigger foliage one up top.

Gonna get the mother's upcanned and flipped today. They'll be mostly for percy and hitting with pollen.