1st Grow 1st SCROG pics!

fucking awesome man cutting on 420! woot woot! hope everyone had a good one. i kinda had the same problen with the ll 420. had to chop and get everythang out. but it really feels good to get it all out and not be worried anymore. but new setup is coming soon. no scrog, ganna go sog, u know give that a try see how it works. great job budday!

but damn man, your shit doesnt look really done yet. top nugs are getting there but not yet. sucks u got heat and ll probs bro. if u got time, cut the top nugs, then let the bottom go for another week or so. thats what i did. i took all my done top nugs, then let the rest of the bottom nugs that were still realy clear trich and white pistiled go for another 5 days of flush then 3 days of darkness with no water. the more finished nugs were so much better. smaller but better.

did you cut!?
3 rd week flowering!
Ok the plants are filling the screen the tops seem to have a few leaves. Should I get rid of the leaves at the top of the colas or the leaves above the screen or none?
great job man. evrybody loves a scrogger! what sort of yield from a 3x3 screen??
Well depends on the strain and how long you Vegg. the plant etc. I got about 3 ozers from that plant.It was in a 3 gallon bucket (due to space) so she was small. I would use a 5 or 7 gallon if you have room. Vegg for a long time and you get a nice yield...