1st grow, 400whps White Rhino


Active Member
Better to test it by it's weight at this stage. if it's light water a bit. It's good to water from the bottom too. Just let sit in a shallow bowl of water for 5-60 secs. depending on soil type. Top watering if fine too. Looking good.


Well-Known Member
I had something different to this. Mine was big but wouldn't grow. After i pull it out i notice there wasn't any roots at the end. Just a pointy stem/root.


Active Member
nahh man jus a regular old 400hps, i dont mind leave the door open a crack, its on from 6am-midnight so it doesnt mess wit my sleep.
and extractor fan is what i meant


Active Member
I just started a grow with 2 plants using (1 white rhino and 1 nypd). 400w hps/mh light. I will start a journal as well. The roots just sprouted yesterday. Definitely subscribing to this thread.


Active Member
This girl is a week old yesterday

this is a week old wensday

this girl a week on tuesday

and this is my 5 week old

lol just to show you yes your doing good great job man just be patient. this is my first grow so we all learn together any help let me know


Active Member
what lighting you using on them man, ive been lookin at other grows old the same timeline as mine & some like yours seem way further along,gonna get some better equip* in about a 3weeks


Active Member
Sorry about the late respone I am using a grand total of 5 25 watt cfls a splitter on my big one and the others have there own
what lighting you using on them man, ive been lookin at other grows old the same timeline as mine & some like yours seem way further along,gonna get some better equip* in about a 3weeks


Active Member
Gettin tha new bulb 2moro,emmmmm more blu/white light,gimme dat!!!!!!,
plants lookin well today,leaf's bigger again with the lil new ones gettin more developed,
realy rich colour to


Active Member

Wats the Craic(hi,if u aint irish)
here we are on day 12, got my new blub in there today.Gib Lighting fs extreme output 58,000lumens with 30% extra r enhanced blue light, nom nom nom. The runt finally has sprouted up to say hello to her potential sisters.
anyway let me kno what you think, thanks



Well-Known Member
They look awesome man! but you really gotta take care of those temps soon! you say you have an extractor fan...do you have an intake...or passive at least???
