1st Grow DWC 400watt growbox LST


Well-Known Member
Just used 14 gal of RO water from the store.
3ml/gal of Cal-Mag Plus (recommended says 5)
8ml/gal Pure Blend Pro Grow (recommended is 10)
7.5ml/gal Liquid Karma (recommended is 10)

PH 5.5

So im doing it a little low, trying to see where it takes the PH what the plants take more of, water or food. plan on letting the PH drift up to 6.0.
better have too little than to burn them right?
one of the plants (the bogglegum that has been with me longer) has 2 little roots comming down into the water! YAY! :D im sure the other isnt far behind. im using same water level (1inch into the pot) until more there is more roots down.

picture update comming later on. gotta go to a great elctro show tnight!


Well-Known Member
here are some pictures of the little bugs i found hiding in my hydroton. other than that. PH has balanced. everything is looking smooth so far. here is some pictures also of the LST progress right before lights went out. im going to re-tie them when the lights come back on later today.

I've got roooots. theres more coming out the side too. the other plant hasnt got em yet, but i know i will SOON :)

until later. thanks :) questions and/or comments are welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Diggity! :)
anyone else watching? I need some company! :)

and now for the update:
I haven't had much of a chance to update for the last 2 days. But the good thing is, LOTS OF GROWTH! The plants seem to be coming VERY well. They are loving the nute levels as far as I can tell. Drank a gallon between thursday and today, so I refilled the the res level today back to the mark, When I change out the water in the res. later this week I think I will be lowering the level now completely out of the pots. I've been monitoring the growth and re-tying the LST as needed. Side growth is getting crazy. Especially since so many roots have came out of the pot now. The bogglegum has more roots as it has been around a few days longer than the Hindu Skunk, BUT the Hindu Skunk finally has roots out of the pot and i expect ALOT to be out in the next day or 2. Once one hits that water they start coming out like crazy! literally within a day they double maybe even more. PH level has been stable at 6.0. only had to adjust today to 5.5 because I topped off the res. and this way it can float up as the plants eat food. Plan on switching to flower oct 11th or 18th. stay tuned.

Well now for some pics so you can see whats up. :)

Questions or Comments? I love talking to people :) dont leave me hangin!
check my babies out as i enjoy some fine herbs. bongsmilie

Bogglegum (after re-tying):

Hindu Skunk (after re-tying):


The Box:


Well-Known Member
there has been more excessive growth and now 3 long roots comming out of the hindu. so things are looking gooood! i will post pics tomorrow as the lights have only been on for 3 hours today. so in the morning tomorrow before lights go off im sure i will have lots more growth! things are starting to move really fast.

i have a feeling my res isnt completely light proof. so im going to fix that this week when i change out the water. some of the longer roots are getting some dirty stuff on them thats in the res. not alot but i dont what to get root rot.


Well-Known Member
am I all alone here? :(

I just checked all my stuff before lights just went out. PH was a little high, meaning the plants are eating lots of food. I think the older plant with more roots is hogging all the nutes right now. the hindu skunk is slowly catching up though! It is showing a slight N Deficiency, which is why I figure the one with more roots and nice solid dark green is taking all the food right now, SO the nute level was low so i refilled the res with a gallon of 100% nute solution, ive been cutting it low, but i think they can handle more. especially since the hindu skunk needs a little extra since the bogglegum is being a hog right now. PH is set back at 5.8 now. everything is looking good.

Do you guys thing I did the right thing in order to help out the hindu?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply. i was actually thinking of doing that, im going to look more at those links and see what i can do, though my roots have completely came down into the water.


Well-Known Member
hey ads...had to stop on by and see what you've got cookin'

ladies look nice...filling out nicely and the shoots are going vertical which is nice...

I have feeder tubes in my DWC (aka bubbleponic system) and the roots that shot outta my big plant was amazing...literally overnight...i think the feeder tubes makes a HUGE difference...


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by :)
yeah i considered the feeder tubes, how offten do you run your pumps? I am considering adding them. if not this grow forsure on the next.

So, the hindu skunk, the smaller plant, is showing an N deficiency, since the other plant has so many roots in the water, and it only has 4 long ones, the other plant i think is taking more food, how can i help this one out? it has 2 leaves that are turning really yellow, and it isnt growing nearly as fast.


Well-Known Member
FEEDER TUBES will fix your problem you will not have to worry about if one plant is getting more than the others and run the pumps all the time


Well-Known Member
And i just control how much is tripped to the top of the plants? i do have a water pump already, so all i really need is the tube and sprayers or droppers?


Well-Known Member
i would go through the side instead of the top but still keep it near the top of the side check out some of rosemans threads


Well-Known Member
alright, ill look into this. especially if the hindu skunk doesnt pick up. the bogglegum is dark green and growing like crazy, i have only had the hindu skunk for one week though, so im expecting it to pick up. def can kick up my nutes a lil bit when i change out the res.


Well-Known Member
Not to worry, the other one will catch up when the roots get substantial. And I dont think your plants are big enough to take all the N in that big res, it just needs roots in the water.

The feeder tubes do make a big difference in the first 3-4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
ok cool. well the little one has like 3 roots in the water soon to be more. slowly catching up. it is about 6 days younger. the longest tap root now has many lateral roots comming out. so i think its set for a growth spurt just how the other plant did.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of going to get some new airstones today, i have 2 6inch ones, but I think I have store credit and think i wanna have 2 12inch ones. any thoughts on that? or those round disk ones? more air=better for plants right? I'm also thinking of getting an irrigation hub to connect feeding tubes/bubbleponics. thoughts on that?

I would be returning an extra air pump i bought actually, and already have a water pump.

Big L i know you'll like this idea lol.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah man.

Well today, I went ahead and got 2 new 12 inch air stones...ALOT more bubbles now. :) I changed out the water in the res. and rewrapped it so now it is completely light proof ! I filled the res. to touching the bottoms of the net pots now, so they arent really submerged much anymore. This is just until the roots in the younger plant come out more. They should be coming soon. The bogglegum on the other hand (one week older) has a ton of roots and is going crazy! so they should be balancing out this week forsure. last week I had no roots coming down, now i have tons! (see pics) Well thats mostly all i have for now. pics will explain themselves.

12 Gallons tap water.
10ml/gallon Pure Blend Pro Grow
3ml/gallon Cal-Mag Plus
10ml/gallon Liquid Karma
PH 5.5 (letting drift up and balance at 6.0)
Room temp. 80 F Lights on. 70-75 F Lights Off.

Questions? comments? input? I Love talking to people :) don't leave me hangin!

Now for the Pictures!!

Hindu Skunk- The younger one at the moment, slowly catching up, some yellowing in the older leaves, looks kind of droopy but really isn't, its just bent over from the LST.

The Bogglegum. my pride and joy at the moment. but I know the other will be my pride later.
