1st Indoor Grow, New Tent,600 Watt Duel Spec.HPS, Fan&Filter AK47+more coming


Well-Known Member
Hello to you All :bigjoint:
After having my 1st Test Run at growing outside in a greenhouse this year with a lot of problems i've finally spent a few £££'s on a New Grow Tent, 600 Watt Duel Spectrum Light, 4" TT Fan & Carbon Filter, and some Bio Bizz Grow/Bloom Fert's, Neem Oil + More. I've also bought an Air Pump & Water Pump but they will be for another grow ;-) And i'm still waiting for a Few more bits to be Delivered.
Here is my Tent 120x120x200cm.120x120x200 Grow Tent £60 from ebay.jpg
It cost me £62 on ebay and looks and feels like quite good quality 600Dx600D (plus i liked the colour lol...)
On the 21 Nov. i Started an AK47 Fem. and a Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunk Fem. in a paper towel, on the 23rd Nov. they both had a Tap Root about an inch long and potted them in a 60/40 Soil & Perlite Mix 9cm pots. This is a Pic after 15 Days of the AK47.IMGP1323.jpg
The Next Pic. is Nasty... After 1 Night and 45 Min's under the 600 Watt the night before The Pineapple Chunk had Dried Up and Died. IMGP1322.jpg
OUCH!!!! 12" was too close for my Baby's under the light... I Won't be doing that again...
I was having problems with heat at the time 88/92F Daytime Temp's as i was still waiting to get a Fan.
I've Also Moved the Ballast outside of the tent.
Next Pic's are from the 20th Nov. with Fan's and Filters fitted and Temp's are at 82F Day, 70F Night & RH 42%
I gave them 2 Litres to drink After taking these Pic's and they now look much better. I Also moved the light up about 3" as they were showing a little Heat Stress.
I'm not going to need as much help as i needed on the Outside Grow But any Advice will be Very much appreciated if you think i'm doing something wrong or you know a Better way of doing things;-)
As the Rest of my NEW Equipment Turns up i'll start updating a bit more but it won't be too long before i'll put my little Baby on 12/12.
I'm just going to get a Pineapple Chunk started and Veg it for 2 weeks then Flower them Both.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, the only advice I would have given "which you learned the hard way already," is to start with the light further up and slowly lower it. Other than that its looking pretty healthy and the temps seem perfect!

What nutes you using?


Well-Known Member
Hello SmeLLyTreez. I've bought a Few Different Fert's like BioBiz Grow and BioBiz Bloom and i'll tell you all the rest of my New Supply's Tomorrow as it's 3.51AM and i've just got into bed lol...
I've just got the Basics at the moment as money is still tight and will still have to improvise a few bits and pieces but Hay, life ain't Perfect and i like a Challenge every now and then lol... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Honestly, you've started off with a solid setup from what I can tell :) I'll do my best to help ya along the way!!


Well-Known Member
Here is some more of the Equipment that i have bought for my Indoor Grow. TT100 (4") Inline Fan, 5 Meters of Ducting and Carbon Filter (with 18 Month Warranty from ebay all for £50.00). IMGP1378.jpg
And today my 12" Oscillating Fan turned up £9.99 ebay :-) (you can see it in the background with my Girl).
And here are the Fert's and stuff that i've started to use (again from ebay Cheap), (Their working Much Better than the Tomato Fert's from my Summer Green House Grow) :-) IMGP1377.jpg
As soon as the rest of my Fert's get here i'll let you know Because i Can't remember what i've bought... lol...
And here is my Little Lady Taken earlier today in a 7.5 litre pot ;-) (NOT from ebay lol....) IMGP1367.jpgIMGP1369.jpgIMGP1370.jpg
Well So far i've Spent around £200.00 (Approx $420) on everything (including the 5x AK47/5x Pineapple Chunk).
All i'm waiting for also is the Pineapple Chunk to Germinate so i can start Flowering them both?


Well-Known Member
Very nice, thats not bad at all considering what you will save yourself! 3 questions, What soil are you using, how long are you vegging and what pots do you plan on flowering in?


Well-Known Member
I had 3 Grow Bags left over from last year in the Garage (14/15 Months Old) and they have turned out to be some Very Nice Fine Soil now they have Rotted down quite a bit, Then Mixed 60/40 with Perlite/Vermiculite (20% of each). In the 7.5Litre pot it drains/Feeds in about 3.5 Days till Nearly Dry.
I was going to Veg for 3 to 4 Weeks But the Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunks are being a Pain in the Arse to Germinate so as soon as it does i'll let it grow for a week then straight into 12/12 for both of them. I Topped the AK47 at the weekend so it will need about a week to settle down. Whatever Happens though, I'm going to put them in to Flower on the 29th Nov. (Might do another AK47 just to fill the tent 12/12 from start)?
As for the Pots... I was going to stick with the 7.5Ltr but because it's been in Veg for so long I'll have to put the AK47 into a bigger Pot.( Maybe 10/14 Ltr) The New seeds will go straight into 7.5 Ltr's though.
Again... This is Just a Test run to see how i get on with an Indoor Grow and to work out how my Equipment and Fert's Perform. (And i've not had a Joint since last Xmas as my last grow was Stolen from my Shed while Drying).
As you can see, She is getting Bigger by the Day ;-)
I've had to tie her down in a few places as she was a little squashed up. She's got the WHOLE TENT to Herself but didn’t want to have a stretch lol...
AND No More Heat Stress ;-)

If Your wondering What the 3 little pot's i'm growing are? It's Golden Virginia Tobacco, I'll be Re-Potting them at the weekend and put them in the Kitchen (There is about 34 of them in the 3 pot's)(I need a Bigger Window lol...)
Let me know what you think if you have any advice or help?
Or make my Head Swell and tell me how Well i'm Doing ;-) lol...


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, Seems like you pretty much have it under control at this point! Are you Testing Ph in your water?

Personally I would fill as much as you can in that tent! Use as much of that light up as possible :) 12/12 from seed plants can be considered a waste but you can still get some nice Buds on them! I pulled around 15g's out of party cups 12/12 from seed on an unknown strain! If you have the room a say give it a go. Sorry to hear about the last crop, thats sucks bad!!

Lmk if you have any questions, it looks like you pretty much have it covered. So how many plants are you thinking of running total?


Well-Known Member
Hiya ST. Yes I am using a New Digital pH Meter and the pH is 6.8
I've got a 14 Litre Bucket with Tap Water in it and a New Aquarium Air Pump running 24/7 for Extra O2 ;-)
The water is pH 7.2 straight out of the tap but i always leave it for a minimum of 24 Hrs before i use it and it goes down to pH 6.8 at room temperature.
I've also Ordered:
Digital PPM Meter (or whatever they are called?)
Grandma Enggy's H2 (Humic Acid) 50ml
Advance Nutrients CarboLoad & BigBud 50grm of each, Sample Fert's (Very Cheap on ebay but enough for a Good Grow or 2?).
3 x PowerPlus (3120 Watt) Timers for my Lights,Fans & stuff
10 x 10Ltr (3 US Gallons) Plant Pots (The Plastic Bag type)
and the rest of this list will give you an Idea of where I’m going next after this grow:
230 Litre Per Hour Water/Air Pump
There's the Air Pump as I said above (I think it was 260 Litre's per Hour?)
6 x Air Stones
1 x 4 Way CO2 Switch Valve
10 x 1 Way Air Valve's (it was Cheaper to buy 10 than it was to buy 2.)
5 Meters of Air Line
And there is still a few more bits to come but i can't remember what i ordered?
I'm going to put the AK47 Into one of the 10ltr pot's when they get here (approx Monday)
And i'm going to start 2 more AK47 Tonight ;-) and hopefully 1 of the Pineapple Chunk will germinate to make 4/5 Plants in Total then put them all into Flower on the 12th December. (that should be about 2 weeks Veg for the new seeds & 6/7 weeks for the AK47 Above).
How is this sounding so far???
I Should got a Good Oz. at least don't you think??? lol.... ;-)
If you have any Advice At All Please feel Free to Shout Out ;-)
I Have NO ROOM at all for a Veg room so will have to do 1 Grow at a time. DAM....


Well-Known Member
Hello BC.
I had thought about doing that but then again, if i grow enough now with 4 plants to last me till the end of Next Summer that will give me a chance to do another Outside Grow and Improve on this years poor performance in my Greenhouse. Although it was my First time at Growing and it Couldn't have got any worse lol...
I Might even take a Few Clones of the AK47 tomorrow and make a temporary Veg room under a table in the Spare Room with CFL's.
How Big do AK47's Get? How many can i get into my tent?
Loads of Questions but no answers yet.... Time for MORE Research i think ;-)


Well-Known Member
Its really easy to build a little veg cab, or you could just do the 12/12 from seed perpetual, its all up to you! Either would be good, the setup looks great! I would think about how many you want to fit in your tent and what size pots and go from there. If you could do a 2 week veg in party cups under cfl's in a cardboard box and then throw them into there big pots and into flowering that would be ideal imo..


Well-Known Member
Hi ST. I've just Ordered 2M x 1.2M of that New type of Silver Mylar from ebay for a Couple of Quid/Buck's and i'm going to make a little Half Meter x Half Meter Square Room for Veg. I've already taken 3 Clones from the AK47 and i've Finally Sprouted 1 of the Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk Fem's ;-) She is 24Hrs Old and an Inch Tall... Happy Days... and they are under a couple of 20Watt CFL's
I'm NOT going to Cook Her this time, I Think i'll leave her in Veg a little longer to Harden up a bit as well.
What i'm thinking now though is to keep 1 AK47 Clone and the Pineapple Chunk as Mothers and just take a Clone every 2 weeks or so?
Now i've got some Half Decent Growing Gear my thoughts are running wild with what i can do and at the moment my Brain can't Cope with all the NEW Idea's lol.... :-) I Think i've got too much Time on my hand's Ha Ha...
I've got 10 x 10Liter pots coming Mon/Tue Hopefully and i've also got about 6/7- 7.5Litre pots in the Garage so i'm not short of pots to Finish in and i've also got 3 x 14 Litre Buckets that i can Drill some Drainage holes into if i want. I know there not huge but should be enough to keep me going till i can sort some more cash out.
I'm going to knock the 12/12 from seed on the head i think as there is no point in trying to Rush things as that's what causes problems and i've had More than my fair share of them this year lol....
I'm just going to take it Nice and Easy ;-)

Another New Update on my Shopping List....
120ml of SuperThrive. I've seen a Lot of people here on RIU saying they are using it and how good it is as well as a few other MJ Websites, and it's good for the rest of the Garden and House Plants apparently? It's got to be worth a try :-)

If You were going to Finish in a 7.5 Litre pot, How long would you Veg for Roughly???
Also Thank You for your Ideas and Help ;-) It's Very much Appreciated.
I tend to Struggle a little bit due to the Very Strong Opiate Based Pain killers that i'm on as they cause so many side affects, I don't know if i'm comming or going sometimes. So if i repeat myself or i Don't make Any Sense just tell me to bugger off ;-)


Well-Known Member
I feel you on the painkillers, i was prescribed high dosage morphine for a year and a half. I feel like that year was lost to me, cause I cant remember a thing!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi BC. I've been on them since just before last Christmas and haven’t got a clue what has happened since i started taking them? so i know how you feel ;-)
I can be Talking to someone about "whatever" and half way through the conversation completely forget what i'm talking about? It Drives me Nuts sometimes and is So Frustrating!!! It can be the same when Writing/Typing and takes Twice as long to do anything.
BUT Most of all, I'm missing my Friday Night Beer out with the Lad's because the Tablets are STRICTLY NO ALCOHOL UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES as they can cause a Heart Attack :-(


Well-Known Member
Sounds good brotha, as fOr the pot size you should be good with 4-6 week veg but I'm running 2 gal which is very close and I'm pushing them at the moment with a couple black berries I've been vegging under cfl's :)

I've been doing it this way, take clones right before flower 2 off each! Root them 2-4 weeks till growth shows. Then the have another 4-6 weeks of veg and I repeat the process! The mothers idea would play out well too but it's all a matter of preference, let us know what u decide!


Well-Known Member
Those Black Berries are Looking Good Enough To Eat ;-) I'll have a read about them later on today from Start to Finish, Even more so coz i've always wanted to try a Vanilla Kush :-)
I would Love to be able to Smell your Grow Room now!!! It must Smell Amazing ;-)


Well-Known Member
Those Black Berries are Looking Good Enough To Eat ;-) I'll have a read about them later on today from Start to Finish, Even more so coz i've always wanted to try a Vanilla Kush :-)
I would Love to be able to Smell your Grow Room now!!! It must Smell Amazing ;-)
Its funny you say that, I just had them out and they where all perked up and looking amazing! Those girls are ready to go in flowering, just waiting on these auto's to finish lol.. Yea the VK has been great so far, I'll let you know how it is when its all said and done :) I have a couple top strains I'm trying these next couple grows, I'm excited to get things cured lol!


Well-Known Member
Here's a Picture Update for my 36 Day Old AK47. I think She is looking good so far and she is Drinking about 3 Litre's every 4 days. You can see a few gaps now where i have taken 3 Clones from her but the speed she is growing it won't be long till she fills the space's. I'm just waiting for my 10 Litre pots to come then i can Re-Pot her.
The 3 Clones are now a couple of days old and are looking good also. The Pineapple Chunk is growing about 1" a day and will soon be to big for the Propagator but as she is Stretching quite badly i'll Re-Pot her and most of her Stem and that will give me a few more days in the Propagator again. I'll get a few Pic's of the Clones and the PC Today or Tomorrow sometime.
The Heat problem is slowly creeping back due to the Heating being on so i'll have to try and sort that out fast but otherwise looking good ;-) if i say so myself lol...
I bet that last sentence comes back and Bites me on the Arse..lol :-)