1st Timer! "Reggie" Guerilla Grow, All Good Advice is Readily Accepted!

maybe i missed it but how many plants are you planning on putting out?

the reason i ask is because we are in the same region, meaning that right now its pretty warm compared to all the northern people.

i just put out my 2nd plot today. i would consider myself to be in OK shape, couldn't run a marathon or win a weightlifting competition but i can run a mile and lift my own weight no problem.....carrying soil and nutes and tools through the woods up and down hills etc etc is a hell of a work out. i will be sore as hell tomorrow for sure.

so my point is to prepare you spot early instead of waiting until the day you plan to put your plants in the ground.
Thank You Throwed!! Always taking time to give some pointers, I ordered a gr8 book yesterday should be here within a couple days, so I dont overburden with the questions!
Is it possible to grow Reggie and the AK 48 near each other? may as weel if i can.....!!!!!

No prob man. That is what RIU is for. I wouldn't have bought the book. I would have spent that money on seeds. There is plenty of free info on the internet. I don't know if you are familiar with torrents, but here is a great torrent link to a video that will teach you all you need to know. Use Utorrent!

You can grow any strand next to each other. Just make sure you give them some space. All of my plants grew like 6-7 foot chirstmas trees. So picture that once you put them in the ground that you will end up with a christmas tress like plant. Make sure the branches won't over lap the next plant because once they are in the ground and growing big....you really can't move them. Trying to move them after you got roots growing everywhere in the ground will damage them in a very bad way. As Gorge Cervantes says "Plan before you plant"

You should be fine with any old cheap fan. I use a small occilating fan with a stand though. Copped it at Wal Mart for 15 bucks. Sweeping air kind of mimicks natural wind instead of constantly pushing your plants with air coming from one centralized place.
maybe i missed it but how many plants are you planning on putting out?

the reason i ask is because we are in the same region, meaning that right now its pretty warm compared to all the northern people.

i just put out my 2nd plot today. i would consider myself to be in OK shape, couldn't run a marathon or win a weightlifting competition but i can run a mile and lift my own weight no problem.....carrying soil and nutes and tools through the woods up and down hills etc etc is a hell of a work out. i will be sore as hell tomorrow for sure.

so my point is to prepare you spot early instead of waiting until the day you plan to put your plants in the ground.

He said he was going to plant a dozen AK48 and some reggie....I'm not sure where you are at but here in GA/AL/FLA region it still drops to below 50F at night which is very hard on young marijuana plants. Sure we get a few days of nice weather that reach between 60-80F, but a day after that it gets kind of chilly. Not to mention the nights have been constantly cool even when we have nice weather during the day. Not sure if you use peat moss, but it works great. It is compressed and when you uncompress it, it expands ALOT...Not to mention it works great for those in the south when the weather reaches over 100F and higher. It takes peat moss alot longer to dry out than soil with out peat moss in it. It gets hot as hell here in July/August....Even in the morning it is hot. Hell, even at night it is hot. May as well do yourself a favor and use peat moss as your soil base instead of having sweat your ass off when tending to your ladies. Sweating every 2-3 days is better than having to get up every single day to water. Especially if you are gorilla growing.

Oh, and UGA....You may want to be careful because Southerns are getting that much sunlight just yet. We are barely getting 12-13...with that fact in combination with things like shade you may force your ladies to flower early by putting them out right not. To check sun rise and fall go here..
i have had a few plants out for a week i think, checked on them today, they look good.

i put 11 more out today. i use a little perlite, a little vermiculite and a little blood meal then i fill up half the hole with peat moss and the other half with potting soil. mix it up good.

everything i have put out is bagseed so far. 15 plants, maybe 5 won't make it, then 5 males leaves me with 5 females.

lets say i only get 4 ounces off those 5. still over a pound and my goal is for just under 4 lbs. and i still have another 14 feminized seeds to germinate.

so what i am saying is that i am doing too many plants to wait until conditions are perfect to plants them all, just doing the 11 today kicked my ass. so i am OK with losing a few plants because i planted early.

you are right about the light schedule but where i am only 1 night in the next 10 days gets below 50 degrees and its only to 48. so im not too worried.

and hell if they all die that just means i don't have to prep another location for my good seeds.
Throwed done good. It's those little Caterpillows that come munching the dead of night that concers Me. "DE" (Diatamatious Earth" sp?) sprinkled at the base of each Baby. Also, a loosley strip of tin foil around the little base helps detour decapitation at ground level. Order the good seeds via "The Attitude, as Throwed said. I like the prices at KC Brains, via the Attitude. Using insecticide that will drain it the soil & effect your rooting system concerns me, also. Look up Preying Mantis,.. when the Babies come out. At that time, you may find a new nest' of them, as I have. I got about 20 & took to my "Pea Patch". 80& of the insects are beneficial. People do foliar feeding because nutrients & moisture DOES absorb into the trunk, limbs & leaves. It gets SO hot here, the Nursery's spray mist water on plants up to 7 to 10 times per day. Anyway, I only spary the plants with mollasses (2 Oz's per gal), Liquid Seaweed (follow directions)& Plant Wash, every 30 days. Molasses keeps the ants away, seaweed strenghtens the plants tissue to the extent that Spider Mites can't penetrate to outter layer of the bark to suck moisture. No moisture, no Mites. Plus it has 90 varies components. Neem works for a LOT of things, not all. In knowing that the leaves are made up of breathing, absorbing cells, I have concerns about coating the open cells with an oil base mixture, Organic or not. I also spray mist plain good water to assist in the transpiration of the plant (roots absorbing water to feed the plant moisture)and to wash the dust off the open plant cells. In HOT weather, up 70% of the plants energy is used for transpiring, taking energy from the flowering process. In droughts, the only moisture available is for the plants to absorb the "DEW" each morning. Never Foliar feed or spray during hours of Sunlight. Early morns or late evening. Super Thrive is for Plants that has undergone shock. But a little every 30 days would not hurt. "Thrive", on the other hand, You DO need. (See "use Thrive.com") The big Box Centers has nothing good for your Ladies. Stay with the local Plant Nursery's. At your local store, molasses & Epsum Salt is to be found. One hand full of the ES per planting area per plant, & always use thrive, seaweed, molesses, greensand, fish emulsion, and check out Garret Juice at Dirt Doctor.com. His Library is also wonderful, which will tell you what I've said here, but a LOT more. Pile up brush piles on the North & South sides of your grow area, plant fast growing vines- like the potato vine. They won't block the east & west Sun, but will block ground view & help block sky view in a natural setting. If shoe prints are a concern, put duct tape on the soles. Poke 3/8th inch holes one foot away & around you Babies, & that's where you fert/water them This makes the Plant's root system travel to get the nutes. Roots won't travel if they have what they need where they are at. Causing the roots to travel (root training), the root system will be twice the normal size, meaning twice the nutrient absorbtion capacity, twice the growth, twice the size, ect. The thrive & molasses will break down and/or assist breaking down the nutes, minerials, etc; so the roots can readilly absorb the Nutes. The KC Brains Afghan is a good for beginers plant, and the THC is 17 to 20%. Look for natural plants the exact same color green as your plants. Some strains is light green, some dark. Full Sun east & west. Hope this helped.
Any & ALL peat moss is anti-microbial life, which is needed to break down the soil so your Baby can digest it. You can store butter in it for 400 years, because there is no microbs to "spoil" the butter, or cure a ham. But living plant life needs the microbs to soften, airate, and spoon feed your root system. See the Dirt Doctors site-Library-"P", Peat. The Coco stuff is OK, not harmful.
OK fellas peatmoss is what I should use??
Just went & re-conned my area again, gotta get some boots, (worried about snakes!) Lots of thorns out there too!
Purchased biodegradable greenhouse for the reggie ,,, put 50 seeds in indiviual "plots" also got the lights you have (kept extra seeds in bag in case some don't pop up)
Throwed! found & bought the neem couldnt find the fox farm!!!
Went got the greendot prepaid- not what I needed went back & got a different prepaid card (I have to wait a few hours prior to using it....) bought a small "hand shovel" I am concerned about how much soil I will need to bring? Its not going to be easy at all to carry that the distance I have to go (like UAG stated) how much will I basically need for each plant?? also is the river water going to work? I plan on putting the Reggie a farther distance since they dont need as much "love. I seen they are going to throw in alot of free seeds looks like I'll have around 20 feminized seeds once they arrive..I'll be a happy guy!

I was looking organic soil conditioner cuz you can mix with the dirt there hence less to carry ?
I am playing with the idea of burying the essentials I will need to use on a regular basis in order not to have it on person when going to tend..
had the fan on had to turn it off, its just blowing the plastic off the top!


every1 likes pics....!
grow light bulbs are actual wrong for cannabis
u can make them work but u would be better off changing bulbs to 6500K spectrum

but not knocking u or your setup i like it bro would work good for clones too

Papertowel is good for germination. I use a Germination Station myself. I am not sure the light will be enough. I use light strips too. I got mine from Wal Mart. They are "Grow Lights" and they only use 17 Watts each which saves ALOT on your power bill. They also don't give off any heat. These are the lights I have...

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This is my indoor seedling/clone room that have the lights installed....

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Last year I got around 8-10 pounds from that bag seed grow. Can't remember exactly, but it enabled me to fund this years grow, gave me some good seedless smoke that was awesome....damn near exotic. Sold some of it as mid for 1K per pound. got rid of 6 pound in a week to one person. He wanted more, but I had to keep some for myself.
grow light bulbs are actual wrong for cannabis
u can make them work but u would be better off changing bulbs to 6500K spectrum

but not knocking u or your setup i like it bro would work good for clones too

No bro, I agree...but for 7 bucks a pop...they will just have to do. I only use them until my plants are strong enough to go outside. Then it is pure sunlight. Here is an old pic. This is what the lights did for my babies....Note: none of these were over 21 days old at the time, but they will be 30 days old on the 8th. Germinated them on March 8th....

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well i like it

No bro, I agree...but for 7 bucks a pop...they will just have to do. I only use them until my plants are strong enough to go outside. Then it is pure sunlight. Here is an old pic. This is what the lights did for my babies....Note: none of these were over 21 days old at the time, but they will be 30 days old on the 8th. Germinated them on March 8th....

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Marleyofthe bob....The setup looks good, but I would not Germinate those seeds under light like that. Nor would I use those little baggies. You may have trouble germinating those doing it that way. Best way is to get two plates and lay down three layers of paper towels on one then put your seeds on top and then another 3 layers of paper towels..Next, put the other plate on top of the other plate...Then use distilled water and soak the paper towels. After that take the plates and set them on your hot water heater. The two plates will help keep the seeds in the dark and keep the humidity in check. The hot water heater will provide just the right amount of warmth. You will have to check the water levels every 12 hours to make sure they haven't dried out. I usually get seeds to germinate in 24 hours this way. Remember that fresh cracked seeds spit out the root cap first and roots don't like any type of light at all.
well i like it

Thanks...The good thing about these lights are that they only burn 17 watts each and put out 75 watts each. Each shelf has 3 x 1093 lumens per shelf(3279 lumens per shelf effective). Overall I am only burning a total of 153 watts for all 9 lights. 8o)
OK fellas peatmoss is what I should use??
Just went & re-conned my area again, gotta get some boots, (worried about snakes!) Lots of thorns out there too!
Purchased biodegradable greenhouse for the reggie ,,, put 50 seeds in indiviual "plots" also got the lights you have (kept extra seeds in bag in case some don't pop up)
Throwed! found & bought the neem couldnt find the fox farm!!!
Went got the greendot prepaid- not what I needed went back & got a different prepaid card (I have to wait a few hours prior to using it....) bought a small "hand shovel" I am concerned about how much soil I will need to bring? Its not going to be easy at all to carry that the distance I have to go (like UAG stated) how much will I basically need for each plant?? also is the river water going to work? I plan on putting the Reggie a farther distance since they dont need as much "love. I seen they are going to throw in alot of free seeds looks like I'll have around 20 feminized seeds once they arrive..I'll be a happy guy!

I was looking organic soil conditioner cuz you can mix with the dirt there hence less to carry ?
I am playing with the idea of burying the essentials I will need to use on a regular basis in order not to have it on person when going to tend..

Thumbs up for the peat moss. Get a bag of Cow Compost too...It's only $1.39 at Lowes. Dude, I would not do what you are doing without a pair of boots and a coverall jumper(Dickes, Carhart, or similar). Might wanna pick up a machette while you are at it. The Neem is great. Just mixed some up in a sprayer a few minutes ago. I am going to give my ladies a good spraying today and every 7 days until I put them outside. This should give them a good"immune" system. I got my Fox Farm from Cali. You can order the trio pack from Amazon. That hand shovel or trovel is gonna be killer on your back...LOL. Lowes have real cheap shovels for like 8 bucks. 2 bags of peat and two bags of cow compost should take care of all your plants. Make sure you snag a bag of pearlite and dolemite lime. Mix everything together and blend it with the existing soil to stretch it and all should go well. The river water should be great.....as long as it is not polluted, but other than that...you can't be natures own. Don't discriminate on the Reggie man. Treat them all well. If you care for that Reggie properly, it could smoke better than true genetics. People that grow Reggie do so on a large scale and don't care for it properly...Hence why it has seeds in it. Without the seeds it could be at least twice as strong...Not to mention all the nasty chemicals and pesticides they throw out there cause the Reggie to be worse, but if you care for it then you can get some killer smoke.

Try this mix for 10 of your plants/holes
1 Bag of peat
1 Bag of Cow Compost
1/2 Bag of Dolemite Lime
1 Bag of Pearlite

Mix all this with the soil that is already out there. Be sure to dig your holes deep and wide enough. You can use a 5 gallon bucket for measure. You can also use plastic 1 or 2 grocery bags to line the bottom of the holes you dig before putting your soil back in the holes.
Thx once again Throwed, I'll be out there very soon preping the area! Seen my 1st couple shoots pop up today!!!!! I dont know if I was supposed to place the seeds in a certain direction-I just covered em with dirt.... Also I noticed mold starting on the biodegradable trays they are in, that cant be good????
K, fellas, here is the idea,, down here in the south,, no good seeds and being my first time- im just going to plant the reggie seeds and see how it goes. already been in papertowel a couple days starting to "breakout" got a nice out of the way spot that I believe will work perfect- should be about 50 yards away from water. No one frequets the area at all- plenty of brush around,,, it will take me about 25 minutes to get to everytime I want to "maintain" - planning oin cleaning the area soon, dropping some potting soil in place (is any type acceptable since it is reggie??) some insecticide around the area- visit it twice a week in able to maintain, such as weeds, cut out bad areas, and water. Does reggie yield more than other "finer grades"?
You all may be wondering why reggie since there are so many great strains out there... reason being is that I'm paranoid since I've never tried to order seeds, and the fear of that not working out.. also anything that I can grab at home depot or lowes as far as helping nutriently. Been reading everyones elses work and am in awe, just a rookie, dont be to hard on me !!!
Yes i realize this is super amatuer- just trying to play it safe!
Im in the same boat I live in southern new Mexico iv grown indoor once was thinking abou doin outdoor I got about 25-30 Reggie mexi swag seeds and am going to plant on 420:) hope I get lots and lots of ok-shitty weed cuz i don't got money to be buyin bag of brick for $20 a quarter
Well looks like only a few will spout... Due to Not finding this website in time ! It's all good new my seeds will arrive soon and now am armed with good info! I'll go ahead and keep the ones I do have for fun..
Thx once again Throwed, I'll be out there very soon preping the area! Seen my 1st couple shoots pop up today!!!!! I dont know if I was supposed to place the seeds in a certain direction-I just covered em with dirt.... Also I noticed mold starting on the biodegradable trays they are in, that cant be good????

Yes, you should plant your seed in a direction once they pop. If you germinate via the plate method I suggested then use those same pods ...or plastic ones with soil and put your seed root tip down. When my seeds crack I only plant like a few mm deep. The top of the seed is visible but the root is completly covered with soil. This allows the root to keep growing down and the seed top/hat of the seed will grow upward and lose the shell which will turn into two round leaves. The mold you have is not good though I did experience this last year with peat pots. I just took them out of the pods and planted them in cups and all was well. the mold happens due to the level of humidity and dampness. I use plastic trays and organic jiffy soil amended with vermiculite and pearlite wit my seedlings.
Well looks like only a few will spout... Due to Not finding this website in time ! It's all good new my seeds will arrive soon and now am armed with good info! I'll go ahead and keep the ones I do have for fun..

Don't fret. Growing is a learning experience. You learn from your mistakes and keep it moving. Atleast you didn't lose money on seeds that you spent money on. That is one good thing about reggie seeds. They will allow you to learn with out losing revenue on seeds. IT's a good idea to keep growing what you have. They can teach more. After a while you will be handing out info on RIU like a real grower. Good luck man and everyone is here to help you when you need help.
Preciate ya Throwed! Now that the few have barley sprouted.. I am wondering which lighting is best 18/6 or 16/8 ???
They are only an inch at best and want to get them big quickly for transplant to the outdoors !!!

Also I think I put some "upside down" in the soil what can I do next time to prevent this mishap!

Your right I'm glad these were'nt the expensive ones!!!