$2.00 per Gram coming soon

If you make a legal product and sell it for the price it cost to make then i see a loophole like here where it is legal and untaxable...

Can you still do this? If so overgrow the state and take back the business :-)
Even gifting someone here product is defined as trafficking :(. I think once it is legal here the feds will be protecting their cartel at all costs, this is not going to be a good thing for anyone :(.
Even gifting someone here product is defined as trafficking :(. I think once it is legal here the feds will be protecting their cartel at all costs, this is not going to be a good thing for anyone :(.

And at the other end, even in a country as small as the UK, you have areas which tolerate "Cannabis Social Clubs" where people can exchange their home grown as long as no money or other goods change hand in exchange. Even here, although completely illegal, police will turn a blind eye depending on circumstances.

Different places, different laws, it's impossible to give a blanket "Yes or No" answer.
And at the other end, even in a country as small as the UK, you have areas which tolerate "Cannabis Social Clubs" where people can exchange their home grown as long as no money or other goods change hand in exchange. Even here, although completely illegal, police will turn a blind eye depending on circumstances.

Different places, different laws, it's impossible to give a blanket "Yes or No" answer.
Well yes your right and I was talking about here. Even if it’s tolerated it’s still illegal and all that’s needed is a prick cop to lay the charge. Just like some dispensaries are able to operate and others not, “here” in Canada.
Can’t find any $2 gram anywhere here in Los
Angeles. I just moved here and don’t have any black market connections. They were advertising the $2 gram info on the local news here so I started searching ask the Los Angeles dispensary’s and the best I could find was $35 eighth with 10 free joints as a new patient. I was also under the initial impression that getting my medical card would help with taxes and ability to buy stronger products. This is not true either. Thankful it was only $39 for the medical card. I’m sure prices will come down soon though.
Can’t find any $2 gram anywhere here in Los
Angeles. I just moved here and don’t have any black market connections. They were advertising the $2 gram info on the local news here so I started searching ask the Los Angeles dispensary’s and the best I could find was $35 eighth with 10 free joints as a new patient. I was also under the initial impression that getting my medical card would help with taxes and ability to buy stronger products. This is not true either. Thankful it was only $39 for the medical card. I’m sure prices will come down soon though.
The store front dispensaries are the same here, trying to get what they can as fast as they can before their shut down.
What happens if a four plant legal state grower gets caught by the police selling weed for cash to general public? This still a crime.

Here in Oregon It's a crime with varying levels of penalties depending on the amount. The statute is somewhat vague with regards to criminal prosecution for selling under 16 ounces but I wouldn't want to find out in court. I don't sell anything. I give it away for free to my friends which is perfectly legal. The black market has really dried up around here. The people I've known for years that were selling have all given up and have been forced to find other sources of income. It's a customer driven market and the thrill of being able to choose from a couple dozen strains at a dispensary puts the black market seller at a disadvantage even if his product is cheaper. Most people are willing to pay a little more for the piece of mind of not having to do a shady drug transaction. Plus they can grab some edibles, a couple pre-rolls, or some concentrates at a dispensary.

I'll say one thing to the people that have dreams of coming to a legal state like Oregon thinking they're going to get into the business because they have a couple of grows under their belt, don't bother. If they do they better make sure to bring enough money to live on because they're unlikely to make a living growing marijuana regardless of how good they think they are. They'll likely end up standing in line for some low paying job bagging weed or working the counter at a dispensary.

Delivery of 1 ounce or less of “homegrown” marijuana without compensation carries no fine or penalty.

Delivery of more than 1 ounce - 16 ounces of marijuana without compensation is a Class A violation punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000.

Delivery of 16 ounces or more of marijuana with compensation is a misdemeanor by up to 1 year imprisonment and/or a fine up to $6,250.

Delivery of any amount of marijuana to a minor is a class C felony punishable by up to 5 years in prison and a fine of up to $125,000.

Delivery of any amount marijuana within 1,000 feet of school grounds is a class A felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $375,000.

Any delivery (with or without compensation) of 150 grams or more is punished more severely with the term of imprisonment varying depending on the offender's prior record.

Commercial drug offense
Possession, delivery, or cultivation of marijuana can be considered a commercial drug offense if 3 factors out of a long list are satisfied, including the delivery was for compensation, the person was in possession of $300 or more in cash, they possessed materials for the packaging of controlled substances, among many others. Commercial drug offenses are punished more severely with the term of imprisonment varying depending on the offender's prior record.
It never ceases to amaze me how far-sighted governments are, burning poppy fields in Afghanistan to cut heroin production whilst spending an incredible amount of money to grow the same thing for "medical grade opiates" in Australia and India, when allowing the Afghans to grow and then BUYING their crop would not only be cheaper but would also have done more to win "hearts and minds" than anything else as you don't get people to turn away from the bad guys by destroying the only livelihood they know.

It would mean big pharma wouldn't make as much money, though, and even though it would mean we could produce enough cheap painkillers that are desperately needed in the third world we can't have big pharma losing money at what should be a right for everyone, cheap pain medication.

No matter how civilized, survival of the fittest still dominates unless we limit our population. As we are not doing that it's them or us, objectively by law of nature. Nobody has the right to anything in our current system or likely any system, you will lose them as soon as they no longer align with a stronger persons goals.
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. . . . . . . . The black market has really dried up around here. The people I've known for years that were selling have all given up and have been forced to find other sources of income. It's a customer driven market and the thrill of being able to choose from a couple dozen strains at a dispensary puts the black market seller at a disadvantage even if his product is cheaper. Most people are willing to pay a little more for the piece of mind of not having to do a shady drug transaction. Plus they can grab some edibles, a couple pre-rolls, or some concentrates at a dispensary.

I'll say one thing to the people that have dreams of coming to a legal state like Oregon thinking they're going to get into the business because they have a couple of grows under their belt, don't bother. If they do they better make sure to bring enough money to live on because they're unlikely to make a living growing marijuana regardless of how good they think they are. They'll likely end up standing in line for some low paying job bagging weed or working the counter at a dispensary.
One of my Oregon grower friends is cleaning houses on the side. Most have found some sort of extra income. Maybe the best is some sort of value added to growing. The clones, carts, etc, etc. I hate it for them, but the world, it is a changing.
And at the other end, even in a country as small as the UK, you have areas which tolerate "Cannabis Social Clubs" where people can exchange their home grown as long as no money or other goods change hand in exchange. Even here, although completely illegal, police will turn a blind eye depending on circumstances.

Different places, different laws, it's impossible to give a blanket "Yes or No" answer.

I can make a legal product like pizza and sell to my friends on my property here in the Uk, it is only an offence and taxable once i charge more than the cost price of the ingredients and electricity.

This stuff is allowed in the UK as gifting or for cost price because no profit has been made and the person used their own private land or dwelling to conduct business. Weed is not legal just the police would have a hard time cracking down when like half the country is smoking high grade cheese :-)
I can make a legal product like pizza and sell to my friends on my property here in the Uk, it is only an offence and taxable once i charge more than the cost price of the ingredients and electricity.

This stuff is allowed in the UK as gifting or for cost price because no profit has been made and the person used their own private land or dwelling to conduct business. Weed is not legal just the police would have a hard time cracking down when like half the country is smoking high grade cheese :-)

Once again, it depends on the laws in place, and you are wrong regarding your pizza analogy, especially since pizza will be unlikely to be a proscribed and licenced product unless the health police get their way.
I can make a legal product like pizza and sell to my friends on my property here in the Uk, it is only an offence and taxable once i charge more than the cost price of the ingredients and electricity.

This stuff is allowed in the UK as gifting or for cost price because no profit has been made and the person used their own private land or dwelling to conduct business. Weed is not legal just the police would have a hard time cracking down when like half the country is smoking high grade cheese :-)
If your selling food regardless of cost you will have to comply with health and safety regs. Will still have to have a registered business and still do tax returns.
Most small business do not pay tax due to all the lovely deductions.
If your selling food regardless of cost you will have to comply with health and safety regs. Will still have to have a registered business and still do tax returns.
Most small business do not pay tax due to all the lovely deductions.

This is a simplified version of what that UK says, since Kingrow is talking UK.

You make the occasional pizza and feed friends then fine, no big deal. You create any sort of organisation that supplies pizzas on a regular basis, even as a charity so nothing changes hands, you still have to comply with health and safety, food safety, environmental protection and all that jazz. So if Kingrow is even handing out free pizza he will still be illegal unless he complies with the aforementioned regs. If anyone doesn't believe me, I can find plenty links to prosecutions and "cease and desist" orders against people doing all sorts of home produce for charity, never mind at "breaking even".

Now that's just pizza, and not what will be a controlled substance. Anyone who thinks legalisation means a free for all seriously needs their heads examined. There will be restrictions on sales, anyone supplying will need to be licenced, anyone doing any form of retail or distribution to the public will have to be licenced. Even if he was handing out excess for free, it will still be under distribution so he would have to comply with each and every regulation regarding distribution and retail. Any deviation from whatever laws are in place and he can be nailed for it. Undercut "legal" outlets by selling "excess", whatever laws are in place regarding distribution, supply and retail would have to be fully complies with or, no matter what, even handing out excess for free would be illegal.

That's why I don't think I could hammer the point about how it depends on what theoretical laws are in place, for that is a hell of a set of variables which cannot be accounted for, in with the use of a pile driver, as it's what any theoretical laws I'll say regarding supply, distribution and sales which decides what side of the legal fence he's going to be on.
even selling vegetables or microgreens, there is a big differentiation between selling it as it is harvested or washing it first... The moment you start processing it, the rules change.

Even then, you still have to comply with hygeine as well as "weights and measures", for starters.

So many rules...
If your selling food regardless of cost you will have to comply with health and safety regs. Will still have to have a registered business and still do tax returns.
Most small business do not pay tax due to all the lovely deductions.

health and safety does not apply to private land or property here in the UK, people are allowed to do stupid stuff all the time. I am allowed to seel pizzas at cost from my own home to my friends and aquaintences as is the law here