$2.00 per Gram coming soon

I'm a few days behind the inflation talk, but here are my two cents. A small % inflation is actually good for the economy. Deflation is one of the worse things possible. If you knew the price was going to fall next month, you wait until next month to buy it. Then when next month gets here, the price is still going to be less next month, so you wait again. While saving and waiting might be good for the individual, it will stop economic growth quick. Soon folks are out of work.
I'm a few days behind the inflation talk, but here are my two cents. A small % inflation is actually good for the economy. Deflation is one of the worse things possible. If you knew the price was going to fall next month, you wait until next month to buy it. Then when next month gets here, the price is still going to be less next month, so you wait again. While saving and waiting might be good for the individual, it will stop economic growth quick. Soon folks are out of work.

Do you think it might be part of the end game, for the powers that be? (huge, large scale farmers)

If they could flush all the smaller growers out, with dirt cheap prices. Then once things quiet down, and the pot rush is over, they monopolize and jack the prices up.

Same as other stocks and business?

Pretty much like the new big dealer in town selling dirt cheap, A-grade pounds. Only on a much, much larger scale.
Supply and demand.
Soon people wont want to pay more than $2 a gram.
Small growers will be out of the picture, and corporation will be controlling the price.
Do you think it might be part of the end game, for the powers that be? (huge, large scale farmers)

If they could flush all the smaller growers out, with dirt cheap prices. Then once things quiet down, and the pot rush is over, they monopolize and jack the prices up.

Same as other stocks and business?

Pretty much like the new big dealer in town selling dirt cheap, A-grade pounds. Only on a much, much larger scale.
Supply and demand.
Soon people wont want to pay more than $2 a gram.
Small growers will be out of the picture, and corporation will be controlling the price.
I was talking about the over all economy. Weed is not like other things. People will buy it when they run out.
I was talking about the over all economy. Weed is not like other things. People will buy it when they run out.
I realize. Im in agreement with you.
Scary to imagine cannabis as an economical resource. But i think its whats coming tbh.
Corporation will control the going price. If its of decent quality, and dirt cheap, illegal trade will find it very hard to make money out of cannabis. Because it'll be extremely hard to compete with the industry.
Like a new fast food burger chain trying to compete with McDonald's.
Quality can only get people so far. When you can have 80% of the same quality, at a 10th of the price. Even the smokers who know better, will find it very hard to resist.
It'll be grow your own. Or run down to the shops to grab some.
Feels a little daunting to me tbh.
cheaper to buy at your 711 than risk burning your house down trying to grow ya own

how you gonna cope whats ya plan!

good luck
it is legal in my state but with all the taxes the state puts on it.it's never going to be that cheap. the black market is still cheaper than the recreational dispensaries and it's even cheaper to grow your own.if it ever got down to $2 a gram I would probably stop growing even though I'm just a P.U grower at that price it would be cheaper to buy than to grow
it is legal in my state but with all the taxes the state puts on it.it's never going to be that cheap. the black market is still cheaper than the recreational dispensaries and it's even cheaper to grow your own.if it ever got down to $2 a gram I would probably stop growing even though I'm just a P.U grower at that price it would be cheaper to buy than to grow

I calculated my grow cost at $0.90/gram, including soil, nutes and light - and that is based on .5g/watt.

Surely, a better grower than me (<-noob) could get that price even lower.

Also, it's a great hobby and if you are good enough you can probably grow better weed than the $2/gram stuff. That's my theory, anyway. We'll see how it pans out.
Hah, you'd think. I just read that the new Ca dispensaries with their corporate weed are getting $65 - $85 an eighth!!! The boutique and outdoor growers are already being squeezed out of the market. They don't give a shit about the average person.

Long Live the black market.................
The pot shop that is closest to where I live in California has $3.00 grams now. I bought a different $3.00 gram batch of White Grapes when I picked up a Strawberry Watermelon OG clone from them a week ago. It was ok. It works for rolling up in blunts or traditional mixed spliffs, but I wouldn't pack a bowl of it and pass it around to my friends. The fucked up thing about it is that it is $4.00 gram out the door after all the taxes they collect. They charge $10 gram for top shelf herb ($13 per after taxes), but I'd rather just grow my own ganga knowing that it is organic and pesticide free in the final smoke rather than take my chances with the stores. I don't trust claims about it being tested. When it comes to having the best headstash possible growing my own is the only way to go. I used to grow, and then stopped and now I am growing again because the average quality of bud in California has gone down, and the prices for quality are basically the same as the 90's for an 1/8th of fire: $35 for the herb plus $10.15 for the taxes maybe another $1 for the bag additional tip to budtender if you're not a dick $4+ change = $50.
Tipping retail sales people... I find that very strange. They get paid a wage and probably a commission as well.

But tipping is not a thing in Aussie. Only people who are regularly tipped here would be restaurant staff, taxi drivers and pizza delivery peeps and only If the service and in regard to the restaurants food, is very good. Tipping is certainly not expected.
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Tipping retail sales people... I find that very strange. They get paid a wage and probably a commission as well.

But tipping is not a thing in Aussie. Only people who are regularly tipped here would be restaurant staff, taxi drivers and pizza delivery peeps and only If the service and in regard to the restaurants, food is very good. Tipping is certainly not expected.

Tipping in Canada is similar to Australia, by the sounds of it.

However, I am sure Aussies tip their bartenders, right?

So why not tip a budtender?

I think that's how the American logic works on this one. I don't think they are tipping the Walmart checkout girls.

Me? Well, I don't tip the cashier at the liquor store, so I don't tip the chick at the dispensary. To me, it is the same thing.

If I was hanging out at a weed bar and smoking pre-rolls, like drinking at a bar, then I'd tip the server or budtender.

(I love Japan. Best service in the world. Zero tipping.)
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Here in California I view the budtenders similar to bartenders in regards to the specific knowledge they carry towards the products on their shelves, and for remembering me and my preferences. The local dispensary's budtenders actually remember that I prefer organic outdoor sativas and indoor indicas. Here they only make minimum wage plus what ever freebies they might get from vendors. So the tips are a kind gesture to them, and I don't think I've yet to have an experience in a dispensary where it seemed like they expected one.
One of the side effects of not tipping is a sharp reduction in sexual harassment. States that require wait staff to be paid in full have the lowest rates of sexual harassment.
damn, that's interesting. It does make sense to.

Ive never been to America but friends who have gone or go regularly say its a bit embarrassing how false nice wait staff can be and how to them it borders on begging. It makes them uncomfortable.

Speaking of work, I better go and do some.. Have a awesome Saturday (or whatever day it is there)!
I was just thinking how much a night out would cost me if I was tipping a bartender..lol.

I went out a couple Friday nights ago and spent over $150 on grog at the bar. I thought that was allot..lol
At 7-8 bucks a schooner. Bar tenders better be pouring a damn good beer lol.
I think even VB or Tooheys New is over $6 at my local.
Only 10 years ago, a schooner was half that price.
I'll occasionally tip small change, but never golds. Usually only on the first beer too.
Just a night out with friends, is half a weeks wage now.
Bar staff here get decent hourly rates too. Standard rate is over $21 / hr, before overtime, public holidays, Sundays etc.
Sometimes i feel like they should be tipping us, for buying their beer :lol:
you think a state government that legalized weed to get tax revenue from it is going to be happy with the revenue from 2.00 grams?
they'll work with the big money people so they can start making some cash. they'll squeeze small growers out, then start raising the prices.
the black market will always be there, waiting for shit to normalize
I’m thinking the websites like gangagroup won’t be here long as it’s an illegal dispensary, we’ll see what happens. I just hope it’s there long enough that I try it lol. Buddies parcel will be here next week ;).
you think a state government that legalized weed to get tax revenue from it is going to be happy with the revenue from 2.00 grams?
they'll work with the big money people so they can start making some cash. they'll squeeze small growers out, then start raising the prices.
the black market will always be there, waiting for shit to normalize

Without thinking about how different laws apply in different states, then the big money people will also force through restrictions on how many plants constitutes "personal", anything they can do to force legal sales to keep the revenue coming in.
2.00/gram weed sounds like maintenance free weed growing. I have not seen any good weed that will grow without some level of tlc. It sounds like low quality weed which is not enjoyable to smoke; that's why it's $2.00. I do have plans to sell some outdoor maintenance feee weed for around $2/gram but I won't be smokin git.