$2.00 per Gram coming soon

Especially the last one, I reckon that, arguably, that's the most critical factor.
As long as we let corporations run things, we'll all end up as serfs.

That's why I tell all who will listen that corporations must never be allowed to be considered people for any reason, nor may they ever be allowed to meddle in politics or government. The results of that experiment have been an unmitigated disaster.
As long as we let corporations run things, we'll all end up as serfs.

That's why I tell all who will listen that corporations must never be allowed to be considered people for any reason, nor may they ever be allowed to meddle in politics or government. The results of that experiment have been an unmitigated disaster.

Always has been, always will be, there's too many vested interests thanks to the unabated and shameless greed shown by politicians.

The great philosopher Billy Connolly summed it up perfectly, "Anyone who expresses the desire to be a politician should be automatically banned from the job", as these career politicians with little or no experience of the real world are the real cancer on society, not the corporations, as if it was not for the polly's greed then these businesses would not he able to wield the level of influence they do.
Always has been, always will be, there's too many vested interests thanks to the unabated and shameless greed shown by politicians.

The great philosopher Billy Connolly summed it up perfectly, "Anyone who expresses the desire to be a politician should be automatically banned from the job", as these career politicians with little or no experience of the real world are the real cancer on society, not the corporations, as if it was not for the polly's greed then these businesses would not he able to wield the level of influence they do.
I understand your sentiment but I think the root of the evil is the source of the money, that is, the corporations. Without that connection, I believe that politicians would find their self interests aligning with those of their human constituents a lot more closely.
Well, this is the thing, there's always been "those who have" who have tried to buy influence, but in the past those in power were more interested in their ideals and morals. Then we had the rise of the career politician and ever increasing salaries, expense accounts to fiddle, and bungs and backhanders to grab onto and never let go, corruption, and taking any lobbying money is corruption in my book, became the norm.

I don't blame any business for taking advantage of that, their job is to maximise profits within the limits of the law. And they wouldn't be able to do that if the politicians weren't so quick and willing to line their own pockets and get a bigger trough for their snouts, and that's ultimately what drives the influence these businesses have.
Well, this is the thing, there's always been "those who have" who have tried to buy influence, but in the past those in power were more interested in their ideals and morals. Then we had the rise of the career politician and ever increasing salaries, expense accounts to fiddle, and bungs and backhanders to grab onto and never let go, corruption, and taking any lobbying money is corruption in my book, became the norm.

I don't blame any business for taking advantage of that, their job is to maximise profits within the limits of the law. And they wouldn't be able to do that if the politicians weren't so quick and willing to line their own pockets and get a bigger trough for their snouts, and that's ultimately what drives the influence these businesses have.
I would definitely blame businesses for doing it. It's called corruption...
I would definitely blame businesses for doing it. It's called corruption...

It takes two to tango, and if the pollies weren't so willing to participate in the corruption, if they didn't actually encourage it, then it wouldn't exist.

Just because you are offered a bribe does not mean you must take it, nobody holds a gun to their heads and forces them to take the tainted money. They willingly and knowingly do so, they are the ones who created the situation where such corruption became the norm, the pollies could refuse but instead go out of their way for what they see as their share of the pie, remove the parasitic vermin in the political world, ban the bribery, then you'll see a difference.
It takes two to tango, and if the pollies weren't so willing to participate in the corruption, if they didn't actually encourage it, then it wouldn't exist.

Just because you are offered a bribe does not mean you must take it, nobody holds a gun to their heads and forces them to take the tainted money. They willingly and knowingly do so, they are the ones who created the situation where such corruption became the norm, the pollies could refuse but instead go out of their way for what they see as their share of the pie, remove the parasitic vermin in the political world, ban the bribery, then you'll see a difference.
That's the difference between Trump and the puppets like Oblahblah and Hitlary Trump doesn't need money and can not be bought so they try their tactics of trashing his character and Trump being the genius he is he has even turned the Media that is out to get him into useful idiots time after time
That's the difference between Trump and the puppets like Oblahblah and Hitlary Trump doesn't need money and can not be bought so they try their tactics of trashing his character and Trump being the genius he is he has even turned the Media that is out to get him into useful idiots time after time

LOL you think Trump is doing this out of the goodness of his heart? It's all about making him and his people money just like any other politician.
That's the difference between Trump and the puppets like Oblahblah and Hitlary Trump doesn't need money and can not be bought so they try their tactics of trashing his character and Trump being the genius he is he has even turned the Media that is out to get him into useful idiots time after time

Well, that went off on a tangent.

As is usual, short term memories come to the fore, people can only think of the last few years whereas I'm talking about the change in the last 40+ years and the rise of the career politician in what we like to think of as the "civilised" world. You're going back at least that far before you can see where the rot truly set in, the moment every last man jack of them went on the take one way or another as if they're not taking backhanders they're fiddling expenses or making sure they get pay rises and severance packages nobody else could think of getting as they line their own pockets as quickly as they can as they know they may only have 5 years on that gravy train.

Fucking parasites with delusions of grandeur and self-importance, a pox be upon all of them.
It takes two to tango, and if the pollies weren't so willing to participate in the corruption, if they didn't actually encourage it, then it wouldn't exist.

Just because you are offered a bribe does not mean you must take it, nobody holds a gun to their heads and forces them to take the tainted money. They willingly and knowingly do so, they are the ones who created the situation where such corruption became the norm, the pollies could refuse but instead go out of their way for what they see as their share of the pie, remove the parasitic vermin in the political world, ban the bribery, then you'll see a difference.
You must be joking.

The politicians passed legislation to legalise it!