2 dead in school shooting in KY

No shit, fucking cunts gona fuck our rights.

Sad im sorry for the families.

But what the fuck....
This is why i carry a gun every day not to kill but to save.

Goddamn shame

I got enough guns for everyone in the house twice over but this sucks for future purchases dont wana have that preban bulshit of the 90s
No shit, fucking cunts gona fuck our rights.

Sad im sorry for the families.

But what the fuck....
This is why i carry a gun every day not to kill but to save.

Goddamn shame

I got enough guns for everyone in the house twice over but this sucks for future purchases dont wana have that preban bulshit of the 90s
I carry myself. I have reason. Been robbed at gun point.

I have no interest in being a hero. I grew up in the country where police response times were hours. I've had people try to break in. I only keep a gun to remove myself or family from danger.

My guns are in a safe. A real one not the little flimsy ones. I have a rapid safe for my pistol.

The shooter was a 15 year old kid. At that age all the guns were locked up. Dad kept an extra small safe to keep a shotgun in for protection if we needed it. This kid should have never had access to a gun.

The stories about kids to finding guns in the seat of cars and accidentally shooting someone are avoidable. This shit has to stop.

We have to figure something out.
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Two are dead and 19 injured. Details just now coming out.


This is a call out to other gun owners. This hit home for me. Step up and lets figure something out or someone else will figure it out by taking guns.
What do you suggest?
I keep my own weapons and ammunition locked in a safe.
Proper parents like yourself should solve this and many other problems. The state can't provide or replace that.
What do you suggest?
I keep my own weapons and ammunition locked in a safe.
Proper parents like yourself should solve this and many other problems. The state can't provide or replace that.
I don't think you are the problem. The problem is other gun owners who are careless about leaving firearms within reach of kids. As in this instance and so many others. Gun owners, good and bad in terms of safety, are pretty much mute on this topic.

I think bb's call out is for gun owners to start lobbying the NRA and gun manufacturers to put resources into public awareness for improving gun safety in the home. The gun industry has plenty of money for political 2nd amendment protection messaging and lobbying, why not put some of that into accident prevention? Also gun owners could insist that the gun industry and its lobby to work with gun owners and lawmakers to figure out a way to get US firearm accident rates in line with other 1st world western nations.
What do you suggest?
I keep my own weapons and ammunition locked in a safe.
Proper parents like yourself should solve this and many other problems. The state can't provide or replace that.
Close gun show loops.

Reverse the decision that lets mentally ill people buy guns. If you are not capable of running you own life and have a guardian they don't need a gun.

Take some of the money used for lobbying to actually set up gun safety and awareness programs.

There are things that can be done.
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My dad took a different route and had me shooting when i was five.

Toy guns had the same rules as real guns:shock:

I had my first pistol when i was 10! a 9 mm no less lol

My first 45 for my 13 birthday

Ar when i was 17 lol

So guns have been a huge part of my life

Locking them would have made me want to get into them so he just taught me to be safe with them when he wasnt around.
The 4 rules allways apply

I have guns in my room unlocked and with live mags in but not chambered

I have 3 kids none of them are ever interested in playing with the guns cause they see one every day. And dad lets them check them out when im around all they gota do is ask.

They all know daddys guns are loaded and it doesnt care who it kills if the trigger is pulled

They all understand at 8,9,and 13 guns are dangerous and not to be played with.

If anything im kinda bummed on how un interested they are in them lol
This addresses the symptoms. In my opinion the root cause is the deterioration of the American family.

I grieve for the victims. I also feel sorry for the individual pulling the trigger. Must have been a fucked up life to make that kind of decision.
My dad took a different route and had me shooting when i was five.

Toy guns had the same rules as real guns:shock:

I had my first pistol when i was 10! a 9 mm no less lol

My first 45 for my 13 birthday

Ar when i was 17 lol

So guns have been a huge part of my life

Locking them would have made me want to get into them so he just taught me to be safe with them when he wasnt around.
The 4 rules allways apply

I have guns in my room unlocked and with live mags in but not chambered

I have 3 kids none of them are ever interested in playing with the guns cause they see one every day. And dad lets them check them out when im around all they gota do is ask.

They all know daddys guns are loaded and it doesnt care who it kills if the trigger is pulled

They all understand at 8,9,and 13 guns are dangerous and not to be played with.

If anything im kinda bummed on how un interested they are in them lol
I was raised the same way except the guns are locked up. You know statiscs show those unlocked guns are liable to be used against you or your family.

What if someone breaks in and uses those guns later?

I've been around guns since I as five.
As to how to stop it

I agree spend some money on firearm awareness

Put shooting classes in schools

  • But it will never stop so long as there are peices of shit in the wolrd (not yelling)

There is simply no way to get all the "bad" guns off the streets no way no how.

Only thing we can do imo

Is make sure there are more good guys with guns then bad guys.

Im not a hero wana be either. But i will protect.my self, my family. At all times

I wish it wasnt this way.

But they "say an armed society is a polite society"
This addresses the symptoms. In my opinion the root cause is the deterioration of the American family.

I grieve for the victims. I also feel sorry for the individual pulling the trigger. Must have been a fucked up life to make that kind of decision.
That could be a part.

We need more mental health facilities in the US. Maybe even mental health access in schools. Gives kids a chance to talk to some one.

I'm surprised it happened in KY. Even when I was in school there was a armed cop and doors locked. All the schools are like that here.

My kids school goes on lock down every time something happens. Even when nothing is going on there is only one way in.
I was raised the same way except the guns are locked up. You know statiscs show those unlocked guns are liable to be used against you or your family.

What if someone breaks in and uses those guns later?

I've been around guns since I as five.

Very good points

But they have to get through a lot to get to them lol and my woman is a light sleeper

My guns are concealed but not chained up is what i should have said :)

And we did have them locked when i was young but i had acces :)

Sorry i didnt think of our "gun room" as being locked but our gun room had a four button cypher lock on the solid door :)
As to how to stop it

I agree spend some money on firearm awareness

Put shooting classes in schools

  • But it will never stop so long as there are peices of shit in the wolrd (not yelling)

There is simply no way to get all the "bad" guns off the streets no way no how.

Only thing we can do imo

Is make sure there are more good guys with guns then bad guys.

Im not a hero wana be either. But i will protect.my self, my family. At all times

I wish it wasnt this way.

But they "say an armed society is a polite society"
I agree. Part of it is that humans have been killing each other since the beginning.
In the uk you can only have a 12 flb air rifle, kills rats if head shot. If you own land u can get a shotgun with a license and regs. If you are a member of a licensed gun club you can fire 20 mm in restricted areas.
I only need a rat gun atm, and a 45 lb recurve now, but this is the uk where even the pigs don’t carry, very few pigs are considered suitable for carrying firearms in public.
My dad took a different route and had me shooting when i was five.

Toy guns had the same rules as real guns:shock:

I had my first pistol when i was 10! a 9 mm no less lol

My first 45 for my 13 birthday

Ar when i was 17 lol

So guns have been a huge part of my life

Locking them would have made me want to get into them so he just taught me to be safe with them when he wasnt around.
The 4 rules allways apply

I have guns in my room unlocked and with live mags in but not chambered

I have 3 kids none of them are ever interested in playing with the guns cause they see one every day. And dad lets them check them out when im around all they gota do is ask.

They all know daddys guns are loaded and it doesnt care who it kills if the trigger is pulled

They all understand at 8,9,and 13 guns are dangerous and not to be played with.

If anything im kinda bummed on how un interested they are in them lol

You have loaded weapons out in the open in a house full of children and you are arguing for gun rights?

Please tell me you see the problem here.