2 dead in school shooting in KY

The price if guns has never been high thanks to obama and the hillary scare

I can more then triple my money on my guns :)

At least my baby killing clip fed guns;)

A 200 dollar ak went to 750 overnight damn near:shock:

I was so happy that i bought mine before they where cool. The days of 200 dollar aks is now extinct

And its even more valuable now even with all the ammo i put through it. Bout 900 i think now :)
I don't want to argue with you all. I don't want to throw out shady put Downs. Really, I do not! I got on RIU to meet people who share the same hobby and to learn new ways about what we do.
I don't want to argue with you all. I don't want to throw out shady put Downs. Really, I do not! I got on RIU to meet people who share the same hobby and to learn new ways about what we do.
I did the same thing and forgot i was on a weed site.
some hippies just dont like guns lol

I wont mention guns again on this site which is unfortunate as it is a huge passion of mine.:(
At least you can drive to your camp and it has a door! Let alone crappey cell service.

A family who was camped about a mile or 2 from us had to have a family member
Medivaced out because he accidentally hit his leg with an axe. Which as unfortunate as it was

It could have been avoided had he used it properly

If they wouldnt have had a ham radio he would have probably died

As only sat phones and radios work where we hunted.

-26 is pretty cold

But we still have to work outside till -35 :(
"Sometimes" we can drive there. In the spring its fourwheelers until Mr Tang and crew start the grade work. And if we didn't keep it plowed it would be snowsled access only.
And you're damn straight that's cold. I don't work out in it any more but he still does and tonight he had ice hanging off his beard when he rolled in
Here's the deal!
I have my house on lock down I always have and always will.

There is no way into my house without knowing the codes to get into It! The only other way is to physically break something! The dogs will hear it and we are on It!

The person that broke in was related...
Excuses, excuses.

A real man doesn't make excuses.

There are no excuses when a kid does a dumb thing with a gun. Your argument is that parents aren't responsible for their kids dumb acts. That's an excuse. Refer to line two of this post.
That's funny!

I'm sorry we all see things differently.
If you open your mind to the concept that everyone else is not like you, and that every situation is different, you might understand why people disagree with you.
Believe it or not, there are lots of people smarter than you, and lots of people dumber.
The price if guns has never been high thanks to obama and the hillary scare

I can more then triple my money on my guns :)

At least my baby killing clip fed guns;)

A 200 dollar ak went to 750 overnight damn near:shock:

I was so happy that i bought mine before they where cool. The days of 200 dollar aks is now extinct

And its even more valuable now even with all the ammo i put through it. Bout 900 i think now :)
900 rounds?
Teaching kids by leaving loaded guns lying around and trust them to do the right thing? What kind of lesson is that?
Now now,

remeber there is a difference between loaded and ready to load

And has been said my children are not physically strong enough to pull the holsters off
Let alone manipulate the weapons :)
Teaching kids by leaving loaded guns lying around and trust them to do the right thing? What kind of lesson is that?

Fogdog, brother my guns are not just laying around tgey are in my room 1 in between the mattress (my side of the bed. My girl has one on her side too. The rest of my guns are in my walk in closet that is not accessdible easily. I promise you that.
"Sometimes" we can drive there. In the spring its fourwheelers until Mr Tang and crew start the grade work. And if we didn't keep it plowed it would be snowsled access only.
And you're damn straight that's cold. I don't work out in it any more but he still does and tonight he had ice hanging off his beard when he rolled in

Sounds like my daily facial wear lol

Believe im from alaska and an outdoorsman now?
If you open your mind to the concept that everyone else is not like you, and that every situation is different, you might understand why people disagree with you.
Believe it or not, there are lots of people smarter than you, and lots of people dumber.

900 rounds?

Dude. I understand totally. You think that guns should be locked away and put up.

No one ever asked where I have my guns. Why did you not? Because then are left to assume. I just posted where I have my guns, we are safe with our shit! You all act like we are living in a fucking trailer with guns on the coffee table laying around and shit, but it's far from that.

Again, I apologize for starting off on the wrong foot with you.
The only cars that made it out to our hunting camp

Where "moose buggeys"

Basically any old 4x4 with a HUGE lift kit and airplane tires with chains :)

They make ruts that will bury your 4 wheeler though so a pain in my ass lol