2 Pounds Per Light

Well said, dlively11 - couldn't agree more.

EDIT: BTW, I predict this thread is about to devolve into a troll contest, which is unfortunate - however, virtually all threads do when there's a certain someone involved.
are you saying im a troll? n, i just dont get it why there is constant bashing on these. who cares if other people have different techniques.

and to the OP, less plants per light, and idk if you do, but use a good PK booster. that helps with some budswell, and dont harvest early
After running every system conceivable in comparision tests using clones, the F&D system for budding has become the favourite system for many seasoned growers. Good yeilds, low maintenance and low cost.
are you saying im a troll? n, i just dont get it why there is constant bashing on these. who cares if other people have different techniques.

and to the OP, less plants per light, and idk if you do, but use a good PK booster. that helps with some budswell, and dont harvest early

Not sure how you got me calling you a troll from my statement - read it again and let me know if you still feel as though I'm "saying that you're a troll".

The reason there is constant bashing on "these" (which I interpret as any thread that a certain member is involved in) is because said member tries to tell (IMO) more advanced growers that their superior techniques are "not botany" and "not as nature intended" whilst showing thirty year old pics of plants.

Said member also sticks his nose into threads for no other reason than to deride people for wanting to grow more weed using the same amount of wattage; aka, "increase efficiency".

I frankly don't give two shits what some people on here choose to believe or whose growing method/style they try to copy, but I do have an issue with someone who is "supposedly" an old hat and who acts like a fifteen year old by trolling threads and talking condescendingly to anyone who dares to not grow in dirt and have techniques that differ from his.

That (IMO), is the opposite of progress, and even though he's made tons of threads for newbs to explain that autoflowers aren't grown in cars and that if you cut the top cola off a plant two more will appear in its place, I don't feel as though his behavior makes him an asset to this community.

He's the same as Fatman, IMO - lots of useless facts and acts like a total dick.

Of course, all of the above is simply my opinion and attempt to explain why I think this thread will devolve very quickly.
Op someone else said on here that you might have stagnet air. I believe that might be the prob as well I exchange the air out like every three minutes I have a vent above grow to suck the old air out and replace with new.
Op someone else said on here that you might have stagnet air. I believe that might be the prob as well I exchange the air out like every three minutes I have a vent above grow to suck the old air out and replace with new.

Yes, I do believe that is my problem. I live in a harsh climate where exchanging air, depending on the season, would lead to excessive humidity and or heat and or extreme cold. Therefore, I use a dehumidifier and cool tubes to control heat and humidity but the co2 issue has not been dealt with. I am thinking of trying those co2 booster buckets as I stated previously. Do you or anyone else have any experience with them? I was also going to do some calculations regarding pure co2 in tanks and see if I could get away with 1 per grow. I don't think that I could keep the ppm's at 1500 though, I would probably just make sure it was at the high end of the atmospheric levels maybe 500-650?? Not sure exactly yet, I would love to find someone who has had some experience doing something similar. Thank you for adding to the thread its appreciated!!
are you saying im a troll? n, i just dont get it why there is constant bashing on these. who cares if other people have different techniques.

and to the OP, less plants per light, and idk if you do, but use a good PK booster. that helps with some budswell, and dont harvest early

I tried the big bud overdrive combo from advanced nutrients and got a decent harvest, but I had heat and humidity problems at the time. I have since dealt with those. Does it matter, in your opinion, which PK booster I use? The advanced stuff is pretty pricey, if there is something else comparable I'd love to know. Thanks for contributing its appreciated.
Actually I grow better then him that is if you consider 2X the yields he gets as being better. He does nothing but bash people every single time there is a post about removing leaves. He belittles everyone who supports this PROVEN advanced technique. Its not much different then a Scrog or Lollipopping where growers remove large amounts of leaves and branches. Anyone who argues it is counterproductive and hurts yields after seeing countless grows where people are pulling well over 1 gram per watt just isnt seeing very clearly and is the last person I would take advise from. Like Albefuct I found grows I liked and copied the. Amazing , it worked =)

To set the record straight I only chime in about UB when he starts his diarrhea of the mouth comments on topics he knows little to nothing about personally.If he had tried it and done side by sides and had his own evidence it would actually carry some weight but he doesnt.

I must agree with you. There is more than one way to skin a cat. The older I get, the more I realize that some people do things differently than others and neither is right or wrong. One thing these websites are great for is debating, rationally or course, and learning from each other. If UB feels that some of these techniques are incorrect, there are ways to go about stating so rather than being condescending. If you attack someone, whether you are right or wrong, the response is going to generally be a counter attack. Thank you dively for contributing to this thread. I would love to try your system, sadly I am not at your level and I feel as though I should master soil before attempting hydroponics as I believe things happen very quickly in water and you have to be on your toes, something my skill set is not prepared for just yet. How would you go about getting 2 lbs per light in soil??
What's your budget for upgrades?

Asking because going totally sealed sounds like the move for you, if your budget will allow.

An AC, CO2 generator, and an atmospheric controller can be had for less than $1500 and will pay for itself many, many times over.

If that's not the route you want to go, you're gonna need to figure out how to get fresh air into your growspace - some pics/more details could help us help you design something cheap to accomplish that task.
What's your budget for upgrades?

Asking because going totally sealed sounds like the move for you, if your budget will allow.

An AC, CO2 generator, and an atmospheric controller can be had for less than $1500 and will pay for itself many, many times over.

If that's not the route you want to go, you're gonna need to figure out how to get fresh air into your growspace - some pics/more details could help us help you design something cheap to accomplish that task.

Money is not a huge issue. I was thinking the same thing, that just going sealed is the way to go. This Canadian climate is just extremes all the time. Hot summers, freezing winters, you just can't win. I already have AC, and cool tubes along with a commercial dehumidifier. So all that is really left is co2 to deal with. Sounds like it is fairly important. I was hoping that large harvests were possible without it, however, it doesn't sound like something I can do without.
Your best bet is the co2. If not soil beds would work good too. You'll have a larger root mass so you'll have better growth. But the air exchange is vital unless your going with the co2.
i used bloombastic. i really like it but its REALLY pricey. but it does increase you bud mass. there are plenty of experiments on the net that show with and without comparisons by many different people.

and like puff says, seal your room and get co2. thatll be a surefire way to increase yields. but dont skimp out, get a monitor as well. there s a nextgen on that is 350.00 but you will make that back by the increase in yield in the first harvest
I'm bashing this thread because I've seen the likes of it a hundred times in every form and fashion. 99% of the time it is fluff based on anecdotal evidence that offers no real world confirmation of scientifically derived results.

Every new batch of noobs or those with a few grows under their belt thinks they can gain attention with such thread titles and reinvent the wheel. Then there are the experts who after lurking and reading cannabis forums now are experts even though they've never grown a plant before, much less cannabis.

You want top quality (and quantity) yields? Then learn what makes a plant tick. What that boils down to is becoming an expert in the factors that induce optimum production. Some of those I discussed here: https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...989-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers.html

As an aside, CO2 is not the panacea either, it's tricky and comes with caveats. If you want to learn use it properly, as an aid to plant vigor, consult a greenhouse manager with years of experience. Here's the type of reading material that you should be focusing on: http://www.marietta.edu/~spilatrs/biol103/photolab/saturati.html Or page 3 of this ditty: http://www.imok.ufl.edu/veghort/docs/physio_121202b.pdf

Again, forget the buds and ONLY concentrate on the production and maintenance of roots and foliage. You can use any technique or setup you want, that's not the issue. Understanding what drives production is.

.....and when you get tired of this thead, you can try another one: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/30470-2-1-2-pounds-per.html

Good luck,

I'm bashing this thread because I've seen the likes of it a hundred times in every form and fashion. 99% of the time it is fluff based on anecdotal evidence that offers no real world confirmation of scientifically derived results.

Every new batch of noobs or those with a few grows under their belt thinks they can gain attention with such thread titles and reinvent the wheel. Then there are the experts who after lurking and reading cannabis forums now are experts even though they've never grown a plant before, much less cannabis.

You want top quality (and quantity) yields? Then learn what makes a plant tick. What that boils down to is becoming an expert in the factors that induce optimum production. Some of those I discussed here: https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...989-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers.html

As an aside, CO2 is not the panacea either, it's tricky and comes with caveats. If you want to learn use it properly, as an aid to plant vigor, consult a greenhouse manager with years of experience. Here's the type of reading material that you should be focusing on: http://www.marietta.edu/~spilatrs/biol103/photolab/saturati.html Or page 3 of this ditty: http://www.imok.ufl.edu/veghort/docs/physio_121202b.pdf

Again, forget the buds and ONLY concentrate on the production and maintenance of roots and foliage. You can use any technique or setup you want, that's not the issue. Understanding what drives production is.

.....and when you get tired of this thead, you can try another one: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/30470-2-1-2-pounds-per.html

Good luck,


I understand what you are saying and the information you have provided is some of the stuff I was hoping would become available. I see so much information on the net, its very difficult to know what is credible and what isn't. I am trying to get information specific to cannabis and that can be tough. I will read through the information you have provided along with the other information that has been provided. I think you will agree that yield is what determines your success (many times, not always but many times) as a grower. I am getting only a little over 1 lbs off of a 1000 watt bulb. Therefore, I think I must be missing something. That was the reason for the title. Thank you for an informative response it is appreciated.
I'm bashing this thread because I've seen the likes of it a hundred times in every form and fashion. 99% of the time it is fluff based on anecdotal evidence that offers no real world confirmation of scientifically derived results.

Every new batch of noobs or those with a few grows under their belt thinks they can gain attention with such thread titles and reinvent the wheel. Then there are the experts who after lurking and reading cannabis forums now are experts even though they've never grown a plant before, much less cannabis.

You want top quality (and quantity) yields? Then learn what makes a plant tick. What that boils down to is becoming an expert in the factors that induce optimum production. Some of those I discussed here: https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...989-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers.html

As an aside, CO2 is not the panacea either, it's tricky and comes with caveats. If you want to learn use it properly, as an aid to plant vigor, consult a greenhouse manager with years of experience. Here's the type of reading material that you should be focusing on: http://www.marietta.edu/~spilatrs/biol103/photolab/saturati.html Or page 3 of this ditty: http://www.imok.ufl.edu/veghort/docs/physio_121202b.pdf

Again, forget the buds and ONLY concentrate on the production and maintenance of roots and foliage. You can use any technique or setup you want, that's not the issue. Understanding what drives production is.

.....and when you get tired of this thead, you can try another one: https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/30470-2-1-2-pounds-per.html

Good luck,


Arrogance is bliss ehh UB ?? =)

I have 5 years of indoor grows under my belt yet you have tried to discredit my style of growing every chance you get. I copied my technique from another member who had similar results as myself. Funny lots of people get these kind of results ..... the people that open their eyes and don't lok at everything 2 dimensionally. Also funny how you always ignore the pics I post and act like it is totally irrelevant. Yeah one full year 7 lights running every 8 weeks getting these same EXACT results sure are fluff arent they ? You compare it to the wheel well then I will too. There are some old timers who come in here and believe the wheel is the only way to travel while some of us prefer to travel in a jet..... Old techniques will get old results period. Just because you choose to stay stuck in the 70s doesn't mean we all have to. Do everyone a favor and stop trying to shove your narrow minded views down everyone's throats.