20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

crackerjax, you are obviously a very paranoid person. Before you jump on to fox and quote some idiot. take a deep breath.
federal deficit is being reduced, costs to average americans is being lowered, and the hobo who was discharged from service because he had depression and they didnt find out until his arm was blown off is now covered.
also the bill was modified by the retardicans to look worse..
Obama now has amendments being added that will round the rough edges
so basically what im sayin is Shut the fuck up.
also we arent going to the moon because Bush cut the spending on nasa so bad they cant do anything and the private sectors have developed equal to not superior space flight ability.
so just

There is a lack of proper nutrition in this country, especially a lack of iron and protein intake. The federal government, in it's compassion for it's citizens, should mandate that each citizen eat a healthy portion of calve's liver each week. For those who cannot afford calve's liver, they will be apportioned a serving of calve's liver from someone else's portion of calve's liver in order to level the playing field. If one hasn't a taste for calve's liver and refuses to eat it, the government will fine that citizen for each week that goes by where calve's liver isn't injested. After all ... its a matter of fairness that all people have a healthy diet, is it not?
There is a lack of proper nutrition in this country, especially a lack of iron and protein intake. The federal government, in it's compassion for it's citizens, should mandate that each citizen eat a healthy portion of calve's liver each week. For those who cannot afford calve's liver, they will be apportioned a serving of calve's liver from someone else's portion of calve's liver in order to level the playing field. If one hasn't a taste for calve's liver and refuses to eat it, the government will fine that citizen for each week that goes by where calve's liver isn't injested. After all ... its a matter of fairness that all people have a healthy diet, is it not?
Hey we already have a program like that, but it lets you chose your own food. Its more ways to get iron and protein then just liver..yuck...try lean beef and broccoli..Hell eat a can of sardines and a boil egg...Great source and also helps keep people away...but good that you thinking ...way to start the brain-storming
How's it feel to be completely misinformed about health welfare.... the rising of costs and lowering of quality.

All will happen.... a real piece of work you are.

And that post is 100% accurate ... which is why you don't address it directly.... which means you DON'T CARE
i believe it's called, "spin." and i'm sure one could go out and find a 100% accurate article that debunked every point of your post.... since your post brought up the word, democrat, let me say that the repubs had years to do something about health-care and chose to do nothing, now they want to jump on the band wagon. pretty funny stuff!!!
Lots of people can't afford umbrellas. Rain is very uncomfortable ... especially to the follically challenged folks. Therfore, I'd like to propose a federal subsidy for the follically challenged among us who cannot afford umbrellas. In fact, I'd like to propose that the government MANDATE that all citizens carry umbrellas with them at all times. All umbrellas shall be the same shade of black, with straight handles. Curved handles denotes a superior status in society and must be outlawed. Anyone caught with an umbrella with a curved handle will be subject to a substantial fine and a possible jail term. After all, we must level the playing field, right? I mean, screw those who have been given a larger share in the lottery of life. Obama rules!!
well, the umbrella analogy is not a good one. you wouldn't have to mortgage your house and sell everything you own to buy an umbrella...
crackerjax, you are obviously a very paranoid person. Before you jump on to fox and quote some idiot. take a deep breath.
federal deficit is being reduced, costs to average americans is being lowered, and the hobo who was discharged from service because he had depression and they didnt find out until his arm was blown off is now covered.
also the bill was modified by the retardicans to look worse..
Obama now has amendments being added that will round the rough edges
so basically what im sayin is Shut the fuck up.
also we arent going to the moon because Bush cut the spending on nasa so bad they cant do anything and the private sectors have developed equal to not superior space flight ability.
so just


Just informed....not paranoid. I see the true reality of what has just been passed. I have already made my moves to be UNAFFECTED by Obama, so I have no worries. You however....

i believe it's called, "spin." and i'm sure one could go out and find a 100% accurate article that debunked every point of your post.... since your post brought up the word, democrat, let me say that the repubs had years to do something about health-care and chose to do nothing, now they want to jump on the band wagon. pretty funny stuff!!!

Since the article pulls from the BILL VERBATIM.... you may go ahead and try and debunk what the Congress has WRITTEN before you.

Go ahead....debunk the bill itself!!
If I meet any of them I will thank them for not falling prey to the right wing lies and fear mongering. What "freedoms" did you lose anyway? Oh yeah, the one where you can not have health insurance so you can pass the costs of a possible medical emergency on to responsible Americans who plan for such possibilities. Which by the way you can thank REPUBLICANS for the idea as it was apparently not unconstitutional when Republicans introduced it in the 90's nor does Mitt Romney and Scott Brown when they both supported it for the state of Massachusetts.

Freedom of choice was taken away from all of us.
I read about the first 5 pages of the bill and didn't read

anymore because I was completely disgusted.
You lose your job? You'll be forced on their "approved" plan.
Switch jobs? You'll be forced on their health care plan.
Your coverage doesn't meet their approval? You'll be forced on their
health care.

All that ^^ is what I read straight from the bill.

I also read something that said some official will need
to have "real time" access to your financial situation or some
shit of the sort (ya know, the lawyer language they use to write
the bills) to be able to determine your ablility to pay for the
treatment. In other words, they want to have real time access
to your bank account to determine if you can pay. Go read a few
pages of the bill and tell me what you think.

If it WAS constitutional, why are 13 Attorney Generals filing
lawsuits with the supreme court?

I'm sure the Attorney Generals have more experience dealing
with situations where the constitutionality of a bill is
questioned than any of us here.

And the state of Massachussets is going bankrupt from what Romney did.
21% of them still complain that they can't afford their plan anyway
because of the deductibles and co-payments.
well, the umbrella analogy is not a good one. you wouldn't have to mortgage your house and sell everything you own to buy an umbrella...
i think you underestimate the social importance of the umbrella. suppose a man must go out into the rain without proper coverage and, being forced to endure a good soaking, develops a cold and then pneumonia because of his improper diet (see - not enough calves' liver). being too busy earning enough to afford all of the federally mandated "necessities of life" to seek professional help, he then sickens and dies, leaving his wife and twelve children without support. they, eventually, must mortgage their home and sell everything they own to survive.

for the want of an umbrella, a family is ruined.:rolleyes:
Purple Kitty.... doid you see where now Massachusetts has put on PRICE CAPS???

This is the future folks.... socialized medicine....

Never mind that the three insurance companies LOST money last year.... now destined to lose 100 million more by fiat and arbitrary decision of the govt.....

This is what is coming to everyone...who stays inside the USA.
and guess what...

we all get an RFID chip to go right along with our new
health care!!!

WHOO! <insert sarcasm>

Straight from the bill.

Just like I fucking told everyone. Go look on my threads started by me.
Everyone claims that they didn't want a RFID chip in their arm, but no

one is fighting against this fucking bill which will FORCE it on us.


The secretary shall estabilsh a national medical device registry... a class III device; or a class II device that is implantable... each implanted device will have a unique identifier, and presumably, each human hostwill be registered with that device number, all to be intergrated with "other postmarket device surveillance activities of the secretary"

I apologize for not getting the section number. I will try and find it.
and guess what...

we all get an RFID chip to go right along with our new
health care!!!

WHOO! <insert sarcasm>

Straight from the bill.

Just like I fucking told everyone. Go look on my threads started by me.
Everyone claims that they didn't want a RFID chip in their arm, but no

one is fighting against this fucking bill which will FORCE it on us.


The secretary shall estabilsh a national medical device registry... a class III device; or a class II device that is implantable... each implanted device will have a unique identifier, and presumably, each human hostwill be registered with that device number, all to be intergrated with "other postmarket device surveillance activities of the secretary"

I apologize for not getting the section number. I will try and find it.
Yeah find that ...so we all can see it...:roll:
i think you underestimate the social importance of the umbrella. suppose a man must go out into the rain without proper coverage and, being forced to endure a good soaking, develops a cold and then pneumonia because of his improper diet (see - not enough calves' liver). being too busy earning enough to afford all of the federally mandated "necessities of life" to seek professional help, he then sickens and dies, leaving his wife and twelve children without support. they, eventually, must mortgage their home and sell everything they own to survive.

for the want of an umbrella, a family is ruined.:rolleyes:

Yeppers, and for the want of a crash helmet and seat belts ... It all about saving the children, is it not? :lol:

Umbrellas and calve's liver for everyone! Make it a mandate! :blsmoke:
Yeah find that ...so we all can see it...:roll:


National Medical Device Registry from H.R. 3200 [Healthcare Bill], pages 1,001-1,008:
(g)(1) The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘(B)and is— ‘‘(i) a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

A “class II device that is implantable?”
Then on page 1,004 it describes what the term “data” means in paragraph 1, section B: ‘‘(B) In this paragraph, the term ‘data’ refers to in formation respecting a device described in paragraph (1), including claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
Approved by the FDA, a class II implantable device is a “implantable radiofrequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.”
Read on and find out some of the unbelievably idioitic things which are in the health welfare bill.... get your wallets out.... your costs are only going ONE way.... up.

20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

By David Hogberg Posted 03/25/2010 05:37 PM ET

If some reports are to be believed, the Democrats will pass the Senate health care bill with some reconciliation changes later today. Thus, it is worthwhile to take a comprehensive look at the freedoms we will lose.
Of course, the bill is supposed to provide us with security. But it will result in skyrocketing insurance costs and physicians leaving the field in droves, making it harder to afford and find medical care. We may be about to live Benjamin Franklin's adage, "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."
The sections described below are taken from HR 3590 as agreed to by the Senate and from the reconciliation bill as displayed by the Rules Committee.
1. You are young and don't want health insurance? You are starting up a small business and need to minimize expenses, and one way to do that is to forego health insurance? Tough. You have to pay $750 annually for the "privilege." (Section 1501)

So healthcare is going to be $750 a year? Because that's almost what my employer pays a month for me. Unless your facts are wrong I will sign up right now.
Ever heard of Net Gain?

Sure some people will be paying more but remember community?

What does it take for people to realize that 45 000 people a year should not be dying because they don't have insurance?

I live in this crazy socialist country called Canada whose Health Care system has a much stronger government influence. Yes, we may not have the same opportunities in terms of generating personal wealth but where does American greed end?

The opposition to the Health Care bill is a bunch of uptight white people who feel like this is a handout for the less fortunate and cannot comprehend doing something for someone else without getting something in return.

In 3 years you will be praising this bill
(ii) a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”

The way it may be intended is, a pacemaker or similar. However, in reference to the contents ... "Any data" - wtf is this ? Unbelievably dangerous.
From the other point of view - all they need is a reason to give you a life-supporting or sustaining implant, to store any data they want in you.

In an effort to lower costs by improving the nation's health, beginning Monday, all people on the "approved plan" will be provided with an implant that provides essential vitamins and trace minerals. This will provide necessary life-sustaining and supporting materials directly to the body. It will reduce the need for expensive treatments to simple deficiencies and will save millions of dollars to the taxpayer.
Let me explain something to ALL of you. What is now coming to everyone is a TWO TIER health care system.

Ppl like myself.... well off....do NOT now carry insurance. We know better.... paying cash is the way to go.

Let's say a couple have a child who needs medical care. Today, if that couple chooses to, they can purchase a cadillac insurance policy to make sure their child is covered. Perhaps MoM or dad have to take a second job ...maybe, maybe not. But that policy is AVAILABLE.

Now what is going to happen is that same couple will NOT be able to get the cadillac policy. They will only qualify for GOVT. health welfare.

Ppl like me and many others will do as before.... pay cash and negotiate our bills.

The best doctors are already refusing to take insurance cases.... many have gone to CASH only. This means that Cracker walks into that office...gets the finest care available at costs substantially below insurance costs...and no waiting.

Now of course union members and govt. employees WILL have a FAR SUPERIOR health welfare than you as well. They have ALL been EXEMPTED form govt. health welfare.... of course it's all on your dime in addition to the one FORCED upon you.

Everyone in the middle class and below will be stuck with substandard health care...compared to what is available now to them. Meanwhile the wealthy and govt. folks will all enjoy FAR SUPERIOR health CARE.

The middle class and poor will be on health WELFARE, and the rest of us will be on health CARE. Top notch doctors, top notch choice.

That couple with the kid? No mater how many jobs he works...unless he strikes it rich... they can ONLY get govt. health welfare. They will be LOCKED out from quality care.

It's already happening....

100% accurate.
The way it may be intended is, a pacemaker or similar. However, in reference to the contents ... "Any data" - wtf is this ? Unbelievably dangerous.
From the other point of view - all they need is a reason to give you a life-supporting or sustaining implant, to store any data they want in you.

In an effort to lower costs by improving the nation's health, beginning Monday, all people on the "approved plan" will be provided with an implant that provides essential vitamins and trace minerals. This will provide necessary life-sustaining and supporting materials directly to the body. It will reduce the need for expensive treatments to simple deficiencies and will save millions of dollars to the taxpayer.

Are you saying you support humans getting chipped like