20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

i don't see what the big deal is! look at it this way. were you all bitching about the health care program that congress has given to itself? hell no! but you'll bitch about healthcare for american citizens. friggin mindless cogs! try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh.....

maybe this will help you understand

health care takeover in which the people of america choose whether or not they want to be enrolled into this program = pretty good

HCTover where we do not have a choice, we have no other options, we cant just not buy it, we cant pass go or collect 200$, and most importantly, we are not allowed to say no?

does that sound like freedom to you?

and example of something like this happening in history

"hey indians, take these blankets they will help keep you warm, we know you need them"

"thank you white men. many moons we have frozen our native american asses off, but no longer shall we wither and freeze."

6 months later

No, I believe it is a probable outcome of leaving such language as law.

Don't get me started about personal liberties ..

Perhaps dogs are a good analogy. In the wild, they use a kind of meritocracy where the strong survive. It works well for a society but is brutal. Capitalism does too. As well as natural selection .. but I digress.
The progressives would like to see a more "compassionate" society ( like the domesticated dog ) where everyone but the elites are put in identical cages, given the same amount of homogeneous food and just enough health care to stay alive. It's the "fair" thing to do with limited resources.

We are seeing the destruction of our liberties and rights in our lifetime on a massive scale. The question is, will we be able to take them back ?


We can take them back if the masses get up and quit watching
American Idol and tell our government to FUCK OFF.
.... try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh.....

The Obama-Biden plan provides new affordable health insurance options by:
(1) guaranteeing eligibility for all health insurance plans;
(2) creating a National Health Insurance Exchange to help Americans and businesses purchase private health insurance;
(3) providing new tax credits to families who can’t afford health insurance and to small businesses with a new Small Business Health Tax Credit;
(4) requiring all large employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan;
(5) requiring all children have health care coverage;
(6) expanding eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs; and
(7) allowing flexibility for state health reform plans.

If this was all that was in the law, I don't think as many people would be complaining.
Funny how these closet bigots are upset about us losing our freedom and spending our tax dollars to help those in need. The color of the skin of many poor is part of it. Hence the strong opposition by whites in the South. Many of the poor white would oppose anything that helps blacks even if it would help themselves. When it comes to freedom where was the outcry over domestic wiretaps, spying on us, imprisonment without trial, the trillions spent, hundreds of thousands dead to fight in Iraq. All started to avenge his daddy. Where are those WMD? Is it really necessary for the US to spend more money on the military than the next 7 countries spend combined?
Agree ^^^^^^^^^^
But of course....that is NOT what the bill is.... at all.

It is a NIGHTMARE of economic and quality failure.


but CJ... you want to giVe the CHILDREN insurance dont you??? :roll:

you want to help other people dont youuuuu? :roll:

because tbh, i dont, not by force
i don't see what the big deal is! look at it this way. were you all bitching about the health care program that congress has given to itself? hell no! but you'll bitch about healthcare for american citizens. friggin mindless cogs! try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh.....

but CJ... you want to giVe the CHILDREN insurance dont you??? :roll:

you want to help other people dont youuuuu? :roll:

because tbh, i dont, not by force

Yes, it's just that simple. If you are against Govt. Health Welfare....
you're a hater.
nobody really cares how much money you make tbh

Thank you for proving my point.

You do not even know what this bill entails yet you, like so many other Fox News viewers, are opposed to it.

People's whose incomes are greater than $200 000 per year will experience a raise in taxes of about 1.45 - 2.35 %

Quick math about $2900 - 4700 per year or $250 - 400 monthly.

I'm guessing you are probably not in that tax bracket.
The Obama-Biden plan provides new affordable health insurance options by:
(1) guaranteeing eligibility for all health insurance plans;
(2) creating a National Health Insurance Exchange to help Americans and businesses purchase private health insurance;
(3) providing new tax credits to families who can’t afford health insurance and to small businesses with a new Small Business Health Tax Credit;
(4) requiring all large employers to contribute towards health coverage for their employees or towards the cost of the public plan;
(5) requiring all children have health care coverage;
(6) expanding eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs; and
(7) allowing flexibility for state health reform plans.

If this was all that was in the law, I don't think as many people would be complaining.

boy that sounds "affordable". crack is a powerful drug folks....stay in school.

there isnt one thing in your list that makes healthcare cheaper for anybody. every single thing you mention (and forgot to mention like 32 million new "policy holders") is forced coercion into a govt run boondogle.

how comes you libs hate bush so much but give another man more power than you trusted bush with? do you not understand that you are giving a single man your life and death decision making process.

for instance, do you think when the whole thing is enacted and you get sick, YOU will be able to pick which hospital YOU go to? or when they are mistreating your MOM, do you think you will be able to tell them to transfer her to another hospital? or when you find out your doctor is a fucking moron you will be able to freely go into another doc's office? if you believe any of this you are more retarded than trig.

wholly fuck people, wake the fuck up!!
Funny how these closet bigots are upset about us losing our freedom and spending our tax dollars to help those in need. The color of the skin of many poor is part of it. Hence the strong opposition by whites in the South. Many of the poor white would oppose anything that helps blacks even if it would help themselves. When it comes to freedom where was the outcry over domestic wiretaps, spying on us, imprisonment without trial, the trillions spent, hundreds of thousands dead to fight in Iraq. All started to avenge his daddy. Where are those WMD? Is it really necessary for the US to spend more money on the military than the next 7 countries spend combined?

WMD? seriously, that was 8 fucking years ago. can you at least keep your retort to this decade?

you hate bush right? well dumbass, we just gave obama, i single person, the president of the united states, MORE power than he already had.

did you ever stop to think that some time in the future there will be a man elected JUST AS STUPID AS BUSH? HELLO, ANYBODY IN THERE?

then what happens to your prescious health care? seriously, what happens?

what the fuck is wrong with you people? dumbasses WILLINGLY give their freedom away. oy ve
what the fuck is wrong with you people? dumb asses WILLINGLY give their freedom away.
but just think of all the free stuff we'll be getting when we're all broke and enslaved and the political elites run the world. it's enough to make even the greediest welfare baby cream his jeans. who needs freedom when the slave can have a big screen television?
WMD was 8 years ago, that is true, but people are still dying every day because of that bogus excuse to start a war. If the money being spent on the wars was spent on health care it would be free for everybody.
WMD? seriously, that was 8 fucking years ago. can you at least keep your retort to this decade?

you hate bush right? well dumbass, we just gave obama, i single person, the president of the united states, MORE power than he already had.

did you ever stop to think that some time in the future there will be a man elected JUST AS STUPID AS BUSH? HELLO, ANYBODY IN THERE?

then what happens to your prescious health care? seriously, what happens?

what the fuck is wrong with you people? dumbasses WILLINGLY give their freedom away. oy ve
Funny how these closet bigots are upset about us losing our freedom and spending our tax dollars to help those in need. The color of the skin of many poor is part of it.....
When it comes to freedom where was the outcry over domestic wiretaps, spying on us, imprisonment without trial, the trillions spent, hundreds of thousands dead to fight in Iraq.....
Is it really necessary for the US to spend more money on the military than the next 7 countries spend combined?
why is it that every time a new social program is opposed, the nuts come out of the woodwork to claim it's all a matter of racism? every incidence of true racism seems to give them an excuse to paint the opposition with a broad brush, while the fact that billions are freely donated to alleviate real inequities is conveniently ignored. that cranking up the bigotry rhetoric every time y'all run out of real ammunition only intensifies what racism exists is another of those facts that are either conveniently ignored or are a calculated measure to insure that those nonsensical divisions are kept alive and well.

i don't know where you were when such abortions as the patriot act were instated, but most of us were right there demanding that the constitution not be trod upon and that our rights not be ignored. i'm sure you'd like to believe that all of the opposition consists of a bunch of hypocritical rednecks and illiterate bumpkins, that would certainly reinforce your delusions of superiority. much like any other faction, you'll find plenty of such folks among your opposition. the majority, however, are just people who refuse to abandon the tenets that have created what greatness this nation embodies. they stood against the invasion of their homes under the guise of security and demanded accountability for those crimes committed within the fog of war, even while understanding that some liberty will be lost when faced with the very real threat of terrorist activities.

i must agree that military spending has become the monster that has to be contained, but that monster was spawned by a world that demanded the protection of "the biggest dog on the block". for decades we have been assailed by requests for assistance by every ally and fair weather friend against every sort of enemy, both real and imagined. each time we waded into the fray and sought to attain some sort of equilibrium in this war torn world. the time may finally have come when we must begin to say no and abandon other nations to their own devices as so many of them have abandoned us in our time of need. the time may finally be at hand for us to remove many of our military bases from around the world, some of which have sustained the economy of the surrounding countryside, protecting ourselves from dangers closer to home and repairing our limping economy. with the retreat of our military support, perhaps we should also lessen our financial support for the many nations that find it so easy to revile our influence. perhaps it's time to take the billions we spread around the world in aid and spend it on ourselves for a change.

WMD was 8 years ago, that is true, but people are still dying every day because of that bogus excuse to start a war. If the money being spent on the wars was spent on health care it would be free for everybody.
and if raindrops were lollipops we'd all be suffering from terminal tooth decay. if the intelligence that claimed the existence of those weapons had been true and they were used against our troops in afghanistan, baby bush would have been crucified for having ignored the threat.

none of that has any bearing on the imposition of a further burden on the productive segments of the american public to provide yet another entitlement. the savings of those billions could have gone into the infrastructure that is a part of the duty of government and the paying down of the debt created by the insane entitlements already in place, but we already know the politicians would have simply ignored those duties in favor of ingratiating themselves with the bleeding hearts and special interests and provided them with even more entitlements to drown us all in red ink. that "free health care" would have still been an unsustainable burden, because those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together know that nothing is really free.
boy that sounds "affordable". crack is a powerful drug folks....stay in school.

I may have been misunderstood, jeff. The points I researched from the campaign were responding to the post

"try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh..... "

Showing that the 7 selling points for the plan on the campaign trail were either not met or far overreaching the original intent. That if the law would have been limited to only those items campaigned for, people would have a much easier time accepting it.
The means by which it accomplishes those goals may be the worst possible in terms of government control. And you are quite correct, it is financially unsustainable, no matter the implementation.
The previous post implies a conspiracy against bo; in that the republicans were intent on seeing him fail, regardless of the consequence to the country. I point out that the promises and the final product differ substantially, and support for the promises does not equal support for the product.
What a load of crap! Yea right, if the intel were true, what bollox. They knew it was not true but did not care. What do you selfish scum want? A return to 19th century ethics? Should we abolish all welfare, medicaid, medicare, social security, public education and the dozens of other programs that help those in need? I've had enough of you lowlifes and will not be back on this thread.
why is it that every time a new social program is opposed, the nuts come out of the woodwork to claim it's all a matter of racism? every incidence of true racism seems to give them an excuse to paint the opposition with a broad brush, while the fact that billions are freely donated to alleviate real inequities is conveniently ignored. that cranking up the bigotry rhetoric every time y'all run out of real ammunition only intensifies what racism exists is another of those facts that are either conveniently ignored or are a calculated measure to insure that those nonsensical divisions are kept alive and well.

i don't know where you were when such abortions as the patriot act were instated, but most of us were right there demanding that the constitution not be trod upon and that our rights not be ignored. i'm sure you'd like to believe that all of the opposition consists of a bunch of hypocritical rednecks and illiterate bumpkins, that would certainly reinforce your delusions of superiority. much like any other faction, you'll find plenty of such folks among your opposition. the majority, however, are just people who refuse to abandon the tenets that have created what greatness this nation embodies. they stood against the invasion of their homes under the guise of security and demanded accountability for those crimes committed within the fog of war, even while understanding that some liberty will be lost when faced with the very real threat of terrorist activities.

i must agree that military spending has become the monster that has to be contained, but that monster was spawned by a world that demanded the protection of "the biggest dog on the block". for decades we have been assailed by requests for assistance by every ally and fair weather friend against every sort of enemy, both real and imagined. each time we waded into the fray and sought to attain some sort of equilibrium in this war torn world. the time may finally have come when we must begin to say no and abandon other nations to their own devices as so many of them have abandoned us in our time of need. the time may finally be at hand for us to remove many of our military bases from around the world, some of which have sustained the economy of the surrounding countryside, protecting ourselves from dangers closer to home and repairing our limping economy. with the retreat of our military support, perhaps we should also lessen our financial support for the many nations that find it so easy to revile our influence. perhaps it's time to take the billions we spread around the world in aid and spend it on ourselves for a change.

and if raindrops were lollipops we'd all be suffering from terminal tooth decay. if the intelligence that claimed the existence of those weapons had been true and they were used against our troops in afghanistan, baby bush would have been crucified for having ignored the threat.

none of that has any bearing on the imposition of a further burden on the productive segments of the american public to provide yet another entitlement. the savings of those billions could have gone into the infrastructure that is a part of the duty of government and the paying down of the debt created by the insane entitlements already in place, but we already know the politicians would have simply ignored those duties in favor of ingratiating themselves with the bleeding hearts and special interests and provided them with even more entitlements to drown us all in red ink. that "free health care" would have still been an unsustainable burden, because those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together know that nothing is really free.
Massachusetts is the closest example we have to compare with Obama's new health WELFARE.

It's already broke and the govt. is installing price caps on the insurance companies ...which LOST money last year...and now stand to lose an additional 100 million due to the govt. price controls.

One of the BIG problems? A mad rush by the unhealthy.... they glom on to the pool take advantage and then drop out three months later...leaving the bill for the healthy folks. It's breaking the system wide open in Mass.

So Obamas fix is to make everyone join.... so everyone will rush the services...because like so many here feel...it's free!

It will end up with the same result except....there will be no place to go this time around. The misery will be quite permanent.

Only the wealthy will be unaffected...and the govt/union....which WISELY wants no part of Obama health welfare.... including OBAMA himself!!! Think his kids will be on health welfare? Not on ur life....just YOUR kids.
What a load of crap! Yea right, if the intel were true, what bollox. They knew it was not true but did not care. What do you selfish scum want? A return to 19th century ethics? Should we abolish all welfare, medicaid, medicare, social security, public education and the dozens of other programs that help those in need? I've had enough of you lowlifes and will not be back on this thread.
perhaps, if we had attempted to grow our ethical considerations from a basis of 19th century understandings instead of clinging to the amoral platitudes of political animals and catering to the envy of the indolent mob, we might not find ourselves with the dilemma of this forced conformity we find ourselves in today. individualism and self-reliance are dying, community has been replaced by coercion and personal responsibility is fast becoming considered a vice. you find virtue in the pyramid scheme of social security. i see it as a way of allowing government decades of access to our savings and distancing ourselves from the concepts of family, community and self-control. you see some point to the millions enslaved by dependence on state sponsored handouts. i see only the degradation of huge segments of the population and the theft of wealth from its rightful owners. you see some enlightenment in the indoctrination of our children by the self-indulgence of a wasteful and top heavy educational system. i see the creation of generations of mediocrity and mindless consumption machines. you see through the eyes of the herd, following some dim vision of meager survival. i see the possibility of excellence within the actions of the individual. how hopeless this life must seem to you, denying the best of man and seeing only his baser instincts.
So if this program is so fiscally irresponsible and unsustainable, why is it being endorsed the NON PARTISAN Congressional Budget Office who agrees this program will reduce the deficit?