Let me explain something to ALL of you. What is now coming to everyone is a TWO TIER health care system.
Ppl like myself.... well off....do NOT now carry insurance. We know better.... paying cash is the way to go.
Let's say a couple have a child who needs medical care. Today, if that couple chooses to, they can purchase a cadillac insurance policy to make sure their child is covered. Perhaps MoM or dad have to take a second job ...maybe, maybe not. But that policy is AVAILABLE.
Now what is going to happen is that same couple will NOT be able to get the cadillac policy. They will only qualify for GOVT. health welfare.
Ppl like me and many others will do as before.... pay cash and negotiate our bills.
The best doctors are already refusing to take insurance cases.... many have gone to CASH only. This means that Cracker walks into that office...gets the finest care available at costs substantially below insurance costs...and no waiting.
Now of course union members and govt. employees WILL have a FAR SUPERIOR health welfare than you as well. They have ALL been EXEMPTED form govt. health welfare.... of course it's all on your dime in addition to the one FORCED upon you.
Everyone in the middle class and below will be stuck with substandard health care...compared to what is available now to them. Meanwhile the wealthy and govt. folks will all enjoy FAR SUPERIOR health CARE.
The middle class and poor will be on health WELFARE, and the rest of us will be on health CARE. Top notch doctors, top notch choice.
That couple with the kid? No mater how many jobs he works...unless he strikes it rich... they can ONLY get govt. health welfare. They will be LOCKED out from quality care.
It's already happening....
100% accurate.