20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms

So healthcare is going to be $750 a year? Because that's almost what my employer pays a month for me. Unless your facts are wrong I will sign up right now.

No. Its saying to enjoy the "privilege" (< spelling) of not having health
insurance, you must pay $750/ year.

So bascially you're paying a fine for not having health care.
There is no choice, either you pay for health insurance (one the
gov't deems acceptable) or you pay a fine.

Are you saying you support humans getting chipped like dogs?

No, I believe it is a probable outcome of leaving such language as law.

Don't get me started about personal liberties ..

Perhaps dogs are a good analogy. In the wild, they use a kind of meritocracy where the strong survive. It works well for a society but is brutal. Capitalism does too. As well as natural selection .. but I digress.
The progressives would like to see a more "compassionate" society ( like the domesticated dog ) where everyone but the elites are put in identical cages, given the same amount of homogeneous food and just enough health care to stay alive. It's the "fair" thing to do with limited resources.

We are seeing the destruction of our liberties and rights in our lifetime on a massive scale. The question is, will we be able to take them back ?
Let me explain something to ALL of you. What is now coming to everyone is a TWO TIER health care system.

Ppl like myself.... well off....do NOT now carry insurance. We know better.... paying cash is the way to go.

Let's say a couple have a child who needs medical care. Today, if that couple chooses to, they can purchase a cadillac insurance policy to make sure their child is covered. Perhaps MoM or dad have to take a second job ...maybe, maybe not. But that policy is AVAILABLE.

Now what is going to happen is that same couple will NOT be able to get the cadillac policy. They will only qualify for GOVT. health welfare.

Ppl like me and many others will do as before.... pay cash and negotiate our bills.

The best doctors are already refusing to take insurance cases.... many have gone to CASH only. This means that Cracker walks into that office...gets the finest care available at costs substantially below insurance costs...and no waiting.

Now of course union members and govt. employees WILL have a FAR SUPERIOR health welfare than you as well. They have ALL been EXEMPTED form govt. health welfare.... of course it's all on your dime in addition to the one FORCED upon you.

Everyone in the middle class and below will be stuck with substandard health care...compared to what is available now to them. Meanwhile the wealthy and govt. folks will all enjoy FAR SUPERIOR health CARE.

The middle class and poor will be on health WELFARE, and the rest of us will be on health CARE. Top notch doctors, top notch choice.

That couple with the kid? No mater how many jobs he works...unless he strikes it rich... they can ONLY get govt. health welfare. They will be LOCKED out from quality care.

It's already happening....

100% accurate.

You make so many points that are without fact behind them
"the BEST doctors are refusing to take insurance cases"
"Health Welfare"
"Everyone in the middle class and below will be stuck with substandard health care."

You sound like a conservative politician using talking points.

First of all how is not having insurance knowing better? You can honestly say that if you or a family member contracted a disease which is very expensive to treat that you rather pay upfront than pay a premium each month and have coverage?

There will always be discrepancies in health care no matter if it is privatized or government run.

Oh and those cadillac insurance plans are ridiculous in the first place, people who purchase them are basically paying doctors to check their pulse and tell them they are still alive.
Those are actually ALL facts.... if you pay cash...you get TOP service at discounted prices. many wealthy ppl do just that now. Doctors are already right now denying their services to anyone with insurance. Two tiers.... this is what you will be receiving. If you are not part of the elite... tough.

Doctors ARE starting to already revolt against the govt. telling them how to practice medicine. look it up...doctors are OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST this govt. scheme....and it is a scheme...a Ponzi scheme...just like SS and it will most definitely end up in the same fiscal shape. Broke.

The elected officials and unions HAVE been exempted and they WILL enjoy Cadillac policies.... you however will NOT.
.... There will always be discrepancies in health care no matter if it is privatized or government run. ....

Yes, but better to leave the discrepancies to a free society that is constantly adjusted by the market than dictated by our superiors in the government.
You can trust no one in the government to make decisions in your best interest, unless there is money exchanged. I would prefer paying that money directly for care rather than to some union or special interest group to advocate on my behalf, and maybe get me what I want through bribery.
I prefer the more natural fluctuations in wealth and power that freedom and the free market provide. At least I retain some control of my destiny with my money still in my pocket. I no longer have that option.
Those are actually ALL facts.... if you pay cash...you get TOP service at discounted prices. many wealthy ppl do just that now. Doctors are already right now denying their services to anyone with insurance. Two tiers.... this is what you will be receiving. If you are not part of the elite... tough.

Doctors ARE starting to already revolt against the govt. telling them how to practice medicine. look it up...doctors are OVERWHELMINGLY AGAINST this govt. scheme....and it is a scheme...a Ponzi scheme...just like SS and it will most definitely end up in the same fiscal shape. Broke.

The elected officials and unions HAVE been exempted and they WILL enjoy Cadillac policies.... you however will NOT.

No, in order to make YOUR point YOU provide a reliable source.

Show me a study that says people who pays cash for Health Care receive better treatment or else do not make that point.

Also please stop sensationalizing everything, by comparing health care to a ponzi scheme you have demonstrated that you do not even know what a ponzi scheme is.

Now that being said, I am Canadian and it is possible that these "doctors turning insurance patients away" have not made their way to credible news sources (what you might call liberal biased media), although i doubt it.

To Man o' the green, I would say that is overly paranoid, also that the free market on which you would rather rely is the cause of much of the corruption in Washington. The "control of your destiny" is an illusion, as big business and the government are essentially one in the same.
Let me explain something to ALL of you. What is now coming to everyone is a TWO TIER health care system.

Ppl like myself.... well off....do NOT now carry insurance. We know better.... paying cash is the way to go.

So when you get hit by a bus you are just going to whip your wad out and pay 300,000 cash? If so I think you can spare me some when I need to pay for my inhalers.
I need help, you're saying he won't help me? You won't help me? Thats sad and selfish. I help you and people just like you every single day of my life. Because that's life. You are wasting yours.

No, what I'm saying is that it is up to him whether he helps you, his freedom. Giving money to the government to decide that you need it is neither charity or compassionate.
Let's not get into the battle of who is more charitable, I have my record, but it's all talk on here.
If you ask me for help, I may willingly give it to you because I am a compassionate human being.
His wealth ( or mine ) relative to yours is of no significance. It's time we defeated this prejudice of wealth, it's just more reason to be divided.
You don't take notice to all the good done? All they money saved so far by cutting useless spending. This bill is only the start for Obama, our whole system needs to be adressed esp. schools. If it is already not apparent.
I need help, you're saying he won't help me? You won't help me? Thats sad and selfish. I help you and people just like you every single day of my life. Because that's life. You are wasting yours.

My helping you is supposed to be MY choice ... not yours.
You shouldn't have to make a choice, everyone should just do it because it is the right thing to do. Help eachother survive. It takes a village.......
You shouldn't have to make a choice, everyone should just do it because it is the right thing to do. Help each other survive. It takes a village.......
a village, how sweet. a group of people forced into compliance is not a village, it's nothing more than a gathering of slaves. the essence of freedom is choice, the choice to do what is right or the choice to do what is wrong. no one has the right to take that choice away from you. my definition of right is obviously different than yours on that matter, so why should i be forced to accept your definition of right and wrong on anything else.
Funny how these closet bigots are upset about us losing our freedom and spending our tax dollars to help those in need. The color of the skin of many poor is part of it. Hence the strong opposition by whites in the South. Many of the poor white would oppose anything that helps blacks even if it would help themselves. When it comes to freedom where was the outcry over domestic wiretaps, spying on us, imprisonment without trial, the trillions spent, hundreds of thousands dead to fight in Iraq. All started to avenge his daddy. Where are those WMD? Is it really necessary for the US to spend more money on the military than the next 7 countries spend combined?
i don't see what the big deal is! look at it this way. were you all bitching about the health care program that congress has given to itself? hell no! but you'll bitch about healthcare for american citizens. friggin mindless cogs! try and remember back to when obama was campaigning. one of his main issues was this very thing. everyone was all for it, until the end of the election. after that, the republican fear/hate machine kicked into high gear and all you mother fuggers got amnesia. sheep go, bahhhhhhh.....