Well-Known Member
How's it feel to be completely misinformed about health welfare.... the rising of costs and lowering of quality.
All will happen.... a real piece of work you are.
And that post is 100% accurate ... which is why you don't address it directly.... which means you DON'T CARE
I think it is you who are misinformed. Your information is biased, and taken out of context to support your political ideals. It's hard to find "news" now-a-days that doesn't come with it's own conservative or liberal spin. Gone are the days of the objective reporter. This article was written by a noted conservative for the consumption of conservatives. I love how they cherry pick parts of the bill line by line and then speculate on what it'll mean for the future. I bet you have fox news on 24/7 and then just regurgitate their nonsense talking points. It's hard to take anything seriously that comes out of the mouths of obviously un-objective people promoting their own agenda.
On the issue of healthcare reform...some parts of the bill are good, some are not so good. I think it's too watered down and too many concessions were made to placate the right. I think there should have been a public option just to give the big insurance companies some competition. They're all in collusion with each other..they all price fix and they all set the same policies to benefit their bottom line, not the well being of the population. With competition comes better efficiency, lower prices and better service. That's true with any industry. I don't think you can make the case that NO reform is needed...right?