2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

So how many solutions have the scientists come up with yet ? or, Does it depend on How much $$$$ they get ?

Recycle, ride your bicycle, grow your own VEGETABLES, even aquaponics. Telecommute, support a CO² cap and trade scheme, buy fewer things that last longer, buy, drive and maintain an older car instead of buying a new one... it just takes some creative thinking.
Recycle, ride your bicycle, grow your own VEGETABLES, even aquaponics. Telecommute, support a CO² cap and trade scheme, buy fewer things that last longer, buy, drive and maintain an older car instead of buying a new one... it just takes some creative thinking.

That outta do it, speed it up so it will be in the past......I like it.
Hey, it made Al Gore hundreds of millions of dollars. Or was that when he sold his television station to an oil backed terrorist organization? Hard to keep these things straight!!

Has anyone seen Tipper? It looks like Fat Al ate her. Either that or he gorged himself on Eco-Loon stupidity.
Lol, he deleted the post because he knew how stupid it would make him look. I could get rid of the hypothetical dates and use a ranking of years based on Joey Chesnut's hot dog eating results. Me thinks AC has finally admitted defeat.
I didn't delete anything ya dingus. I don't believe you think either. Have you figured out yet what Ranking of Record Years means?
I didn't delete anything ya dingus. I don't believe you think either. Have you figured out yet what Ranking of Record Years means?

You didn't?

That's weird. In post #160 of this thread, Oddball quotes you making your "hypothetical" dodge post. Strangely, it's not anywhere to be found except in his quote. Did it delete itself? No curse words or insults, so a mod wouldn't delete it.

Hmm, intriguing.
Incorrect. Inclusion serves as proof.
Hmm, that doesn't seem to be true, seeing as how the literature which accompanied that chart you're so fixated upon (the one with the header you fail to understand) clearly and concisely concludes unequivocally that 2014 was definitely the hottest year on record.

I'm thinking you're just unable to cite your claim to the contrary because you're wrong.
Here's the chart again:

You see, according to the literature which accompanied this chart, which you have so clearly and demonstrably failed to understand, all of the record years add up to 100% which means we're not dealing with probability in the sense of there being a margin of error, but as in ranking.

That's why it says Ranking of Record Years at the top, ya dingus.

Feel free to point out which year you think was hotter than 2014 though.