2017 45gal smart pot outdoor grow

Things are still looking good, even though the heat has been terrible; hasn't been below 100degrees during the day. My ladies seem to have acclimated pretty well with only a few leaves showing signs of stress. Anyways, a buddy of mine is growing out of state and sent me a photo of him with his plants, providing scale so I enlisted my ol ladys help and she snapped a few photos to send back. I'll share them with you all now :)
IMG_2915.JPG IMG_2916.JPG IMG_2917.JPG
Btw, I'm 5'8 :)
Out of all the things I allow to live amongst my girls, this sonofabitchn' rattle snake ain't one of em!! Me and my stepson got it, skinned it, and now we're going to make a wallet out of it! We fed the the innards to the ravens so we wasted nothing!!!
I tried uploading a video I took but.... nothing worked so here are a couple photos:)View attachment 3987914View attachment 3987916
My sons bday is tomorrow and the wallet will be a present for him!!!
i am stoked to see the wallet and finish of your outdoor
keep up the good work
I see the wallet and it looks freakin sweet.
did you have to make leather out of the snake skin?
Thanks man! My son absolutely loved it!! The leather was repurposed from some old cowboy boots that his late grandfather had in a box in the garage.i just used my wallet as a template :)
I had a $2 bill laying around so I tossed that in there before I gave it to him just to make it a little more special. It made his day! Thanks for taking interest brother!
This is just a collage to show some pretty significant growth. I repurposed a bunch of materials, including a speed limit sign (which I circled in each panel). Now, the tops of these ladies are about 3ft above that sign!View attachment 3987373

love the pit ya dug it will fill in soon enough good luck till harvest and i agree team work is what it takes me and momma do our guerilla grows and med grow ourselfs mostly got one laborer that is on disability and a lifetime buddy of mine but we get alot done by working together a few hours every day on crop
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No updates... All going well??
Hey there!! Everything is lovely, thank you!! I've been super busy recently and I can't really judge the difference between previous pictures and recent ones.
I have had to deal with aphids. Some neem oil/dish soap alternating with some other organic foliar spray, they are a thing of the past. I read somewhere that ants mild aphids like we do cows!? Weird, but that's how I knew they were present, I saw the trail of marching bastards!
Here are a couple recent pictures IMG_3196.JPGIMG_3198.JPGIMG_3070.JPG
Hey there!! Everything is lovely, thank you!! I've been super busy recently and I can't really judge the difference between previous pictures and recent ones.
I have had to deal with aphids. Some neem oil/dish soap alternating with some other organic foliar spray, they are a thing of the past. I read somewhere that ants mild aphids like we do cows!? Weird, but that's how I knew they were present, I saw the trail of marching bastards!
Here are a couple recent pictures View attachment 3996155View attachment 3996156View attachment 3996158
Ants certainly do farm for aphids
I've learnt that with chilli plants if you can keep the ants away that in turn normally keeps aphids away
Plants look great !
Are you going to rent/ buy a trimmer?
I actually have already found someone who wants to take everything and turn it all into concentrates. As per the contract, I don't even have to trim ( they take count/weight of every aspect). The stalks will even get processed to extract the cbd!!
I actually have already found someone who wants to take everything and turn it all into concentrates. As per the contract, I don't even have to trim ( they take count/weight of every aspect). The stalks will even get processed to extract the cbd!!
It is great working with good partners. I have two. I grow the weed, they supply everything and get rid of everything.