Yeah basically....72 plant count across 6 separate lots. Just splitting the cost of professional greenhouse, materials, labor, security, etc. a co-op farm of sorts... But just pieced apart legally the property lines are exact to stay within the legal plant limits there by avoiding inspections/registering as a co-op/business or even telling anyone about it at all in MA...
Id talk to a lawyer first, but it was a moonshot idea for if I ever had a bunch of money to blow on my own neighborhood development.
Wasnt planned out at all... Just a quick stupid thought and drawing I had one night.
EDIT: Originally it started by thinking of a shared greenhouse between me and my neighbors yard, we both grow marijuana, and hes an old hippie dude whos into gardening and other cool stuff, so it just started with that.... Which may be a very cheap and easy idea to test.
Or... you could simply be an investor in the BC movement, apparently, with the right investors, and the right business model, you could turn 300k into a million dollar a year operation.. Observe their model, downsize it if you would. Or right size it even better. Research the successful methods that many have used, learn from the mistakes and successes already documented.
Right sizing is the best advice I can give. Starting small can teach you many things along your path to creating a larger design.
Other advice I would give, location, location, location. Gotta find that spot, maybe not your first spot, but your varsity spot should specialize in many things. Deception, security, production, Anonymity, law bending not breaking, or otherwise.
When I say bend, we all bend the law to some extent. I have 12 plants, and one little 11 incher in with the sunflowers. According to law, thats 13 plants and they can come and yank them all. Its a non productive plant, might have a gram dried if Im lucky, but its bending the law.
So are we speaking of bending the law by our own selective interpretation that we feel we could argue with? As in 'Well six couples live here, so we can grow 72 plants' ?
When I lived in the Emerald Triangle, they would do just this. All hired help and employees lived on site, each had the proper paperwork, so when the 5-0 showed up to raid the 672 plant grow, all the proper paperwork was in order when asked for.( As each resident could legally grow X amount of plants)
Now, lets talk seriously about outdoor grows vs indoor. Because, dont know if youve seen any of
@ganga gurl420 plants, but 72 of them suckers would keep Japan high for a year. You have high overhead growing inside, not to mention risk. Growing outside legal you could produce far more for a lot less.
Old lady is getting at me, (bed

) but I would love to hear more on this idea. I dont have cash to be an investor or partner, but if and when it comes to security, give me a jingle. Its one of my gifts. Always available to consult or help.
GN, Peace, and Namaste. May your soggy buds end in sun and wind that dries your medicine with no rot or problems.
Might just barely make it to harvest...