240 watt multiple cfl small grow

well if u had 300watts on one plant u should get 90 grams? .3 grams per watt? so 300 watts between 3 plants would be 30 grams each???? I'm pretty sure thats the way it goes .3=cfls .5=HPS? think thats how you do a ballpark estimate
Day 6 Flowering.
pic 2 is a plant that im very shure is a male. Should i give it a few more days or get rid of it? i know someone more experince can shurly tell me if this is male. Other than that ive be pleased with the growth over the last few days.
No hairs yet on any plants that i can notice. there are green pokers comming of the nodes look like hairs in the light but when further inspected, the are not really hairs. maybe some type of female pre???
hmm idk man sometimes new growth tricks me to thinking theres a pistal in there sumwhere but that one looks like a male to me
yeah still no hairs today day 7...but i am seeing a worrying amount of these ball things on about 50% of my crop. i have one plat that is very valuable to me and i will be devistated if its male....(im almost positive it is now.) its the biggest of all my plants and i took the most care when growing it, its my sour d. :( i hate male plants. ima give it another few days.
Yea man if you see a cluster of balls its fo sho a male =( that sucks man i hate when the fav's turn out male
Flowering day 8.
Today was a massacre. I killed 5 of the best plants because the were males. Fuck em. guess i can focus on plants that are actually girls. The remaining plants are what i assume to be femaile, bc no little clusters of balls. One plant did actaully show a tiny hair. :) so thats a plus i guess. also some of my few rooted clones happened to be the sour d, so i had to kill sacrifice them to the toilet. male (R.I.P.) fuck the fag. Anyhow. nothing worthy of pictures today, the plants seem a bit russled from all the moving. peace.
damn bro!!! I cant tell wether mines is male or female! she has the same pointy new growth as your's did but i didnt see any balls. i did see new growth by the pointy things near the nodes the last time i checked her
Yeah you gotta wait it out. You cant really tell if its male untill it does 1 of 2 things. 1. IT GROWS ANOTHER FEW LITTLE BALLS OR CLUSTERS IN THE SAME PLACE. OR 2. GROWS A HAIR.

untll then you really dont know.
I was close too just throwing it away until i seen you were having the same problem....i'll be sure to wait it out.
day 12 flowering
we have liftoff.View attachment 1422035View attachment 1422036
everything is looking good man +rep. i am going to be starting an all CFL grow in a week or so as well using 264 watts of all 2700k for flowering. they will be autofems so im going to veg them on a 80w 6500k 4' fluoro beforehand. hope everything keeps going well, subbed.
everything is looking good man +rep. i am going to be starting an all CFL grow in a week or so as well using 264 watts of all 2700k for flowering. they will be autofems so im going to veg them on a 80w 6500k 4' fluoro beforehand. hope everything keeps going well, subbed.

Yeah man, thats about the same wattage cfls i have. somewhere between 250-300. Its doing real good so far! Good luck. I still dont know what to expect. Im shooting for at least .75 oz per plant dried. might be a long shot but who knows. peace.
day 19 Flowering
I cannot believe the growth of bud! Its amazing. They only began to show flowers a few days ago and the buds are getting really big! if they continue this trend i may very well exceed my estimation. What is time period that the bud growth slows? I will upload pics tomarow as the grow closet is sleeping for the night.