3RD Time's a Charm- Bagseed and Crazy Clone


Well-Known Member
Its always great when the experienced smokers pay you a compliment like that :-) It makes the sharing all the more enjoyable. I was just working out that I first tried weed back in 1977 at the age of 19! I don't recall all the 'fancy' named strains that are around now, and mostly over here (UK) it was Jamaican import weed or Moroccan Hash. Do you smoke with friends bigman? that's one thing I miss recently, one of lifes great pleasures :-) ..... Ah, now I've gone all nostalgic on you!

Great pics as usual.
Mature, you gave away you age!! I won't tell anyone, we're all the same age on RIU, 4:20 I think , right!! I won't born until 1979, and encountered my first time with weed at 14 in 1994! Wow


Well-Known Member
Its always great when the experienced smokers pay you a compliment like that :-) It makes the sharing all the more enjoyable. I was just working out that I first tried weed back in 1977 at the age of 19! I don't recall all the 'fancy' named strains that are around now, and mostly over here (UK) it was Jamaican import weed or Moroccan Hash. Do you smoke with friends bigman? that's one thing I miss recently, one of life's great pleasures :-) ..... Ah, now I've gone all nostalgic on you!

Great pics as usual.
So lets get nostalgic! I myself have been partaking since the age of 15 and I still remember my first time! Don't think I got high though, just paranoid. So paranoid we all got busted by our moms.:lol: Well that was 32 years ago and still twisting em up. I was trying to remember any names and what we smoked was old school. Panama Red, Acapulco Gold and some Thai stick. Mostly was just regular old weed. Probably from Mexico?

As for the smoking with friends? Well a select few but not to often. We own our own business and need to keep things on the "down low". Mostly with the wife though. She is my best friend(married 29 years this month) and we both enjoy it. She is starting to get a little more involved with the grow after experiencing the quality of smoke from Ziva.:mrgreen:

Also checked out the BIG BANG and it is now on the top five list?


Hey bigman, everything is looking good between "here and there"!!

May I put in a request for a pic of the 12/12 from seed and age on her? I just started 2 12/12 from seed under 104watts of cfl, but will be putting in a 100 watt CMH to replace them this weekend, if I can get it all wired and mounted.
No problem bro! It looks like i put em in the dirt around the 8th of may. So that would make em about 8 wks give or take? Not exactly sure. She suffered a lock out and I up canned her to a 3 gal pot and she is starting to show new growth but I don't expect to much from her. She was a seed from my very first grow so it may be bad genetics or me just screwing it up.lol


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or is her lower portions buried? She does look a bit stunted. If she does have lower stems buried she may be trying to root them before she puts any more energy into flower. If that's the case I read a thread a little back that said after those branches root they take off!!

You never know, she may be your best producer, taking the shorter veg time into account!!


Well-Known Member
wow you all are old enough to be my dad, I started on the herb in 8th grade at the end of the year the whole school would walk to a nearby park, a group of us went to the woods I got an invite from a girl that was digging my bones lol she was pretty fine so of course I followed, bout 8 of us total smoking out of a pop can lol. I was 13 then and I believe it was 2002.


Well-Known Member
Aw man, a pop can? :spew: :(
But it is interesting, I wonder what everyone used to smoke out of their first time?

My first time smoking was out of a glass pipe at the age of 17 on Halloween in SF, CA 2006. THAT was an experience, one of the craziest smoking-involved adventures.


Well-Known Member
well I started back in 69 (was a good year, no pun intended) and I have pretty much done it all when it comes to trying testing certain things out, had a friend whose dad was in the AF stationed in tailand so my first smoke was AWESOME


Well-Known Member
It just shows that this herb crosses all ages,races and creed's! What a beautiful thing!

Oh ya, mine was a joint that hardly stayed together


Well-Known Member
I was born in 1984 and can remember having my first bong way back in 1986 bongsmilie crazy times i tell yah ;-):lol:;-):lol:


Well-Known Member
I was born in 1984 and can remember having my first bong way back in 1986 bongsmilie crazy times i tell yah ;-):lol:;-):lol:
picturees or it didn't happen. and don't pull the i can't reveal my identity card I'm sure you share no resemblance of yourself when you were two


Well-Known Member
picturees or it didn't happen. and don't pull the i can't reveal my identity card I'm sure you share no resemblance of yourself when you were two
hey I shot my uncle when I was 2 (don't have pics) stole my first car when I was 7 (do have pics,,,,,,,,,,of the wreck)


New Member
It just shows that this herb crosses all ages,races and creed's! What a beautiful thing!

Oh ya, mine was a joint that hardly stayed together
I was 6 and my half sister came to stay the summer with us...Her boyfriend at the time was a long haired hippie (Like I have been for over 30 years now:twisted:)

Anyways they called me over and asked if I wanted to smoke some "wacky tobacky" was what he called it... So being the 6 year old "man of the world" I thought I was I said "Sure". About twenty minutes of smoking out of the weirdest looking pipe I had ever seen I went lie on the couch and watch cartoons.. Fell asleep, then woke up about an hour later hearing my sis and him making bacon like there was no tomorrow!! A$%holes got me loaded so they could screw in my bed!!!
But it was ok as I loved it and have never stopped yet!:weed:

This is fun to hear all our first time stories...and Riddle I figured you were a wild ass when you were younger!!

Looking good Big!!!:mrgreen:

Namaste' :eyesmoke:
"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":peace:


Well-Known Member
anyway back to the thread lol, your dogs are awesome big i just love the way they hang out in the trees guarding your house, what breed are they? i reckon my dogs are to dumb to do that