40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

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Well-Known Member
Ya for sure , that would be huge savings for your garden.

The more I read about cmh the more I like and am excited to get mine.

Are cmh bulbs life expectancy similar to that of hps? Or supposed last longer?


Well-Known Member
CMH bulbs are supposed to be good for a lot longer. They claim 20,000 hours and still have 80% of their output, however thats pushing it lol. Id say if you replace a HPS bulb yearly you would probably replace a CMH every 2 years. That said I would replace them yearly as I replace a HPS bulb twice a year.


Well-Known Member
Ya I guess it's not really about how long they last, it's about how long they last at the high intensity we want for our plants.

I bought the Phillips bulbs for both of mine, they were 110.00 cad each, def not cheap, but if I can get 4-6 grows or more out of them, it will be nice.


Well-Known Member
I just like to think of the value of the weed vs. the price of a bulb. Lets just assume that 10% less light = 10% less yield. Is 10% of your yield worth more than the bulb? So replacing bulbs often actually makes sense. That said, a CMH bulb costs more but lasts twice as long. So there is a little savings there but as you stated, it's more about the quality of the light. The UV thats in the CMH spectrum is awesome for resin production too. The HPS still has the far red but yields people have reported are either really good or really bad. That tells me that some people may be running the lights too close?? I do think a perfect room for me would have tall ceilings and use a mix of DE HPS and DE CMH with LED on the side lighting.


Well-Known Member
I just like to think of the value of the weed vs. the price of a bulb. Lets just assume that 10% less light = 10% less yield. Is 10% of your yield worth more than the bulb? So replacing bulbs often actually makes sense. That said, a CMH bulb costs more but lasts twice as long. So there is a little savings there but as you stated, it's more about the quality of the light. The UV thats in the CMH spectrum is awesome for resin production too. The HPS still has the far red but yields people have reported are either really good or really bad. That tells me that some people may be running the lights too close?? I do think a perfect room for me would have tall ceilings and use a mix of DE HPS and DE CMH with LED on the side lighting.
Ya we discussed this before, I def think having the different spectrum from all 3 would be amazing, the plants would have to love that, wouldn't they? My plan to have 10' ceilings in the new room is a must. Am still considering 12' yet.

I agree with yield vs bulbs, they aren't expensive enough for that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am planning 12 but want 14, just the cost goes way up for equipment rental as a telehandler won't lift the sections if they are that tall.


Well-Known Member
Ya every foot above the 8' mark costs more and more and more

Material, equipment needed etc

Once you get above 12' now your into another different ballgame again for costs for sure.

I'm building my garage out of ice block (insulated concrete forms) right to the rafters, it's like putting together lego blocks, main expense obv will be the concrete pour.

I'm buying my rafters this time, we're having a loft up top, so easier to buy the rafters than me trying to take the time to build them.

I want 12' ceilings but will prob go with 10's like planned


Well-Known Member
That sounds like a solid building! Love it. Like the three pigs and whatnot...

I definitely want to spend the money to have a low voc spray foam job on all the walls and roof since it will be a metal building and I also want to do a white epoxy floor coat. I want that place sealed up tight as a drum.


Well-Known Member
Def epoxy floors, so clean and easy to maintain. My neighbor just had his done last summer, very nice

Ya the cost of lumber and plywood , insulation, etc is so absurd around here that it's just as cost effective to go the ICF route . Quite a few guys in this area are going this route. We're also in a very high wind spot, so more strength the better I say lol


Well-Known Member
I also want to do a white epoxy floor coat.
epoxy floor coating is one of the best moves ive ever made in terms of room design. so easy to clean
you may want to add an extra layer of vapor barrier. i did not in one of my rooms, and im starting to get bubbles in my top coat. not sure if this is more or less necessary depending on your local climate or anything like that, but i figured id chime in to potentially spare you some pain in the ass in the future


Well-Known Member
lol i figured you were pretty exhausted after clearing out rooms like that

Hows everything looking? you pleased?


Well-Known Member
Looks good quality wise, didn't get the normal yield because I flipped them too early. Next round will be bigger, watch and see. lol I'll get some pics when it's dry and hand trimmed.


Well-Known Member
Looks good quality wise, didn't get the normal yield because I flipped them too early. Next round will be bigger, watch and see. lol I'll get some pics when it's dry and hand trimmed.
You were expecting the lower yield tho right? I think i remember you mentioning a while back that you expected this run to yield less.

did you find the 10k MH help with resin? is that something you would notice during the trim?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I expected this run to yield less after I saw the stretch. I was trying to make sure I didn't burn any tops (have done that before lol) and I was a little too cautious. It "looks" like somewhere around 33 - 35 pounds but thats just a wet guess. Next time I want to see buds that are much larger, these weren't nearly as big as usual.

I can definitely tell there is a visible difference in resin production. Only smoking some will be the real proof of the pudding.


Well-Known Member
33-35 is still respectable lol . How long will it take you to flip the rooms and bring in the next run?

I got myself 2 bread racks from my buddy and my loupe finally showed up.

Lights come back on in 5 minutes, I am excited to finally see just how close these girls are getting.

I am gonna use your simplistic drying routine. I assume my bud will cure naturally once stored .


Well-Known Member
It will probably be another 3 or 4 days before I move the next run into the rooms. Then I will veg them until I feel they are ready for flip, maybe two weeks ish then 70 days of flower.

Yeah just let them dry most of the way and jar them to cure. Just make sure you don't jar them too wet or they can mold. If they are too dry they can't cure. So it's a tricky time. You can always get them dry and remoisten them if needed by putting a few fan leaves in the jar with the bud.
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