So one initial observation on the chem-gro 4-20-39 after just mixing it up once.
You can't make any sort of mix thats rich enough to be considered a concentrate. You get this stuff wet it needs to be in a large volume of water thats being mixed as it's added. Failure to do this will cause some of the compounds in the bag to react and precipitate out. So this eliminates any possibility of using my magnetic stirring plate for this one.

Instead I just used a 10 gallon bucket and put about 5 gallons in with 60 grams of the 4-20-39 that I added while I was running a paint mixer on a 1/2" drill lol. Get it to about half speed and it's really churning but staying in the bucket, more and well, probably need a bigger bucket lol. I didn't see any precip after mixing. I tested about 30 grams in a liter of water on the stirring plate and you get a ton of precip. I don't know where the line is but my gut says don't try to get any richer than the 60 grams in 5 gallons.
I mixed the calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate on the stirring plate in about a liter of water and then added them the 30 gallon drum after the 4-20-39 is mixed in. I didn't see any issues with precip. So we will go from here and see if the plants get pissed or not I guess.
Trying to figure out what pH level they wanna be at, so far I have been going with 6.2 but if I see any mag def I will try raising the pH before just adding more magnesium, they are getting 2 grams per gallon of mag sulfate so there is no way I am not providing enough magnesium, if anything it's too much but I figured with the coco the extra 2/3 gram per gal over manufacturer mix instructions (1.33) should get me anywhere I need to be. lol
These are the manufacture baseline recommendations:
So my 30 gallons got 60 grams of 4-20-39, 60 grams of mag sulfate and 60 grams of cal nitrate.
I can see myself being very likely to increase the 4-20-39 a little and maybe backing off the epsom a tad. Right now as mixed it's only around 875 PPM with tap h2o so there is definitely room but lets see what they think.
Anyways, enough of my random babble. Happy growing to all you good ppl!

Stay safe from the 'VID