400W, 5 Plants, Indoor, First Grow


Well-Known Member
Dude the hindu isnt shit to me, I was going to kill it.. but got talked into atleast harvesting.
so whatever man lol.
Figure I'll be harvesting all 3 of the remaining plants this week.
Gonna be a good week :]


Well-Known Member
You and me both bro! Only difference is I'll be trimming down 10 plants... edit: not going to be fun doing it solo*

Its gonna be a sticking icky week fo sho


Active Member
Congrats on making the harvest. Can't wait to smoke some of your hard work haha. Let us know if the other ladies go down with their chins up!


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with the hindu, I just looked at the nugs now and they smell dank.
She went down with her chin up don't know why you would think otherwise.
I just didn't want to take pictures and all that bullshit for such a small plant.
This first run was all off impulse, didn't really even get to select my strains properly or even veg them out as long as I wanted to.
If you saw how nice the oaksterdam looks and how big it is already... I'm easily gonna pull 5oz+ off this plant.

And I might end up stressing my Blueberry headband into producing seeds, anyone have any input on going about doing this?
This fucking plant smells like candy, im not trying to make things out to what they arent.
Or stretch the truth or anything, this fucking plant, smells like, candy. Like sugar man, like candy no joke.
So I want seeds, I dont care about the bud right now.
If this plant smells this fucking bomb, I'd rather have 20 seeds than a harvest.
So any input would be great.


Well-Known Member
I'll seriously cut off a leaf and mail it to you so you can smell this shit.
I can't believe it.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with the hindu, I just looked at the nugs now and they smell dank.
She went down with her chin up don't know why you would think otherwise.
I just didn't want to take pictures and all that bullshit for such a small plant.
This first run was all off impulse, didn't really even get to select my strains properly or even veg them out as long as I wanted to.
If you saw how nice the oaksterdam looks and how big it is already... I'm easily gonna pull 5oz+ off this plant.

And I might end up stressing my Blueberry headband into producing seeds, anyone have any input on going about doing this?
This fucking plant smells like candy, im not trying to make things out to what they arent.
Or stretch the truth or anything, this fucking plant, smells like, candy. Like sugar man, like candy no joke.
So I want seeds, I dont care about the bud right now.
If this plant smells this fucking bomb, I'd rather have 20 seeds than a harvest.
So any input would be great.
If you stress her and get seeds you wont necessarily get the same pheno type .. or smell/ growing characteristics .. or you might .... never know .. how far is the blueberry head band ?


Well-Known Member
like 3-4 weeks into flowering.
fuckkk man that shit is depressing, so you're saying the guy I got this from, theres a chance his weed isn't as good as this plant since its diff phenos?
that makes me feel good, but I want to seriously get seeds from this plant.
you think I could make a clone?


Well-Known Member
No im saying that if you make it seed.. the seeds wont exactly represent the parent plant.. even if it is self pollinated... And yes.. it will clone .. thats how I got my white widow back.. I took a 2 clones at 5 weeks.. It will root normally.. just will looked deformed for a little .. then it will revert to veg and you will have a mom of the EXACT same genetics.. but when you make seeds.. its like making kids.. the genes are there but its not always the exact same as the parent plant.. as opposed to a clone who will be the Exact same :)


Well-Known Member
Just clone this bitch the same way I would go about cloning a normal plant then throw it in my veg tent?
Should I make like 3 clones to be safe?


Well-Known Member
ps .. ive seen plants reveged after harvest before.. people will just leave a couple scraggler bud sites at the bottom .. and it will revert.. just takes forever LOL


Well-Known Member
Just gave the girls a once over with the microscope.
As soon as the soil dries out I'll harvest the MB / NL.
the master bubba is mostly cloudy, so I figure it's time to go.
the northern has some amber and some clear and some cloudy so I think it's time for her to go.
desert dream isn't amber yet, so time time time.

it's officially been 62 days, 2 months since I started flowering.
I think they are ready.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt harvest with any clear if it was me.. can give you that paranoid high that I remember you said you didnt like.. its common for sativa hybrids to go 70 days or so... specially with the smaller light.. might take a little longer to ripen up ... But .. im sure its good now .. just my opinion to wait a little till your all MILKY cloudy and amber. :)

Does it feel good to get to the end? Gotta be exciting :)

Flip The Script

Active Member
hey bro you can mos def clone a flowering plant you can even clone some of the lower nodes where the pop corn buds have grown it just takes really long to root..like 14-28 days lol


Well-Known Member
hey bro you can mos def clone a flowering plant you can even clone some of the lower nodes where the pop corn buds have grown it just takes really long to root..like 14-28 days lol
I got some arms down at the bottom I could take clones from but the leaves aren't really looking the best.
I'm just gonna get some throat spray and use it on the buds to make bananas after all my other plants are harvested :P


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt harvest with any clear if it was me.. can give you that paranoid high that I remember you said you didnt like.. its common for sativa hybrids to go 70 days or so... specially with the smaller light.. might take a little longer to ripen up ... But .. im sure its good now .. just my opinion to wait a little till your all MILKY cloudy and amber. :)

Does it feel good to get to the end? Gotta be exciting :)
you have no idea.
so school me for a second will you please?
i need some alotaball piss on my parade.
alright, so.

if you take more time drying your weed, it tastes better.
and if you harvest when your soil is wet, it takes longer to dry.
shouldn't you harvest when your soil is wet?

I mean, enlighten me if I'm wrong.....................