4x4 Grape Ape and XXX 100% organic grow


Well-Known Member
I quit doing the soma method in pots. Every batch the yield got smaller and smaller. The quality was getting better though. Roots were growing through the hydroton and out the holes. That's no good. About 2 batches ago I quit using the cheap black pots went straight to white grow bags. They breathe a little and air trim roots a little too and the soil never gets compacted in the grow bags. Just perlite at the bottom and no pvc Much better results. The soma method for me only works good in beds. I was using 3 gal pots.

Eventually I'm going to switch to air pots when I can afford to buy a lot of them. They air trim the roots so the never get root bound. you use way less soil because you can use smaller air pots. Now im doing light experiments with T5's and coral bulbs and they kick ass. Check my journal.

Wheezer. looks great. All uniform and healthy. Good work.


Well-Known Member
yea my 8x8 tent is all in grow bags, organic mix. Basicakky the same soiless mix I start with outside. This was just a goof around thing, I was mainly more interested in the 12-1 light method than the single shared bed thing. I knew that wasn't a great idea inside haha. I grow mostly for me, and it's a hobby, so I have fun with it all first. There's NO USE in doing this if it's gonna stress you out, worrying how things are gonna come out.


Well-Known Member
it's saving power for sure, especially in veg it did, and the plants seem fine and growing good, no problem. So, I would say it definitly has a use, and it does work. I don't think the plants grow faster in veg, but they don't grow slower either. I think the veg time was uneffected. I also have always been against 24 hour lighting, except when your trying to re-veg something, or clones, but even clones need the break imo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I always do 18/6 even for clones. Its too much of a pain in the ass to have a 12/12 room, a 18/6 room, and then a 24/0 room for clones.

Plants need to sleep. Imo.

How do you think flowerin will do? Loss of yield per loss of light?


Geez wheezer I keep bumping into you wherever i grow,i mean go.lol
Anyways the 8 babies i had that you were helping with only had 3 ladies in the bunch so i'm a bit disappointed. On the subject of you not liking auto's if you pm me i'd be glad to take them off your hands if you have any extra lying around.


Well-Known Member
Geez wheezer I keep bumping into you wherever i grow,i mean go.lol
Anyways the 8 babies i had that you were helping with only had 3 ladies in the bunch so i'm a bit disappointed. On the subject of you not liking auto's if you pm me i'd be glad to take them off your hands if you have any extra lying around.
hey buddy! what's goin dooooooowwwn? glad you found me over here, I hang in the outdoor section or here in organics mostly. I'm trying to remember what 8 we were talking about?? was it my seeds? Yea man I'll be glad to give you my autos, and a bunch of fems too I'll never grow.


Well-Known Member
interested to see if your plants get stunted for a bit from the lower branch removal, it seems as though you took quite a bit off. however, everything is looking beautiful my friend.


Well-Known Member
interested to see if your plants get stunted for a bit from the lower branch removal, it seems as though you took quite a bit off. however, everything is looking beautiful my friend.
So far they look to have had a growth spurt. I have never had ill effects from trimming off lower branches from a plant, whether it's in veg or flower. I've noticed that after a hard cutting like these took, all that extra energy has no where to go but up to the tops, and bam! I get spurt of, growth, not stunted stressed plants.


Well-Known Member
That's excellent to hear, Wheezer. I actually thinned out all ym lower branches last night, and the ladies spurted accordingly.

About 15% of the genetics I have worked with have either slowed down or stunted for a week with such branch removal. However, 85% of them love it....my current vanilla kush, pandoras box, medicine man and puirple maroc all loved it this time.


Well-Known Member
That's excellent to hear, Wheezer. I actually thinned out all ym lower branches last night, and the ladies spurted accordingly.

About 15% of the genetics I have worked with have either slowed down or stunted for a week with such branch removal. However, 85% of them love it....my current vanilla kush, pandoras box, medicine man and puirple maroc all loved it this time.
yea, most do, but I have noticed a number of strains that stress from it.