Allright. I'll keep all in mind. I'll flip very early to 12/12. I think this light is fair enough for this tent. Some people told me the power of it can harm the plants. But got you! It will be winter time anyway which will help me to balance the temperature.
Re. the light - I feed my plants well (light is how plants make food, right?)
"Some people told me the power of it can harm the plants." - sure. If you try, you can harm your plants. I grow my plants at well over 1kµmol and have given my plants too much light almost once per grow. It pisses them off and they let me know so I turn the light down. Even though I grow at very high light levels, I have never had a plant get damaged but I have seen consistently high yields.
--->>. Growers lose more of their crop by not giving their plants light than they do by giving their plants too much light. <<--
That sounds like a bold assertion but, even though it can't be proven, I'd argue it's accurate for a variety of reasons, two simple ones. First, it's very hard to damage a plant by giving it too much light (from an LED). Using HPS, a grower had to be careful about the heat output of the light. With an LED, they simply don't give off much heat. If you give a plant too much light it will react by temporarily changing its shape so as to reduce the leaf area exposed to the light ("canoeing" or rotating the leaf vertically around the petiole). If a grower leaves (pardon the pun) the light at high levels and the plant reacts and the grower reduce the light level, that's negligent and, from what I've seen, very rare.
On the hand, increasing yield is really simple - give your plants more light. I've been reading
a lot about grow lighting since I started growing (again) in 2021 and I've found no research that doesn't conclude that there's an almost linear relationship between light levels and yield. The only metric I've seen is from the attached study and I've created this table based on the information in the paper.
Roughly speaking, their research showed a 4.5% increase in yield for every 50µmol increase in PPFD.
No argument that there's no
need to turn give a grow "a lot" of light. Cannabis won't die until light levels drop to 64µmol± but arguing how little light a grower can feed the plants is a pointless distraction from the benefits of giving cannabis a lot of light. Cannabis
is a light whore loves light.
The best 60 minutes of information I've found re. growing cannabis.