51 Percent Of All American Workers Make Less Than 30,000 Dollars A Year

$20,000 a month won't pay your mortgage in some areas.

$832 a month will get you desert dude's home!

Actually i think that is opposite i mean The government is chasing out corporate companies with taxation ,, obama masks the fake economy by saying unemployment rates are getting better ..
but where are they ??? in retail and fat food industry and you expect people to make 40 k a year in that sure double the price of a big mac meal lol but wait a min know one will be able to afford it
As the baby boomers are reachng retirement now and in few years to come its only going to get worse as more n more people retire and less people or adequate people replace them ,,
Sad truth is kids even though there rated as dummies in usa are actually smart they realize that scientist , or trades men is treated like shit so they in turn stay in school longer running up there debt in school they know the money is in corporate law suits so lets sue the remainding companies that call USA home like Micro soft. no different then the mj laws in usa they probably allowed it to keep people from understanding the true econimic horror that will shortly un ravel in usa , remember the government took money from the retirement fund and with more n more retiring the burden again falls on the governement in which they will tax the puppet population
We're doing better than Russia tho!
i think we need not worry about wages but infact inflation to guage whats really going on is the increase of comodities CRB index coffee, gas, cotton sugar etc its up like 38 percent that is whats killing everyone
our dollar does not go far anymore
And even with the currency rate of us dollar which i honestly think is inflated and BS
its next crash is going to be the end of it
We're doing better than Russia tho!
America! Land of the free, home of the brave, and the greatest country on the face of the planet, right? A country with seemingly limitless natural resources, and according to many politicians, anointed by God herself to lead the world out of the wilderness and into a bright new age of liberty and justice for all. Too bad the road to that vision is pockmarked with so many potholes, because we haven’t raised enough taxes on people who can afford to pay to fill them.

Americans, maybe more than anyone on Earth, are guilty of the sin of hubris and excessive pride. As the great Greek poets of the ancient world have taught us, hubris can lead to some really bad outcomes.The reality is that a good portion of the rest of the world has far outpaced the United States in things like healthcare. While the U.S. has painstakingly cobbled together a convoluted insurance-friendly monster called Obamacare (remarkable mostly for how much better it is than what we had), the rest of the developed world enjoys one-payer government healthcare that outperforms the U.S. in both cost and quality of care. The proof is in the pudding; they live longer than Americans.
Most developed countries scratch their heads at the idea that we must burden our children with debt in order to educate them and strengthen the nation. In countries like Germany, Iceland, Brazil, Norway, even Panama, public university tuition is free. Even in the United Kingdom, although education isn't free, the government allows students to pay loans back based on their income, reducing the pressure of debt and allowing more freedom of choice upon completion of college. Additionally, the UK writes off the debt after 30 years if it has not been paid back. Compare that to the US, where nothing, not even bankruptcy, erases college debt.
America! Land of the free, home of the brave, and the greatest country on the face of the planet, right? A country with seemingly limitless natural resources, and according to many politicians, anointed by God herself to lead the world out of the wilderness and into a bright new age of liberty and justice for all. Too bad the road to that vision is pockmarked with so many potholes, because we haven’t raised enough taxes on people who can afford to pay to fill them.

Americans, maybe more than anyone on Earth, are guilty of the sin of hubris and excessive pride. As the great Greek poets of the ancient world have taught us, hubris can lead to some really bad outcomes.The reality is that a good portion of the rest of the world has far outpaced the United States in things like healthcare. While the U.S. has painstakingly cobbled together a convoluted insurance-friendly monster called Obamacare (remarkable mostly for how much better it is than what we had), the rest of the developed world enjoys one-payer government healthcare that outperforms the U.S. in both cost and quality of care. The proof is in the pudding; they live longer than Americans.
"They". Average life span in Russia for a man is 65.
Yes some countries outlive America but not all. Mostly island countries.

Also Obama sucks and today's mindset of let me vote for who ever gives me free shit is crap. It's likely that I won't retire here in America.
A Gallup poll in 2014 revealed that 42% of Americans, 4 out of every 10, reject evolution. This huge swath of the country believes that God created humans just 10,000 years ago. How backward is that? Contrast that with Europe, where more than 80% of the population accepts evolution as fact. Right-wing American politicians use the rejection of science as a wedge issue to gain office and power, polarizing the country and perhaps endangering the planet, since the same Americans who reject evolution also reject the science behind climate change.

With the US lagging far behind many European and Asian countries in science and math education, in an increasingly competitive world where science and economics are intertwined, it bodes poorly for the future of the country and its standard of living.
A Gallup poll in 2014 revealed that 42% of Americans, 4 out of every 10, reject evolution. This huge swath of the country believes that God created humans just 10,000 years ago. How backward is that? Contrast that with Europe, where more than 80% of the population accepts evolution as fact. Right-wing American politicians use the rejection of science as a wedge issue to gain office and power, polarizing the country and perhaps endangering the planet, since the same Americans who reject evolution also reject the science behind climate change.

With the US lagging far behind many European and Asian countries in science and math education, in an increasingly competitive world where science and economics are intertwined, it bodes poorly for the future of the country and its standard of living.
I don't care what Americans vs Europeans think. At least we don't wear skinny jeans. Also everyone knows evolution happens to some scale. Is personally prefer to believe in a god rather than we evolved from monkeys.
"They". Average life span in Russia for a man is 65.
Yes some countries outlive America but not all. Mostly island countries.

Also Obama sucks and today's mindset of let me vote for who ever gives me free shit is crap. It's likely that I won't retire here in America.

good riddance, loser. take your racism elsewhere.

i still haven't gotten my free shit either.
Yo Bm even thou russians economy is not doing great now due to oil gas prices prices lets not forget there sitting on the worlds biggest reserve gas reserve and in to the 10 oil producing in oil USA is not even in it ..
and even thou there sitting on it one must ask who really is in better shape a person in debt or a person owed money ?? do not forget you owe russia 82 billion dollars not vice versa
hypothetically speaking if Russia demanded there money what would happen to US economy or if Russia and china both demanded there money or russia china germany UK japan korea , shit lets just say all of the other countries demanded there money what would happen to usa ??? could they pay it ???
so please sit down until you pay your debt back your considered a dead beat country .
Your so far down that hole your country will never get out of it
Yo Bm even thou russians economy is not doing great now due to oil gas prices prices lets not forget there sitting on the worlds biggest reserve gas reserve and in to the 10 oil producing in oil USA is not even in it ..
and even thou there sitting on it one must ask who really is in better shape a person in debt or a person owed money ?? do not forget you owe russia 82 billion dollars not vice versa
hypothetically speaking if Russia demanded there money what would happen to US economy or if Russia and china both demanded there money or russia china germany UK japan korea , shit lets just say all of the other countries demanded there money what would happen to usa ??? could they pay it ???
so please sit down until you pay your debt back your considered a dead beat country .
Your so far down that hole your country will never get out of it
Yeah but upon the demand would start ww3 and there's no saying who would win. Russia winning would just be a more corrupt world. There's a reason hot Russian babes with degrees are marrying guys from all over the world and not Russia. Because corruption sucks ass there and it's at every level.
Yo Bm even thou russians economy is not doing great now due to oil gas prices prices lets not forget there sitting on the worlds biggest reserve gas reserve and in to the 10 oil producing in oil USA is not even in it ..
and even thou there sitting on it one must ask who really is in better shape a person in debt or a person owed money ?? do not forget you owe russia 82 billion dollars not vice versa
hypothetically speaking if Russia demanded there money what would happen to US economy or if Russia and china both demanded there money or russia china germany UK japan korea , shit lets just say all of the other countries demanded there money what would happen to usa ??? could they pay it ???
so please sit down until you pay your debt back your considered a dead beat country .
Your so far down that hole your country will never get out of it

Right now we have the only bank that can print the world's currency. When the dollar is replaced with a mixed currency it will leave a mark for sure.

I like what Gallagher the comedian said though, "don't pay it, it's not like anyone can do anything about it".

Crazy Ron Paul has a point when he says our digitizing so much money is defaulting by devaluing. I'd be pissed at our QE if I owned our debt.
there is no area so inflated that you can't get a mortgage on $5k a month, herban_loser.

That's $60k/yr, and if the bank doesn't want you to spend more than thirty percent of your take home on the mortgage, check out what you can't buy;

60k - 25% taxes = 45k, or $3750 take home x .30 = $1125 for a prospective mortgage payment. That payment will only allow you to buy about $175k worth of real estate, far too low for many even 'middle class' areas, let alone trendy ones. You can fucking forget Boulder!

To buy into yuppieland you need a six figure income, that's the sad truth. It's another reason why our country isn't doing so well, because as this thread discussed in the opening posts, there aren't that many people making that kind of money!