-38 percent of all American workers made less than $20,000 last year.
-51 percent of all American workers made less than $30,000 last year.
Makes sense! Only 10% of people are worth a shit.
In the military only takes about 30% of possible people because of super low intelligence or crime or physical problems.
In special forces only about 30% of those in the military can even go to try outs
Because they're physically weak or lack intelligence. Of those who go to selection only about 20-30% make it then another 30% fails eventually for the 2 years through the Qualification course and specialty.
So in the end only .00001% of Americans are green berets; granted not every American attempts it.
nature has a strongest survive selection. In our American the weak are not even allowed to die, and statistically they're out reproducing those that could survive.
This statistic explains perfectly why we have the president we have.