The Corporations are working on out sourcing all manufacturing jobs even the most high tech they don't want to pay the american wage they won't stop until its all gone. We have a heard time making stuff we used to make easily.If we don't stop this America is fucked
Actually i think that is opposite i mean The government is chasing out corporate companies with taxation ,, obama masks the fake economy by saying unemployment rates are getting better ..
but where are they ??? in retail and fat food industry and you expect people to make 40 k a year in that sure double the price of a big mac meal lol but wait a min know one will be able to afford it
As the baby boomers are reachng retirement now and in few years to come its only going to get worse as more n more people retire and less people or adequate people replace them ,,
Sad truth is kids even though there rated as dummies in usa are actually smart they realize that scientist , or trades men is treated like shit so they in turn stay in school longer running up there debt in school they know the money is in corporate law suits so lets sue the remainding companies that call USA home like Micro soft. no different then the mj laws in usa they probably allowed it to keep people from understanding the true econimic horror that will shortly un ravel in usa , remember the government took money from the retirement fund and with more n more retiring the burden again falls on the governement in which they will tax the puppet population