67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

criminals don;t follow laws, but law-abiding gun owners do.

so when we make semi-automatic guns illegal, law-abiding gun owners will turn them in, since they are law-abiding.

that's how this will work.

what then will we do with the criminals who do not follow those laws and continue to own, use and trade the banned weapons
just like they currently do with other banned weapons? They will be the only ones with these weapons then?
People are already banned from buying guns to commit crimes with....hows that working out?
an entire generation that grew up with gun massacres at school and lockdown drills is turning 18 and ready to vote now and you are too dumb to understand the implications of that

kids been growing up turning 18 every day since 20 years ago, millions of them, last year even.
they voted to allow bump stocks but not semi auto's? thats weird

youngest Columbine survivor is 36, been voting like crazy for years too. Their parents own and shoot guns still. Just like the parents of the murdered children recently. They own semi automatic rifles responsibly. they do not let their drugged kids access them.
what then will we do with the criminals who do not follow those laws and continue to own, use and trade the banned weapons
just like they currently do with other banned weapons?

that's why laws and law enforcement exist, to catch criminals.

this isn;t rocket science, socky McFistuptheass
still trying to blame this on SSRIs, eh?

you really are a stupid fuck.

support for gun control has never been higher than it is now and that trend will only continue. get used to it, don;t cry too much and definitely don;t go shooting up any schools, white.

so how many more children do you think need to be slaughtered for your movement to take hold? How many more years bucky to abolish the 2nd amendment you goof? how many more schools need to be shot up by kids on ssri's before we can enforce the law that says they cannot have access to firearms while drugged?

while you waste time on this more kids die, more bump stocks are sold, more ammo too.
threaten guns and more are brokered, have you learned nothing in this country you loathe, yet insist on living in ?
ssri medicated kids should not have access to firearms. we need to enforce this law.

there is now law about that to enforce becase SSRIs are not the cause of school shootings, guns are.

for reference, please see every other country on the planet

your arguments are fucking horrible. i'd be embarrassed
You're too stupid to argue with. You don't even want a debate, you want an argument. Not worth the time.

Was a beautiful day above freeze so I was out melting snowflakes with my AR-15 barrel. Good times were had.

so what is it? are gun owners law-abiding, or are they not?

i'm literally just using your own logic here and you are having a meltdown
there is now law about that to enforce becase SSRIs are not the cause of school shootings, guns are.

for reference, please see every other country on the planet

your arguments are fucking horrible. i'd be embarrassed

School shooters were not all white, not all male, not all using semi auto weapons either.
They were ALL taking ssri's though .
they would not have been able to commit such crimes without ssri's.
Your talking about bubs their or the lordhooha? I got hooha from the Comedy Central show the critic. And simply added lord as in lord of the hoods slogan lol.
Not Lord Hawhaw? Unfortunate choice. I knew Tokyo Rose. She was ok. Hawhaw was an asshole who was justifiably hanged.

No really, its true. This should be a game changer for you. Check out this fact:

No Kid Ever Shot Students In School Until They Were First Prescribed SSRI's . Is that mind blowing for your little head to process?

It takes a kid on SSRI's to shoot other kids, its obvious and the majority of these mass shootings.
No really, its true. This should be a game changer for you. Check out this fact:

No Kid Ever Shot Students In School Until They Were First Prescribed SSRI's . Is that mind blowing for your little head to process?

It takes a kid on SSRI's to shoot other kids, its obvious and the majority of these mass shootings.

funny how gun control works as intended in every country on the planet.
So is gun control for banishment of all weapons or just a gun monolopy.....if it is just for the monopoly, why is not for ALL guns, then all weapons after that....isnt that the best outcome, a world with no weapons.....