67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

You have no room to talk shit about anyone.

you lost every penny you ever put into your house, including your 20% down payment and 10 years worth of mortgage payments.

you then moved into a fucking trailer that will depreciate to $0.00

you are raising another redneck's child, the literal definition of cuckoldry

the bank had to assign a teller just to deal with you and your pathetic penny runs

you make less than i made in high school at your job as a journeyman butcher at the local king soopers

you don't smoke or grow yet you makeit your duty to spam a pot website with verbatim trump lies nd white supremacist propaganda on a daily basis

that's not even talking shit, twopump. those are just things you have told us about yourself
you lost every penny you ever put into your house, including your 20% down payment and 10 years worth of mortgage payments.

you then moved into a fucking trailer that will depreciate to $0.00

you are raising another redneck's child, the literal definition of cuckoldry

the bank had to assign a teller just to deal with you and your pathetic penny runs

you make less than i made in high school at your job as a journeyman butcher at the local king soopers

you don't smoke or grow yet you makeit your duty to spam a pot website with verbatim trump lies nd white supremacist propaganda on a daily basis

that's not even talking shit, twopump. those are just things you have told us about yourself

Lol, confirmed mental capacity of a 13 year old girl. Maybe this one will resonate with you then:

I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Poopy head.
Lol, confirmed mental capacity of a 13 year old girl. Maybe this one will resonate with you then:

I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. Poopy head.
See your the reason why people can’t come together and work out something reasonable
you guntards are too busy stuffing your faces at buffets to start a civil war.

it would work easily. a simple phase out would get rid of most of those slaughter machines very easily. you pussies wouldn't suicide yourselves by cop over it, nor would you even have the balls to face prison time over it. it has already worked in many many nations so there is precedent for it.

the way you guntards are acting like violent angry children about this inevitable shift in public opinion over your slaughter machines is not helping your case in the least. you guys can't cry over NFL players taking a knee to protest police violence and then threaten to shoot the cops in the same breath.

grow the fuck up, you'll be fine with a simple handgun for self defense a a simple rifle for hunting
The simple handgun part though is where the semi auto comes in. Are you want to ban semi auto or only the scary looking ones. Pistols are semi auto. And there are plenty of rounds that have more energy and do more damage than .223/5.56.
The simple handgun part though is where the semi auto comes in. Are you want to ban semi auto or only the scary looking ones. Pistols are semi auto. And there are plenty of rounds that have more energy and do more damage than .223/5.56.
guess we'l just have to ban all of them then.
guess we'l just have to ban all of them then.
Again it won’t happen but you can have dreams. In the 90’s they banned all the scary looking guns but they were still out there. Besides according the fbi there was more people getting knifed than shot. Plastic utensils for everyone now I guess. Well that wouldn’t work either envirmentalist would get upset too.
That's the answer! Let's just make all guns illegal and that will solve all our problems. It worked so well with illicit drugs. Oh, wait...

welcome back, ANALEXCESSGAY1

try asking japan how it's working out for them. or england. or spain. or iceland. or australia. or sweden. or norway. or italy.

i could keep going but hopefully you have the idea by now.

how's the pool shit scrubbing biz doing?
This dude is throwing a temper tantrum, but I'm the reason people can't come together... right.
i'm posting facts about how gun control works. you are throwing a temper tantrum about the possibility of your phallic replacements being criminalized as the weapons of slaughter that they are
criminals don;t follow laws, but law-abiding gun owners do.

so when we make semi-automatic guns illegal, law-abiding gun owners will turn them in, since they are law-abiding.

that's how this will work.
Lmfao, man you're fucking delusional if you think they can just make guns illegal and people will line up to turn their guns in.

Get real.