67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

Lol, all I'm seeing is insults and reaffirming what I'm trying to exude upon you guys. Progress boys, progress. I like it
Once again, you guys are reaffirming my point. 2/3 of gun deaths are from suicide. Every stat you see for gun deaths is greatly skewed. You take away semi-auto weapons and you're not even putting a dent in gun deaths, because the old single shot is still going to do the trick.
It might prevent the rash of mass shootings fuckwit. That is what we are discussing here. I support your right to kill yourself.
Like I said bud, I think you should get some fresh air and experience the world sometimes. Can't be healthy for your mental state to be the most active person by 2x on an internet forum.
Every single one of those countries has significantly better health care than us. So I fully agree. They do a much better job of diagnosing & treating mental illness.

Maybe if you stop being angry for two seconds you can piece this together, I have faith in you

god you are dumb

those countries all have about the exact same rates of mental illness as we do, but nowhere near the same amount of access to guns.

use mill's methods and figure out what the fuck is happening, twopump
You aren't surprised are you? This dumb fuck thinks it is his right to off-road his fucking Jeep on pristine wilderness.
It took me a while to come around to the idea that gun owners like him will never accept the idea of restrictions on the sale and ownership of firearms. There is a large minority of gun owners who do support gun control. It's too bad they aren't a majority because I'd prefer they solve the problem. I think they'd probably be happier with the result and it might be better than one imposed by non-gun owners. But there we have it. They won't. So the super majority of non-gun owners allied with sane gun owners will have to do the job for them.

Off-roaders have plenty of places where they can go to tear things up. They have access to the majority of open spaces in this country. It's amazing how childish they are that they can't stand leaving a few areas available to those who prefer to hear wind, rain and bird songs rather than the grinding of gears and rednecks firing their guns in the air. Not to mention the torn up ground.

People decry the division in this country. I'd prefer we work out compromise but as demonstrated by two-pump, compromise isn't what he wants. He wants it all, no dialogue, no give and take.
It took me a while to come around to the idea that gun owners like him will never accept the idea of restrictions on the sale and ownership of firearms. There is a large minority of gun owners who do support gun control. It's too bad they aren't a majority because I'd prefer they solve the problem. I think they'd probably be happier with the result and it might be better than one imposed by non-gun owners. But there we have it. They won't. So the super majority of non-gun owners allied with sane gun owners will have to do the job for them.

Off-roaders have plenty of places where they can go to tear things up. They have access to the majority of open spaces in this country. It's amazing how childish they are that they can't stand leaving a few areas available to those who prefer to hear wind, rain and bird songs rather than the grinding of gears and rednecks firing their guns in the air. Not to mention the torn up ground.

People decry the division in this country. I'd prefer we work out compromise but as demonstrated by two-pump, compromise isn't what he wants. He wants it all, no dialogue, no give and take.

Restrictions are great. I'm all for banning bump-stocks and binary triggers. The fact people even defend them are silly, the 2nd amendment protects nothing of the sort. I'm all for better background checks. Hell, I'd be okay with gun control courses in public schools. Not even necessarily letting them shoot, just awaring them on safety and so on.

What I'm trying to say is you can't and won't stop crazy. Taking something away from the 99.9999999% of the population because of the .00000001% of the population isn't a solution.

But... the off-roaders rant...? Oh...k?
Once again, you guys are reaffirming my point. 2/3 of gun deaths are from suicide. Every stat you see for gun deaths is greatly skewed. You take away semi-auto weapons and you're not even putting a dent in gun deaths, because the old single shot is still going to do the trick.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm OK with gun owners comitting suicide using their guns. I'm fine with the idea that the US has more than other rational nations in this statistic.

On the other hand, murders, mass shootings, accidents with guns are also way out of line with other first world western nations like ours.

Murder, for example:

Gun related homicide rate in UK would be a fine goal for the US to take as an objective.
Yay! An account name after a Nazi traitor.
Hey I’m all for banning these sick deranged folks from ever being able to own a firearm. If the state and federal government would report these people that have had clear disturbed and violent past they wouldn’t have been able to buy them in the first place legally. We have laws that aren’t getting utilized properly to keep them out of the sick individuals hands. There is no reason any of them ppl from the last few shooting especially should have had access to any weapon including a butter knife.
Don't misunderstand me. I'm OK with gun owners comitting suicide using their guns. I'm fine with the idea that the US has more than other rational nations in this statistic.

On the other hand, murders, mass shootings, accidents with guns are also way out of line with other first world western nations like ours.

Murder, for example:

Gun related homicide rate in UK would be a fine goal for the US to take as an objective.

So... that chart right there, tells you our murder rate is just WAY out of control? Those countries don't even allow you own guns and their's as a minimum of half of ours?

Dig DEEPER. How many of the murders in the US are in 5 cities. Once you get past that we're sitting right even with those countries, and we have hundreds of millions of guns.

Lmao Jesus. You really can't fix stupid. I tried my heart out guys. I must exit and leave you all to float around aimlessly in your fairy tale princess world where everyone gets along.

Can't be healthy to start ten sock accounts per week. That ban must be eating you up.

Sock accounts...? What? Is everyone on this forum afraid of new members?
Hey I’m all for banning these sick deranged folks from ever being able to own a firearm. If the state and federal government would report these people that have had clear disturbed and violent past they wouldn’t have been able to buy them in the first place legally. We have laws that aren’t getting utilized properly to keep them out of the sick individuals hands. There is no reason any of them ppl from the last few shooting especially should have had access to any weapon including a butter knife.
Trump made it so much easier for the mentally ill to get guns. Poor little snowflake won't even release the photos of him signing the bill into law.

Why do you look up to Nazi traitors?