67% of Americans want to ban assault weapons

So... that chart right there, tells you our murder rate is just WAY out of control? Those countries don't even allow you own guns and their's as a minimum of half of ours?

Dig DEEPER. How many of the murders in the US are in 5 cities. Once you get past that we're sitting right even with those countries, and we have hundreds of millions of guns.

Lmao Jesus. You really can't fix stupid. I tried my heart out guys. I must exit and leave you all to float around aimlessly in your fairy tale princess world where everyone gets along.

Sock accounts...? What? Is everyone on this forum afraid of new members?
Restrictions are great. I'm all for banning bump-stocks and binary triggers. The fact people even defend them are silly, the 2nd amendment protects nothing of the sort. I'm all for better background checks. Hell, I'd be okay with gun control courses in public schools. Not even necessarily letting them shoot, just awaring them on safety and so on.

What I'm trying to say is you can't and won't stop crazy. Taking something away from the 99.9999999% of the population because of the .00000001% of the population isn't a solution.

But... the off-roaders rant...? Oh...k?
I was addressing baldricks post regarding off roaders. Sorry to have stressed out your brain cell.

The second amendment doesn't mean gun ownership shouldn't be regulated. In fact it quite clearly says it should be well regulated. Are you part of a well regulated militia, by the way? That's the other part of the 2nd. Your right to be part of a well regulated militia shall not be infringed.
Hey I’m all for banning these sick deranged folks from ever being able to own a firearm. If the state and federal government would report these people that have had clear disturbed and violent past they wouldn’t have been able to buy them in the first place legally. We have laws that aren’t getting utilized properly to keep them out of the sick individuals hands. There is no reason any of them ppl from the last few shooting especially should have had access to any weapon including a butter knife.
Yep, we do have laws in place. Some are ridiculous, such as 3-day period to perform the check. Others are pretty good. Too bad our Republican Congress can't find the funds to staff and provide adequate infrastructure to make it effective.
"freedom of religion doesn;t mean you can build a mosque"

nice try, twopump.

not really though

Get out of the house some bud, I'm worried about you. I'm all for people of your mental stability being put on a list that voids the ability to purchase guns.
So... that chart right there, tells you our murder rate is just WAY out of control? Those countries don't even allow you own guns and their's as a minimum of half of ours?

Dig DEEPER. How many of the murders in the US are in 5 cities. Once you get past that we're sitting right even with those countries, and we have hundreds of millions of guns.

Lmao Jesus. You really can't fix stupid. I tried my heart out guys. I must exit and leave you all to float around aimlessly in your fairy tale princess world where everyone gets along.

Sock accounts...? What? Is everyone on this forum afraid of new members?
LOL. Can't find your way out of a closet, can you? You were saying that gun related violence was skewed to suicides, implying that the other gun related death rates were in line with other nations. That graphic shows the US is way out of line with similar nations when it comes to gun related homicides. I'd sure like to have UK's gun related homicide rate. Still think that gun control laws don't work? Tell me, snowflake, exactly how do you arrive at that using facts?
There is no reason any of them ppl from the last few shooting especially should have had access to any weapon including a butter knife.

there's no reason any civilian should have access to an AR15, or any semi-automatic rifle for that mnatter
and if you discount the fat on your gut, ass, face, neck, arms, and legs, you are not a fatass trailer dweller.

I work in the fitness industry actually. Man, 0 for 3 on the guesses (aka assumptions) today guys. Really disappointing performance.

Work on that and we'll give it another go some day.

Pretty ironic you're calling anyone some type of dweller when you have 126K posts on this site. :clap:
Though even if they somehow managed to ban them they would still exists. They wouldn’t go away. If they tried to take them by force it would start a civil war within our country. And before you say “well they’ll use the military or local police force” most military come from gun owning military families and would simply leave or refuse totake action on what would in all honestly be their own families and friends. A buy back wouldn’t work because very few people would act on that as well.
Though even if they somehow managed to ban them they would still exists. They wouldn’t go away. If they tried to take them by force it would start a civil war within our country. And before you say “well they’ll use the military or local police force” most military come from gun owning military families and would simply leave or refuse totake action on what would in all honestly be their own families and friends. A buy back wouldn’t work because very few people would act on that as well.
you guntards are too busy stuffing your faces at buffets to start a civil war.

it would work easily. a simple phase out would get rid of most of those slaughter machines very easily. you pussies wouldn't suicide yourselves by cop over it, nor would you even have the balls to face prison time over it. it has already worked in many many nations so there is precedent for it.

the way you guntards are acting like violent angry children about this inevitable shift in public opinion over your slaughter machines is not helping your case in the least. you guys can't cry over NFL players taking a knee to protest police violence and then threaten to shoot the cops in the same breath.

grow the fuck up, you'll be fine with a simple handgun for self defense a a simple rifle for hunting
you guntards are too busy stuffing your faces at buffets to start a civil war.

it would work easily. a simple phase out would get rid of most of those slaughter machines very easily. you pussies wouldn't suicide yourselves by cop over it, nor would you even have the balls to face prison time over it. it has already worked in many many nations so there is precedent for it.

the way you guntards are acting like violent angry children about this inevitable shift in public opinion over your slaughter machines is not helping your case in the least. you guys can't cry over NFL players taking a knee to protest police violence and then threaten to shoot the cops in the same breath.

grow the fuck up, you'll be fine with a simple handgun for self defense a a simple rifle for hunting

You're clearly too immature for guns. I'm perfectly fine with you being afraid of them.
As for this "inevitable shift" you speak of, keep dreaming bud. It's far too late to take away guns. And banning new sales will solve nothing. You only push a black market then.

I really wish you weren't so dumb, I'd like to have a sensible debate about what can realistically be done.
And pleeease stop acting like you don't sit on your ass all day on talk shit on this forum. You have no room to talk shit about anyone. You're clearly a loser with the mental capacity of a 13 year old girl.