Here's my cup girl: Ghost Train Haze #1 flowered under an IG200 and a CXA3590 2700K COB at 1.05A, under 13/11 lighting with 730nm at lights off for 5mins. Germinated near the deadline, but she finished with everyone elseShe packed on an unbelievable 46 grams of dry dankness during her time here on Earth
Pic time!
Once again, I'm using an ooolllldder phone of mine, pics may be shoddy quality, and for that I apologize. Honestly, the screen on this thing is so cracked that I can barely tell if the pics are in focus, lol!
Here's two different pics of her on the scale.
View attachment 3436630
View attachment 3436631
Closer up of bud
View attachment 3436632
And in the jar!
View attachment 3436633
Let me know if I need additional pics/info.
@Positivity wheres your entry.... you got votes but no entry submitted!
I'll get something in... Thought we were good from the other thread
I thought I posted my final cupdate in the other thread...
Taste: after a bit of a cure the taste came out. Very tropical and fruity, with a sweetness on the tongue and a curious after taste on the exhale that I cannot describe.
Smell: once again, this really showed after more cured. Pineapple and mango come to mind, tropical and fruity but strong, like a kick in the face.
Smoke: smoke was very up, very nice. Racy, but that could've been because she was pulled early... I liked it, my friends liked it, what more can I say.
The two GG#4 S1s came out alright, they've been smoked already too. One was lemony, the other more sweet. Both had similarities to the glue, but not a keeper like their momma.
OK, I think that's sufficient for a final list if not let me know!
GG#4 in a seed? is that shit real ? I thought I was the first to get froggy with GG#4 and CS :0/
I dislike how the voting turned into a popularity and feel bad contest. Thought this comp was about who could grow the best in a party cup, not what your circumstances are beside the cup and competition. I'm sorry but anything under 10grams should not be a placer, and begging for votes? Come now. lol, give this man 5th place^ obviously he needs the help