Mine is still going too. :) I even left her in the cup just to see how she'll finish instead of up potting. Think I was just hosed by that driver failure. About a week left on her now.
Oh dang yeah I still have a while on mine hopefully two weeks but it might be longer I'll post it once I chop her down and she's dried. I've left her in the same cup too.
@Socalrob the next ones on you right? You gettin sponsors set up? When can i register
It's official, I just clocked in. I will be working behind the scenes to ensure another great competition. I want to thank our host @FrozenChozen for a stellar job, a shoutout to all who finished, and a special shoutout to all who voted for my little girl. I will put up the registration thread very soon so we can get the 7th comp started. We should have at least 3 cup comp champions competing I'm hoping so bring your A game everybody. Stay tuned, the 7th party cup competition is coming very soon!.
Hi everyone and happy Independence Day. I'm limited on time today but I'm still going over things and starting my game plan. I know what's most important to everyone in this and this is my number one priority and will be worked on throughout everyday as we move forward. I want to give a special shoutout to a very valued member who already came forward for the good of the community. I give thanks again. Even though I'll be coordinating the important things, this is a community event so any new ideas feel free to pm me concerning those "important" things and I will try and get it done. Remember, even though I'm not a contestant this time what's important to you is just as important to me.

I want to give a special thanks to my wife who is excited and ready to help with emails, spreadsheets and other things. She's home everyday but I work and we will have contact throughout the day to get as much done as we can. @bryleetch your spreadsheets were very valuable in the last round and I hope you can bring that back for the 7th. We had a great turnout this last round and I'm hoping for more of that. Can we get a hundred this time?. Tell your friends and fellow members to join in!. We had over 70,000 views in the competition thread by the end so we can do better. I know everyone wants the next one to start so let me chill and do some barbecue and I hope everyone else does the same. Have a safe and happy 4th everyone and we'll get things rolling tomorrow.:hump::peace:
We were all set on voting closing yesterday, If you missed the bus you gotta catch the next one (plus you're not allowed to vote for yourself).
Official Standings are to the best of my knowledge posted above. In the event of a point tie, yield will be the determining factor.
@mc130p @Socalrob @Sevren @AlaskanMedMan please pm me ASAP, I'll be coordinating everything finisher related in small groups 3-4 at a time working down the line.
I'll give each person 3-4 days to respond, If I haven't heard back by then I'll move onto the next!
Do I win a Solo cup spray painted gold for 9th place?