8 BubbleHeads start 12/12

I had a newb with a strong lack in literacy skills post a Urine - Soil recommendation in my Bubbleponics Tutorial today??????
i read a hightimes magazine i have here from 87 i think, and there is a jamaican, cant remember his name, not bob, saying they use urine. i wouldnt.
It stinks, that reason enough. Could you imagine urine soaked buds, I know they wouldn't be soaked in it but thats the way my brain works.... eewww lol.
I saw it on one of the early grow guides I was looking at but they said additive and not for indoor use. I'm thinking ok the cat can piss in the garden! LOL!
Haha yeah I saw that. Urine is waste so who would think it was a good idea to give it to your plants?

In Hydro? How do you get a cat to give you some urine anyway? I doubt he would piss in a specimen bottle????

I am 60 years old and I have owned many a cat in my life time, that pissed in a house plant or a plant on the porch, and IT always killed the plants, ALWAYS, EVERYTIME.

I had a big sega fern on my front porch this summer, costs me $35 and the cat pissed in it and it died within a week.
i have smoked weed like this before.i new right away it was cat piss.im alergic to cats.i started sneezin and my throat was swelling.it was nuts.thought i walked into a house full of cats...worst thing ever.and it stinks too
finally signs of flowering. cant wait to see big fat tops on these 2 ladys. wish i knew the strain....while lsting i had my face burried in the plant tying fishing line to branches. it was like motorboating in the titty club, but better.



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i think he's a lil confused...for large out door grows in B.C we used to save up piss jugs all week and bring them to the site and dump them around the grrls to keep the animals away...Deer and Saskwatch seem to love the taste..or maybe the high.
Wow, I almost expect to see Tarzan and Chettah in that pic!

So a gang of us started 12/12 recently.
Did you notice the STINK diminished any when you switched nutes?

I have a theory that the STINK is like a plant's FART, and the more Nitrogen it eats, the worst it stinks, and the less Nitrogen it eats, the less the farts stink.
Anyone notice that?
Wow, I almost expect to see Tarzan and Chettah in that pic!

So a gang of us started 12/12 recently.
Did you notice the STINK diminished any when you switched nutes?

I have a theory that the STINK is like a plant's FART, and the more Nitrogen it eats, the worst it stinks, and the less Nitrogen it eats, the less the farts stink.
Anyone notice that?
i havnt really switched nutes yet. still using flora nova grow, and tiger bloom, but i added open sesame. i will cut out the flora nova grow in another week. gish i hope the smell stays, i love the vegative smell. plant farts, stinky.
never caught on to that but it makes sense. After I switched the nutes, the smell got milder. I thought I did somethin wrong...
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The BubbleHeads are dedicated to helping others learn to grow in water, simple, fast and easy.

Helpful links:

BubbleHead Logo Post # 10672

CFL Tutorial -

What is Bubbleponics Post # 9835

8 Step Recovery Post # 9838

Start Nutes - Drain and Replinish # 10395

10 Days, 12 days, 15 days, 20 days Post # 9

Temps, Humidity Post # 8491


Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial
BUBBLEHEADS know how to grow!
Wow, I almost expect to see Tarzan and Chettah in that pic!

So a gang of us started 12/12 recently.
Did you notice the STINK diminished any when you switched nutes?

I have a theory that the STINK is like a plant's FART, and the more Nitrogen it eats, the worst it stinks, and the less Nitrogen it eats, the less the farts stink.
Anyone notice that?

Hmmm interesting, heres one for ya.

I got a DWC (my first complete try) and I got mold, OHHHH BOY, but its the only one with mold so ok no biggie and I keep it in check with Zero Tolerance.

Anyways the mold when it gets bad and time to spray makes the plant smell just almost exactly like a cat pissed on it, and no mine dont even go in there and its closed off at night so no chance then period.

After the mold retreats so does the stink...