Haha yeah I saw that. Urine is waste so who would think it was a good idea to give it to your plants?
i havnt really switched nutes yet. still using flora nova grow, and tiger bloom, but i added open sesame. i will cut out the flora nova grow in another week. gish i hope the smell stays, i love the vegative smell. plant farts, stinky.Wow, I almost expect to see Tarzan and Chettah in that pic!
So a gang of us started 12/12 recently.
Did you notice the STINK diminished any when you switched nutes?
I have a theory that the STINK is like a plant's FART, and the more Nitrogen it eats, the worst it stinks, and the less Nitrogen it eats, the less the farts stink.
Anyone notice that?
I noticed that when my plants are eating well they stink! Don't feed them chili and bananas! LOL!
Wow, I almost expect to see Tarzan and Chettah in that pic!
So a gang of us started 12/12 recently.
Did you notice the STINK diminished any when you switched nutes?
I have a theory that the STINK is like a plant's FART, and the more Nitrogen it eats, the worst it stinks, and the less Nitrogen it eats, the less the farts stink.
Anyone notice that?