9 Bagseed grow journal

looking nice bro. too bad it is still a long wait. make that short trip to east texas man. me and wildfire have that whiteee boooooy goooooood.

(and just so every one knows. and ill explain to all the inside joke. im not being racist about the white boy good. inside joke between me and wildfire. when he sees this will crack up. so its for him. I dont mean to offend anyone.)
haha yea, i dont know if you saw my stealing thread. but i made one about how i got drunk and was on some pills and jacked a couple outside light bulbs from some random guys ass, one guy said i was scum and should die. lol
Well as i said earlier here are the pics, they all sprouted finally! we are going to start the light cycle to 18/6 for a week maybe a week and a half, then go to 12/12. Haven't decided if we are going to do 24hrs of dark first or not, most likely not. Also I have noticed that not many people have commented on this thread yet and wanted to through out there that all the help and comments are appreciated so if you have anything you think might help please feel free! As I said I am a Newb! I am gettin help from my brother who has grown before but there is a lot of experience on here! but enough of that heres those pics!
They lookin sorta like mine!Young!But going good!
Man you wanna veg. a lil longer before you go 12/12.Top them a couple times to get lower budspots,you want them more bushy than tall!Id let em get atleast 9-12" before i switch to 12/12.
yeah i hear that purp good ires and i was thinkin about playin around with them topping some of them and lst one other well one is doing it to itself but i threw them into 12 12 to sex them fast so i can get rid of the males then i will re veg the females and i might top some of them at that time but this is all just an idea what do you think? remember this is an wxperiment we r just messing around and trying to see if this will work so far so good we might have some problems on the way but my bro is pickin up fast
yeah i hear that purp good ires and i was thinkin about playin around with them topping some of them and lst one other well one is doing it to itself but i threw them into 12 12 to sex them fast so i can get rid of the males then i will re veg the females and i might top some of them at that time but this is all just an idea what do you think? remember this is an wxperiment we r just messing around and trying to see if this will work so far so good we might have some problems on the way but my bro is pickin up fast
you know what you talkin bout my boy.X out all them males first.clone for sex
well i started some nutes this evening did about an 1/8 strength of some 20-20-20 fortilome then about half a teaspoon of corn syrup and a drop of superthrive here is pics of the nutes n pics right after i watered!


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hell yeah man i wanted to do these on 12 12 from the get go to just mess around but he fucked around and just got a timer and i wasent settig alarms and wakin my ass up to do it lol