9 Bagseed grow journal

hey guys i was just gonna share something with yall i have been doin in my grow rooms/boxes is putting a bowl of water with some ice cubes in it and it helps lower temps and raise humidity
yeah man i am gonna try it i just checked his box and all of the plants have new healthy growth since last night after adding nutes all the affected plants that had messed up leaves so no worries but im trippin about my grow hit up my journal im going there to write about it and thanks wildfire +rep man
good to hear man, shit dude. i wish all of us could get together and smoke. too bad purp is out in LA. Or well i would rather be in LA but as far as smoking with us texas boys.
might just have to try that for the humidity!

it also helps if you put like a wash cloth kinda half in it, to give the water something to wick off of and then just a wet rag on the other side...cheap and it really does work..fuck wal marts 30-40 humidifiers:twisted:
haha yeah man but i will definatly hit him up one day and as for yall hopefully soon man i am waitin to heal up an get a job and start riding again and im always down for a road trip and we are alwayse lookin for good smoke i am thinkin abut going to south texas this week and gettin chronic for 35 an 1/8th and stock up come here and chill and smoke
haha yeah man but i will definatly hit him up one day and as for yall hopefully soon man i am waitin to heal up an get a job and start riding again and im always down for a road trip and we are alwayse lookin for good smoke i am thinkin abut going to south texas this week and gettin chronic for 35 an 1/8th and stock up come here and chill and smoke

damn ill chunk in on that.
yeah i know man my older brother called me this morning with the good news he had to step on a few toes to get it cuz just one guy is doing it but he did and he is on his way bak from dallas now and he is gonna see how much dude has and he just might buy a bunch cuz he works and makes bank and just have us sell it down here i am down for anything and that cheap and my bro said it was dank no bullshit and he knows his weed too
yeah i know man i just hope it comes through or dude still has some when we come up on cash cuz it is too cold to get out in the hood and hustle and i dont give a shit what people say or rap about doing work in the cold shit i live in the hood in texas and i aint seen one of my niggas at the park or on the block lol i think its funny
yeah i know man i just hope it comes through or dude still has some when we come up on cash cuz it is too cold to get out in the hood and hustle and i dont give a shit what people say or rap about doing work in the cold shit i live in the hood in texas and i aint seen one of my niggas at the park or on the block lol i think its funny

shit i never work outside even in the summer, i drive to a friends house in the hood and post up and wait..or used to i love that a/c
hahahaha shit man ive been at work all day and come back my babbies got some new growth from the nutes and its lookin good! yea it would be some bad ass shit for all of us saladank pitbudz wildfire and purp to get together and balze it up!! shit that would be cool as fuck and as for that 35 an 1/8 i cant wait to jump on that shit!
thats a little high i wont pay over 400 but i can sell it for more but i dont fuck round but it is abundent here man but there is no swag its funny but i like it people have to buy good weed but people try to go fuckin stupid with prices
thats a little high i wont pay over 400 but i can sell it for more but i dont fuck round but it is abundent here man but there is no swag its funny but i like it people have to buy good weed but people try to go fuckin stupid with prices

Whats swag?
swag-mexican shit weed! its gross its what all the homies in the hood smoke not nug blunts but swag blunts its nasty tastin brick weed! but luckily all we can seem to find is good weed! swag goes for 50 an oz usuall 40 from a homie