911 Conspiracy

The events that unfolded on 911 were

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And still people dont believe that this world is being slowly taken over by private hands.. If th governement cared for us...they would research in this free energy.. oh wait.. its free.. no profit. Nevermind.. they wont!

It doesn't take a scientist to figure out how bullshit everything is..
They'd just charge 4.00 a gallon for water. The reason they want hydrogen fuel cell technology is they have to sell you the hydrogen and it takes more energy to produce it than it produces. The water car is a reality, There are more than one version. I'd opt for the simpelest one, pour water in the tank and drive away.
They'd just charge 4.00 a gallon for water. The reason they want hydrogen fuel cell technology is they have to sell you the hydrogen and it takes more energy to produce it than it produces. The water car is a reality, There are more than one version. I'd opt for the simpelest one, pour water in the tank and drive away.

watch this med

YouTube - Water Powered Car

start watching it at 2 mins if you really want to curtail the watch :D
to believe, is that the truth?

Stanley Meyer's water fuel cell

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This article is about the Water Fuel Cell invented by Stanley Meyer. For fuel cells in general, see Fuel cell.
Perpetual motion machine:
Water fuel cell
The water fuel cell, as described in Meyer's patents.DisciplinesPhysics and engineeringCore TenetsThe device is designed to produce hydrogen and oxygen, from water using electricity, by a method other than water electrolysis.Year Proposed1989Original ProponentsStanley MeyerCurrent ProponentsunknownTheory violationFirst law of thermodynamicsWater fuel cell is reportedly a perpetual motion machine. Such machines violate the known laws of physics. Claims of the development of such devices are considered pseudoscience by most scientists.The water fuel cell is a device invented by American Stanley Meyer, which he claimed could convert water into its component elements, hydrogen and oxygen, using less energy than can be obtained by the subsequent combustion of those elements, a process that results the reconstitution of the water molecules. Thus, if the device operated as claimed, the combustion cycle would start and end in the same state while extracting usable energy, thereby violating the first law of thermodynamics and allowing operation as a perpetual motion machine. Meyer's claims about the Water Fuel Cell and the car that it powered were found to be fraudulent by an Ohio court in 1996.[1]
Similar devices have been promoted by others (see Water-fuelled car): there is no evidence that any of these devices operate as claimed.

maybe the sneaky ohio court was in on this huge conspirosy:shock::lol:
Geeze Panda, you think maybe there is a chance the courts could be bought? I mean, after all, Chevron etc. has a few billion bucks on the table here.
loads of money no one knos about or even cares about. but they have enough to change sumthing. and something big they will change...
YouTube - Stan Meyer - hydrogen oxygen ( HHO ) - Zero Point Energy
another person implementing his hho generator.
EDIT- i dont know what happened, i tried to paste a link to someone else implementing the HHO generator that Stan Meyer invented! hmmmm

i dont see why he would go through all this trouble and whatnot only to have a fake idea that he knew would get debunked!!! what would be the point?

also, why would he end up having a crazy unnatural death somehow, or he disappeared-i forget..
I think the government is the biggest most powerful gang in the world. It shits on the bloods, crips, VL's, BGD's, mafia, mexican cartels, all of them, any gang you wanna name. The government got more money, guns, drugs, soldiers, resources, etc, etc, than any and all gangs, shit you could combine all gangs, and the govt. would rock they ass. Yes, it's a shame what our own government has been doing to us for decades. And it's scary as hell to think that it's not us the american people that are important, but the almighty dollar, which equals power. You get my drift.
I sort of agree with you. But, I have a close friend who lives in Oklahoma City. She with several dozen other private citizens proved that the official explanation of the Murro Building bombing was false. These were all trained professionals on a shoe-string budget. Yet, they managed to conclusively prove one Federal lie after another.

Now I do not know what to believe anymore.

Where can I find this 'research'? I hope THEY at least spelled Murrah right.:peace:
Where can I find this 'research'? I hope THEY at least spelled Murrah right.:peace:

I was too tired to look up the spelling, when I wrote that.

The investigators did hundreds of face to face interviews and then looked at the official record and found plenty of issues to question. If you follow the evidence it leads to a conclusion of a coverup and conspiracy in the government.

They published a document of findings. A copy is in every library in Oklahoma. Many of the elected officials keep copies in their offices. The book is very large. About the size of the Chicago white pages directory.

Here is a tidbit; one key piece of information was from Mrs. Murrah, the late judge's wife. She examined the plans for the building on her dining room table, before it was built. The architect and engineer said, to her, it would be the strongest government building in America. It could easily withstand a sustained class 5 hurricane. Of course OK City don't get many hurricanes. But, after the blast the government claimed the building had to be demolished as soon as possible because it was ready to collapse. Nothing was further from the truth. The building could have been rebuilt. Or least extensively examined for forensic clues.

Mrs. Murrah believed the government wanted to bury the evidence of what actually happened.