A test in progress.... Miracle Grow soil vs. Fox Farms soil. Is MG really that bad?

Hidden Door

i've been growing weed in miracle grow for years. never realized that it was a shit soil to grow in until i got on a few of the grow forums to learn how to build a hydro system. anyway, yesterday while i was at the local hydro shop i picked up a bag of fox farms ocean forrest. i could of bought 3 bags of mg for what i gave for the ffof. i'm going to be using it for a few papaya clones that i have. i'm not going to do any kind of side by side test because i can't keep it controlled and i already know what to expect from the mg. i just want to see if all the talk is hype or not. so far the graphics on the ffof bag has the mg bag beat hands down.


Well-Known Member
Lmao. +REP The Graphics hahaha.

i've been growing weed in miracle grow for years. never realized that it was a shit soil to grow in until i got on a few of the grow forums to learn how to build a hydro system. anyway, yesterday while i was at the local hydro shop i picked up a bag of fox farms ocean forrest. i could of bought 3 bags of mg for what i gave for the ffof. i'm going to be using it for a few papaya clones that i have. i'm not going to do any kind of side by side test because i can't keep it controlled and i already know what to expect from the mg. i just want to see if all the talk is hype or not. so far the graphics on the ffof bag has the mg bag beat hands down.


Well-Known Member
:) 400w Clubber. PICS plz iiR Fan of Yellowish Hue Lighting. I shall be a ignorant fk and say its your LIGHTING compensating for the soils lack of sexi'ness :) uhm.. So when yu going to bump it up to the DWC high-roller :D You'll have an orgasm watching your plants grow in front of you


im with this guy ^

growing in mg with a 400 right now, no problems.

go ahead, waster your money people.


:) 400w Clubber. PICS plz iiR Fan of Yellowish Hue Lighting. I shall be a ignorant fk and say its your LIGHTING compensating for the soils lack of sexi'ness :) uhm.. So when yu going to bump it up to the DWC high-roller :D You'll have an orgasm watching your plants grow in front of you
not everyone likes hydro bro... sure, you get faster growth and more plants in a smaller space, but some of us dont really care for science and scientific equipment.... growing good pot in hydro is cookie-cutter science... growing good pot in soil is an art, and appreciated by many connoisseurs worldwide ;)


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... Ya'll know what's coming up next, don't ya? WHEN, not IF, I get started again, I'm going to do a similar grow, except this time, I'm going to go with MG nutes, and soil, vs. my usual Dynagro nutes, and FF soil. I'm betting that I can pull off the same results, as this test.

Anyway,...Damn, this thread has really taken off, since last night. Mostly BS, but still a good read, with my morning coffee.lol Makes me want to argue about nutes, now. :razz:

Also,...I'm happy to report that I didn't get any strange knocks at my door this morning. Pheew, I was a cleaning mother-fucker, last night. I'm also sorry to report that I didn't take any pics of the plants in this test, before I chopped them. But, I can assure you that nothing had really changed, from the last set of pics. MG still had the slight edge, and neither soil showed any deficiencies/problems. Other than that, they were quite similar, even with water retention. They all pretty much needed watered at the same time. Here's one thing that I was starting to notice, and the reason I think MG had the advantage.....

...FF was the hotter soil, of the two. Honestly, I believe that's the reason the plants were a tad smaller than the MG plants. FF might've sustained them longer, but also kept them closer to overfert, slowing them down a little. BUT, keep in mind that I was growing under fluoros. Had I been growing under 1000 watt MH/HPS, that extra 'richness' might've given FF a slight edge, provided the plants were given the light intensity to be able to process more nutes. Nothing that some fert couldn't fix, but still a possibility, nonetheless.

Also, just because MG has only N-P-K stamped on the bag, doesn't mean that the soil ONLY contains N-P-K, and no micros. It's soil people, c'mon, that's impossible. They couldn't strip all the micros from it, if they wanted to. If it only contained N, P, and K, the plants would be dead within a few weeks. If you don't believe that, try hydro once, and give them only N, P, and K. And, I don't want to hear any crap sabout water having enough micros in it to sustain them, because it does not. Calcium and Magnesium are damn near macro nutes, and no water has anywhere near enough of them dissolved in it, if any at all.


Active Member
:) 400w Clubber. PICS plz iiR Fan of Yellowish Hue Lighting. I shall be a ignorant fk and say its your LIGHTING compensating for the soils lack of sexi'ness :) uhm.. So when yu going to bump it up to the DWC high-roller :D You'll have an orgasm watching your plants grow in front of you
im going to get one of those bubblesponic setups, and if that goes smoothly i might try something a little more advanced. This is my first grow, i ruined them in the beginning thats the reason they are so small : (day 30 since they appeared above soil)



I was hoping to learn by watching this grow. I am on my 5th MG grow, I may or may not do better in something else but this is what I'm doing and I have ran into lots of problems throughout each grow but all of them were me I'm sure. Any who, with that being said every seed I have sprouted has given me ample bud in the end. All my knowledge is from scouring the Internet for endless hours over the past year and as you know you find opposite sides to everything. So I mustered up the nerve to join this forum. My first post was passed up, I assume either because it was a dumb question or maybe lost in the scuffle. Can you point me to threads that pertain to my grow? Thanks


I was hoping to learn by watching this grow. I am on my 5th MG grow, I may or may not do better in something else but this is what I'm doing and I have ran into lots of problems throughout each grow but all of them were me I'm sure. Any who, with that being said every seed I have sprouted has given me ample bud in the end. All my knowledge is from scouring the Internet for endless hours over the past year and as you know you find opposite sides to everything. So I mustered up the nerve to join this forum. My first post was passed up, I assume either because it was a dumb question or maybe lost in the scuffle. Can you point me to threads that pertain to my grow? Thanks
welcome to riu! Not to sure what you mean there, but here's your thread


hehehe, I meant threads that would have good info on growing with MG. See? My pot works just fine. ~stoned~ Now I have to go read the thread on how to add quotes to replies ;)


hehehe, I meant threads that would have good info on growing with MG. See? My pot works just fine. ~stoned~ Now I have to go read the thread on how to add quotes to replies ;)
just click the "reply with quote" button on the post you'd like to quote.... if you need help with anything, dont hesitate to ask me.


Active Member
You're welcome bro, I'm more than happy to prove that drainage can greatly improve just about any soil. As for the "feeds for 3 months", disreguard that, it's pretty much meaningless. To me, all that's saying, is that it's a rich soil. It's just makes the bag look more appealing to grandma, who has that spider plant hanging in her window.lol I started giving them some Calmag Plus,(which contains a weak dose of N) about two weeks ago, and will start with the bloom fert, when I switch them to 12/12, which will be coming soon, within the next two weeks. Basically, as you get a few grows under your belt, you'll be able to look at your plants, 'read' them, then make the determination, whether they need fed, or not. If you look at the most recent pics, you'll notice that the above ground foliage, is getting pretty close to occupying the same space as the pot's volume? I've found that typically, that's when a plant will start needing fed, give or take a little. I won't be using any veg fert, being that the foliage is still nice and green. If I were to veg much longer, it'd be necessary.
my Grandma has 2 spider plants, this made my day LMFAO


Well-Known Member
FF must cost significantly more in other areas. Around me the 1.5 cubic foot FFOF bags are $10-12, and the 2 cubic foot FFHF bags are $12-13.

2 cubic feet fills 3 separate 5 gallon containers, at around $4 per container.

Granted that's not cheap, but MG isn't significantly less expensive.


Well-Known Member
FF must cost significantly more in other areas. Around me the 1.5 cubic foot FFOF bags are $10-12, and the 2 cubic foot FFHF bags are $12-13.

2 cubic feet fills 3 separate 5 gallon containers, at around $4 per container.

Granted that's not cheap, but MG isn't significantly less expensive.
I agree, but how much are the nutes? Assuming an MG grower doesn't need to nute as much...

MG 2 cu ft is about $10 here, fox farm is almost twice as much. Still, not really a significant difference.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but how much are the nutes? Assuming an MG grower doesn't need to nute as much...

MG 2 cu ft is about $10 here, fox farm is almost twice as much. Still, not really a significant difference.

As stated, the "Feeds for 3/6 months", is BS. FF is the richer soil of the two,(not by a whole lot) and will sustain your plants a little longer. Yeah, MG has those tiny balls in it, but they are nowhere near enough to sustain a larger MJ plant. :wink:

Hidden Door

i found that most of my plants went 5 to 6 weeks before i needed too start feeding when using the mg soil. i put 1 clone in a 5 gallon bucket of ffof a few hours ago. still waiting to be amazed.