• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

A very bad mistake!


Well-Known Member
most cameras have a macro setting that helps with pics of flowers and what not...

you might be lucky my 7.3 megapixel only just takes decent photos
but yours may be a better camera by the looks of it :)

so id just toy with it untill i had it sussed ;)


Well-Known Member
ok well imma try and take some pics tomorrow morning, she is sleeping in 12/12 now...so i dont want to disturb her.
im sure it i
like on every node, there are little brownish...white..greenish like pins (2 of them) on each side of the node like this (.../...\..)
i hope you under stand that.../\ means the hairs....
any other certain detail i shud look for?


Well-Known Member
true what your explaining still sounds like they could be stipules. they can go like hair like things at times..

it should be a bit more than a few days really for your plant to start sexing generally. it has to process take in the changes and realise its the seasson to bud. or something like that lol. a few days id wait a bit more for the plant too show its sex and want to bud :)

These pictures and quotes were donated from a sexing thread about identifying females by their pre-flowers (primordia) which was authored by "Crazy Composer". The pictures alone speak a thousand words...

x is the stipule in this pic. they can look like little hair things too k.

Note: The plant parts marked with an "X" are called "stipules", they appear on both male and female plants.

This diagram shows the difference (on a slightly more mature plant) between genuine pre-flowers and actual bud sites, which are - in fact different animals altogether.

From a further distance, but quite clear-cut.
I know how it is for some of the newer growers who are eagerly anticipating their first view of an actual marijuana flower. Well, this is what it looks like, play your cards right and you'll have thousands of these hairs clumped tightly together and covered in crystals that will smell so nice. Don't worry, it's coming.

i hope your plant really is budding for you tho. sorry but what you said sounds like these things.


Well-Known Member
dude........awesome advice....how do i rep some1?
im going now with my HD camera to take some pictures
see ya
brb soon


Well-Known Member
would it be ok if i uploaded a video to youtube, of my plant, so you can get a full understanding of it?
it will be high quality?


Well-Known Member
yeah its up to you...

i myself am too paranoid about these things.. but thats just me. id be happy to have a look for you and give my oppinion....

can you upload thrue proxies to youtube???? thatd be the safest way if you can..
ive never uploaded to youtube. i use rapidshare... you can upload to them as a free user.

just a thought


Well-Known Member
well screw youtube,,,,,,,,i got some HD pics for ya.........and to think,,my mom hid this in her closet ...well here it goes im uploading pics of WHAT i think is FEMALE pistols.
please correct me if im wrong, but then you wont see me for like a year, due to me crying :(...
here goes EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
ok well there they are,,,im thinking its the browish green hairs coming out the nodes...i went picture crazy..take time to look at them all. plz..every picture has "hairs" in it? (or what i aleast think is "pistols")............
i think the 8th picture says it all....come lay it on my baby,...it a lady right?



Well-Known Member
ive reviewd your picture's and i have to disagree sorry.
ive edited some of your pics and re posted them for you know i know what you want answerd

these things your seeing are stipules, you may be mistaking them for pistols because there slowly dying and going brown..
these are not signs of showing sex both the mail and females will get these as they grow..

if you look closely at them they start of tiny and green and then they slowly die after the plasnts shoots have taken off in a lot of cases. i know the heat wastoo much for one of mine once and they went into little brown hair like things that fast...

if your putting your plant in the dark to make it flower, itlle take a bit longer to show signs.. i cant see any yet sorry

dont worry this is a commoon misconseption apparently so dont worry.

this is probably just the first time youve looked close enough to notice perhaps.

also maybe the extra dark is making them brown sorry i couldnt be more help.

one of the last two pics shows them browning nicely, so you can understand,
remember these are just my oppinions tho feel free to get a second oppinion




Well-Known Member
damb.....i thought i was on to something..maybe i have to wait a bit longer...i will report back in a week with some more pics.
anyway how do ya like the plant? coming nicely?


Well-Known Member
A few more days and you should start to see some preflowers. I don't see any yet though. I'm hoping for a female for you. good luck.


Well-Known Member
the dark room idea will work even a shade box works.

its just to early for your plants to show any sign of flower.... keep at it doesnt have to be rocket science if you dont want it to be..

the plants not too bad.
itle double to triple in size during flower..

personally i would haave put it outside and took care of it in a nice sunny yet shady cool spot. until it had a bit more fowlageto it but thats just me.

im glad to see your plant is alive. you did some trimming work i see or at least i think i seen???

take it easy jester88

p.s dont worry about the rep dude. just hope it helped


Well-Known Member
yea,,,well THANKS everyone who is holding my hand on this, i would love to rep u jester, u have been awesome help.
i started to trim all the dead leaves off, and topped it 2 more times,
in a matter of 3 days,,,all the new tops are done and coming back :D> soo now all i have to do it keep put it outside at 7:30-8:00am and bring it in at 7:30 pm..(in 10 mins for me)
in complete darkness, then it will preflower........and also, what are some other signs it will be male, what is my ratio (due from the pics) ?
thank alot dudes


Well-Known Member
ummm if your using a dark room or a shade box the shade box will more or less stay on it the whole time to change it to flower.....DEPENDING in whereyou are and time of year..

the dark room concept your on about here is a version that in which your controlling its hours of light.... your still giving this basically the same amount of light really and just making sure its total dark at night time, MEANING you could stand the risk of the plant being chucked in limbo or just continuing veg.. if its not used to it and the change is not great enough " it still has a good chance of working maybe"

what you really want to do is take it away from the sunlight and in the dark room a bit earlier so it can notice the change in light hours and new photo times and what not..
upon noticing these changes they should mimic that of a lesser season and start flower cycles..

thats the basis of what your trying to do here...

your on the ball tho.
these are just my oppinions and views if you know what i mean...

all i can say is look at the drop backs in hours ppl use in hydro kits....
theres gotta be a reason, if you understand that you should understand this.. like i said theres no reason what your doing wont work....

its a good trick to learn and the only way to learn is ask questions. i myself ask questions i alreadyknow sometimes or really noob questions just to make sure im not gonna fuck up....

keep up the good work... you already know im subscribed :). i hope ya ge the hang of this fast. and all goes well for you :)

P.s if you wanna rep me that bad its the little scales in the top right of a persons post ..

if thats not there go to
my rollitup --> edit options ---> forum skin (change it to blzin-07, i find this one the best)

forum skin is one of the bottom ones in the list

ill rep you if you pull this off dont worry about that..


Well-Known Member
ok well how about this. what if i leave it in my closet for about 3 days PURE dark, then bring it outside after 3 days in the sun for 12/12 and then put it back on 12/12?
would it make it think its time to flower?


Well-Known Member
nah umm i dont exactly know what your climate is like and what not at the moment.
so i cant say too much indepth info ya know but for your sitcho id advise to keep what your doin goin and slowly reduce the hours of light

bring it inside eaqrlier and earlier so it gets less light over time, thinking the seasons are changing and what not itl think its time to flower in its lifecycle :)
once it starts to show its flowering for real id prolly reduce it one lore time...

slowly not one day 1 hour earlier you dont know too much about manipulating the environment well it seems.... but youll get there...

eventually youll get the hours figured out for your sitcho... what i just posted in my vieew would be the safest way as to you wont deprive it of more light than you have too :)

remember even in australia we dont get 16 hours of daylight constantly..

i think that by theend of this thread you should get the concept at least....
and theres only one way to learn....

if i can i try to folow the rule 1 plant one pound.. im a chronic smoker it helps my pain (im not a snob tho its a recreational thing too lol wont lie there"
and i just like ,aking them as big as i can... lasts me longer like i said i smoke a lot lol but im constantly in pain 2 so that sux.

but i definately wouldnt be as drastic as you seem to want to... the longer it actually takes to decide to flower means a possibly bigger yield for you.

like i said
theres a few things id of done differently to you... but youve been on the right track from the start


Well-Known Member
awesome dude, i love your positiveness..
soo pretty much,
brought it inside at 7:30pm...back outside at 10:30am....back inside at 7:30...back outside at 11:00am.............
kinda like that for a while?
and how long should i keep each cycle change before i got to the next one.
and how many hours/half-hours would i decrease from it?


Well-Known Member
not quite theres a few ways you can do it but id advise that the time you take off be taken off of a night time.
because that when your lightings going to be getting varied the most anyways.
what im saying is its all ways going to be daylight at 7.30 am really,,, but out of summer/spring its liable to be getting dark earlier anyways and having the uv rays in our atmosphere change earlier and earlier of a night once summers over...

this is what the dark room is supposed to symbolize/mimmic..
your tricking the plant into thinking the seasons have changed and its time to flower...

like i said theres a few ways to do this
but in your case (plants already been thrue a bit and this isanother chang its gotta adapt to and hopefully prosper)
I would slowly reduce the time i brought it in by like 5 mins a day or 20/30 mins every few days a week depending on your sitch... this would only help your case because once it started flowering and you deducted (a little more light time so it wont get stuck in limbo) you wouldnt be depriving it of more light than you have too.. in your case this would be a real good thing..

really what i would have done is similar too what i just said but i would dpo one of a few things....

bring it in a few hours earlier from the first night... just figure out what you reckon should sufice, thats all i do when i do this it works for me... my grow area and climate may be a bit diff to yours and this works for me...
and i know slowly bringing it in earlier on a basis to mke the plant think its seasons changing works where i am.....
but some of our seasons are kinda changing and out a bit so some of the things i used to do are a bit different now.

ie start indoors finish out.. you get a problem with limbo sometimes if you plan it wrong and put them outside during the hottest part of summer
LIMBO= plant goes beetween veg and flower,,, this may mayy cause stress in my experiences..

but anyways you should be thanking this plant really not hating it id say you learnt some good lessons already.... i wouldnt let this discourage you its az lerning curve the whole time all the time if you make it that way...

like i said these plants are as simple or hard as you make them really,
i personally like trying new shit every once and a while :) i find it fun..

but as for your questions

umm i dont know what your environments like, so i cant ell you exactly what to do but id reverse it and be bringing it in of a night earlier.

ud keep them for a few days/a week even more if you want remember you dont know how much light you need to deduct where you are, and your new to this..

hours half hourz decreased

if you have 12 hour days you know your not going to be tqaking more than 6 by the end of it (I SHOULD THINK NO WHERE NEAR IT) more than likely 3 by the end of it,

like i said in your case id do 5/10 mins earlier every few days/week (the extra time it veges for cant hurt too much.

but if your intent on half hours id say every week or two.... just remember i think you should be able to get it veging with a loss of close to three hours (maybe less tho if your lucky)

sorry i am finding it hard to explain this. i maself have to earn by practical and teaching myself. This in turn seems to make me a pretty shitty teacher, i do however know what im on about...

i know how to do this fairly well but i preffer to let my plants grow to theyre potential and change at propper times.... once you know how todo hs well an have your dry spills figured... you ca have a plant ready when youd normally have none...

i am trying to take in account of what your plants have been thrue and need best i can and write it down as fast as it comes to my head..... so if i confuse you please point it out.. its your babies life were playing with here...

i think your slowly getting the idea tho......
like i said you should thank your plant shes tought you a lot...

and better to find out now than further down the track if you get bigger ambitions isnt it :)


Well-Known Member
Always have some "superthrive" avalible, really cheap to buy, can bring any plant back from the dead.