Abortion, if you object does that mean you want to control women's uteri

you consistently display deep misunderstandings of how women's bodies work. my wife did not gestate me. and when my wife is already bleeding out of her vagina such that we can't have sex anyway, she is not using her menstrual pains as an excuse to not have sex. that's already precluded by the whole bleeding out of the vagina thing. are you sure you're not a virgin?
But you are her "little parasite". What do you mean "we"? I haven't seen her posting she doesn't have sex, just not with you.
05-09-2012, 12:20 AM #5 UncleBuck UncleBuck is offline Marijuana EXPERT Mr. Ganja UncleBuck's Avatar Join Date May 2010 Location i sell treadmills. Posts 29,128 Default Quote Originally Posted by Total Head View Post i've shit my pants about 5 times in the past 10 years, and each time i was completely awake. i don't care if anyone knows. it's not like i wet the bed. i've shit my pants about 5 times in the last year. sometimes it just feels like a fart, and it's not all fart. nice burn by the way. Note the date of the post.

Me; 2,444 likes, 11,491 rep points

You; 558 likes, _____ rep points?
" Illinois law already required medical care in such situations." Yet this care is not given. ""interfered with a woman's right to choose" The baby is outside the womb, and it's still "a woman's right to choose"?

he wasn't talking about a right to choose outside the womb, moron. he was talking about how a redundant bill was introduced to try to take away the provision for the health of the mother.

if your wives both killed themselves so they wouldn't have to have sex with you, i can only imagine why your kids also killed themselves.
Dougs abortion clinic..
You rape um
we scrape um
no fetus can beat us...............................lol
he wasn't talking about a right to choose outside the womb, moron. he was talking about how a redundant bill was introduced to try to take away the provision for the health of the mother. if your wives both killed themselves so they wouldn't have to have sex with you, i can only imagine why your kids also killed themselves.
health of the mother? What the fuck are you talking about? You really think it's cool to berate the dead? You are pathetic.
Sorry, but UncleShitBritches liking you under multiple personae is more of a circle jerk than proof of anyone respecting you. Fail

Man, you have a serious problem coping with reality.

You simply can't handle the truth, so you make up your own.

That's what's a fail.
people always bitch about people on welfare and programs like wic et al, but then they at the same time don't want to allow abortions.. idk, i don't get it..

Comical right.

IMO abortions should be legal, and I don't have a specific date, because I believe the newborn and young child is still in ownership by the mother and father. I think so due to the reason that the child would not survive without parenting, and those are the child's parents.

I'm all for aborting the child if you had no intentions of having one and cannot take care of it properly. Population is too high as it is.

PS: I'm not for murder.
Comical right.

IMO abortions should be legal, and I don't have a specific date, because I believe the child is still in ownership by the mother and father. I think so do to the reason that the child would not survive without parenting, and those are the child's parents.

I'm all for aborting the child if you had no intentions of having one and cannot take care of it properly. Population is too high as it is.
That's why fat people should be denied medical care for fatty-fat related illnesses and allow natural selection to take place.

If I was an alcoholic (which is an actual disease) I wouldn't get a liver transplant, yet people eat themselves into fat fucks and the rest of the population is supposed to pay for their stupidity when realistically the only way to get/maintain a fatty-fat size is eating too much shit food.

But I digress.