Abortion, if you object does that mean you want to control women's uteri

That's why fat people should be denied medical care for fatty-fat related illnesses and allow natural selection to take place.

If I was an alcoholic (which is an actual disease) I wouldn't get a liver transplant, yet people eat themselves into fat fucks and the rest of the population is supposed to pay for their stupidity when realistically the only way to get/maintain a fatty-fat size is eating too much shit food.

But I digress.

Dude I'm with you. I argued that point for several(many) pages in this thread:

Some call me an awful person; I'm just being real

Do you even live in the US?
Nah, keen for your politics tho.

We have "the fat" here too tho, so Im not just advocating the death of American fattys, that'd be racist.

I agree. Government needs to ban all unhealthy foods and force veganism on the populace because people are too stupid to eat properly on their own.
I agree. Government needs to ban all unhealthy foods and force veganism on the populace because people are too stupid to eat properly on their own.
No that's pretty retarded, but if people choose to be fat fucks then I don't want their care paid for on my money.

I also thoroughly reject the idea of an "unhealthy food tax"...I mean ermahgerd, wtf are they thinking? Fat people are fat due to their own dumb actions, yet you think a tax will change their minds? No it's a tax on healthy people just because some other people can't regulate their mouth.
I heard that a consistent red meat diet can increase the chances of cancer. Not sure if it is entirely true. This guy explained it to me, cancer is the seed and red meat is the fertilizer. He also pointed out that asian people smoke cigarettes more often and have less cases of cancer and live longer. He said it was due to primarily having a fish and veggie diet.

I still love my meat and I'd rather die a bit sooner and be able to eat what I think is good food. Not mcdonalds or burger king, but a nice steak with a baked potato filled with butter, sour cream, chives and bacon. Some grilled asparagus. YUM! Moderation is the key. Portion control.

Going to bed, and I wake up I want to see you guys say one nice word that best describes the person you hate the most on this forum. lol

No that's pretty retarded, but if people choose to be fat fucks then I don't want their care paid for on my money.

I also thoroughly reject the idea of an "unhealthy food tax"...I mean ermahgerd, wtf are they thinking? Fat people are fat due to their own dumb actions, yet you think a tax will change their minds? No it's a tax on healthy people just because some other people can't regulate their mouth.

As part of the Fat Police, what am I supposed to do, trust you to eat properly? I don't think so. By then it's too late and I have to call the Exercise Squad to get your fat ass to lose weight.
No that's pretty retarded, but if people choose to be fat fucks then I don't want their care paid for on my money.

I also thoroughly reject the idea of an "unhealthy food tax"...I mean ermahgerd, wtf are they thinking? Fat people are fat due to their own dumb actions, yet you think a tax will change their minds? No it's a tax on healthy people just because some other people can't regulate their mouth.

A tax WILL change their minds - it is common knowlege that increased taxes on non-essentials reduces the purchase and use of those non-essentials, hell, you agree with that don't you?
I agree. Government needs to ban all unhealthy foods and force veganism on the populace because people are too stupid to eat properly on their own.


If you need the government to tell you what not to eat, you deserve to be a fat unhealthy fuck.

Fruits, vegetables, lean meats... it's pretty simple

If anything, there should be higher taxes on businesses that promote unhealthy diets. Don't they have a cigarette tax to combat all the ailments that smoking tobacco can lead to?
No that's pretty retarded, but if people choose to be fat fucks then I don't want their care paid for on my money.

I also thoroughly reject the idea of an "unhealthy food tax"...I mean ermahgerd, wtf are they thinking? Fat people are fat due to their own dumb actions, yet you think a tax will change their minds? No it's a tax on healthy people just because some other people can't regulate their mouth.

Thus begins the argument for government to decide which procedure to allow.
Thus begins the argument for government to decide which procedure to allow.
Make it illegal for a doctor to treat a patient for anything related to obesity in an obese person with public monies.

Let the doctors decide if they want to keep their licenses or not.
I don't see the need for this thread. Most of the posters, myself included are disqualified by default. No va ja ja. It's not our decision. So are we talking personal belief, conscience, morality, legality? I'm of a mind like Cn, after the quickening I get squeemish. And like Buck- I trust the ladies to make appropriate decisions on their behalf. Forgot who, but another spoke to the rights of the unborn. That also is a factor imo. Who wants to "hit it" bareback? What no birth control? And who amongst us would man up and be father let alone pay for our offspring after an encounter that was productive. My rambling point is we all live in glass houses. No disrespect to OP but this thread is inconsequential to most of here packing willie and the twins. I impregnated a woman I loved and she chose to abort. I didn't want her to but you know what-it wasn't my body or choice. I was with her and it hurt us both. We were together 15 years. I've dabbled in the dirty corner of RIU and the more I do the less I like it. I'm a walking contradiction, like most of us.
The only thing I'd like to control right now is the entrance to a lusty lass's uterus and I'm the only one getting in! Like an abortion, peace out.
Make it illegal for a doctor to treat a patient for anything related to obesity in an obese person with public monies.

Let the doctors decide if they want to keep their licenses or not.

Wow, you're an evil fucker. Plus, that goes against the whole do no harm.
Wow, you're an evil fucker. Plus, that goes against the whole do no harm.
If you stab yourself in the face, Im sure as fuck not paying for you to have it stitched.

Why should someone stuffing pies into their fat face be any different?

Obesity is a CHOICE.
If you stab yourself in the face, Im sure as fuck not paying for you to have it stitched.

Why should someone stuffing pies into their fat face be any different?

Obesity is a CHOICE.

It's a good thing asshole gingers are an extreme minority, even less than vegans. So no one pays attention to your Hitler wannabe ways.