Abortion, if you object does that mean you want to control women's uteri

how did that analogy escape us?

the relationship between mother and fetus is completely akin to raping the girl in front of you at the supermarket.

Rape?? She wanted it. She was asking for it being dressed like that.

Another analogy: Jack the Ripper... dismembering a live human the day before his head would naturally emerge from the snatch.
you consistently display deep misunderstandings of how women's bodies work. my wife did not gestate me. and when my wife is already bleeding out of her vagina such that we can't have sex anyway, she is not using her menstrual pains as an excuse to not have sex. that's already precluded by the whole bleeding out of the vagina thing. are you sure you're not a virgin?
You might want to look up "menstruation". It's normal for women to bleed out their vagina. Then again, it's normal for women to refuse to have sex with parasites, too.
Who gets to rule that the mother is would-be-unfit? A grave moral watershed is buried in those words ... imo. cn

He who gets to make that judgement is the same who judges that the baby was better off dead due to the conditions and environment that the mother would have brought him into.
if your daughters and granddaughters are not stupid, why do they need morality police to charge them with manslaughter if they violate your moral line in the sand?

don't you think that they'd be smart enough to exercise control over their bodies as responsibly as they could?

nice loaded language there, by the way.

Do you agree we need laws against murder? Late in the gestational period an abortion is much more like a murder than a "choice".

Language, as a weapon, is most effective when the words used are loaded.
You might want to look up "menstruation". It's normal for women to bleed out their vagina. Then again, it's normal for women to refuse to have sex with parasites, too.

so are you defending your nonsense? that my wife started faking severe menstrual pains 6 years before she met me, and then used said severe menstrual pains as an excuse not to have sex even though the act was already precluded by the whole bleeding from the vagina thing?

is that what you're saying?
Do you agree we need laws against murder? Late in the gestational period an abortion is much more like a murder than a "choice".

Language, as a weapon, is most effective when the words used are loaded.

i do believe we need laws against murder, and we already have them.

for example, it is against the law to get out of your truck and chase someone down with your gun while claiming self defense.

so are your daughters stupid and need to be charged with manslaughter if they don't follow the right gaylord's moral code?
What child? Imo this is a big part of the problem in debating this topic: begging the moral question by introducing terms like this. (It's reminiscent of the propaganda billboards calling it "a child, not a choice".) If a woman has an abortion at month 5 ... what child? cn
So you justify killing the unborn by denying their humanity? You support Nazism, Fascism, racism, and slavery, too?
so are you defending your nonsense? that my wife started faking severe menstrual pains 6 years before she met me, and then used said severe menstrual pains as an excuse not to have sex even though the act was already precluded by the whole bleeding from the vagina thing?

is that what you're saying?

Buck on the surface it sounds like an outlandish theory. But I suspect that there are women who have gone to greater lengths than that to avoid having sex with you. :)
i do believe we need laws against murder, and we already have them.

for example, it is against the law to get out of your truck and chase someone down with your gun while claiming self defense.

so are your daughters stupid and need to be charged with manslaughter if they don't follow the right gaylord's moral code

If my daughter murdered somebody, I would expect her to be charged with murder.
so are you defending your nonsense? that my wife started faking severe menstrual pains 6 years before she met me, and then used said severe menstrual pains as an excuse not to have sex even though the act was already precluded by the whole bleeding from the vagina thing? is that what you're saying?
Dude, every woman bleeds from the vagina. But they still have sex, just not with you. Making you sleep outside with the dog seems a little mean, tho. Why punish the dog?
I am not against a women's choice for haveing an abortion......not at all ......not one little bit...........I just don't want to pay for it with my tax dollars....It;s really that simple...I think if women get pregnant and they don't want the kid, open up the purse and make it happen.......................nitro...
Dude, every woman bleeds from the vagina. But they still have sex, just not with you. Making you sleep outside with the dog seems a little mean, tho. Why punish the dog?

while bleeding from the vagina?

i mean, i know some people are into that sort of thing, but you of all people should know just how upset that makes little baby jeebus.
suppose she had an abortion at 12 weeks and a day.

she gets 3 years in the pen for manslaughter and zimm walks.

good deal, right?

As I said, several times, the 12 week limit was an arbitrary choice on my part. I am willing to listen to other suggestions about when to draw the line. There should be a line drawn, though.

Killing in self defense is justifiable homicide, and not a crime. This thread is not about Zimmerman, though.

I actually sympathize with you on this discussion, Buck. This whole discussion is a lot like the arguments about the second amendment. The gun rights folks (like me) absolutely refused to budge a fucking inch on the issue because we believed that if we made any concession it would simply be the camel's nose under the tent.

Where the two issues differ, of course, is there is not a single word in the constitution that grants any right to an abortion. Roe V Wade was a terrible decision from a legal perspective, and I say that as somebody who supports abortion up to a point.
I am curious at the arbitrary 8/12-week cutoff.
I oppose late-term (third-trimester) abortions except for medical reasons (which will be uncommon) because the fetus has "quickened" (the mother can feel it) and it will be likely viable ex utero.
But to set the divide so early strikes me as punitive, unless you can defend it using arguments compatible with natural philosophy ("science") ... cn
Twelve weeks is the point where anatomically the foetus is complete and "potentially viable" medically.

From that point on it just "gets bigger" but is completely formed.

I agree with a 12 week cut off, after 3 months you know you're pregnant and have had plenty of time to "choose".

I'm pro-choice, but 12 weeks provides plenty of time for choice and at the same time protects the life of a (at that point) thinking, living, human being.