
I just don't understand how people call something that is so clearly NOT a child a child....

<---- A child

<---- NOT a child

There are some small differences in the two pictures, I'll leave it to the pro-lifers to figure them out.
Oh boy...

The first pic of is of a child because why? Its self sufficient? It can survive on its own? Its walks talks & shits?
The second picture is not a child because of the opposite reasons I guess.

Hope you never end up in a hospital or old age home on some form of life support. Can't talk to ask for food? well then I guess killing the person is certainly an option. Oh, coma? Can't respond to stimuli etc?

Ah, but comas & veg stats CAN be temporary, so therefor we don't really have the option to "abort" the adult in these situations. But what if Grammy or Grammpy coming out of the coma causes us undo hardships? Hmm.. Still can't waste them eh?

Those little cells will become a person within a 10 month period.

Every hear that bit on the phone call? When does a call become a call... when I dial, when the other person picks up? When there is vocal communication?

We can't come to agreement on the phone call connection time line, but we want to risk a human life without knowing WHEN life starts.

Anyone remember when they used Alpha waves (brain activity) to determine life. Know why they dont do that any more? The equipment got more & more sensitive & they found alpha & Beta waves far sooner than they had before. So by their own benchmark Life started well before the 20 week period.

Toss the alpha wave test out..

watch a video of a late term abortion. Watch the fetus (which is just the latin word for baby) baby struggle while being burned by the saline solution that's used. Tell me its not alive. Fuck, most people would try to protect a kitten from going through it, but fuck the children.

call it what it is. I am of the opinion that life starts at conception & because of that, I must err on the side of caution & vote no go on the abortion issue. Its amazing how people will goto war over an issue like this but those same people who will fight for the right to kill an unwanted child will die themselves to save a dolphin.

I want to go & get some sea turtle eggs. GREAT omelet. sea turtles are protected, but the eggs arent :)

actually, they are... but I was trying to show the point that if sea turtles eggs are protected the same as sea turtles, how come humans arent given the same protection other than the fact that people arent endangered.
<applause> Let's say there's a pregnancy...and it's determined the infant was a female. Lets say that's unacceptable...a male was the desired sex. So lets say the female was aborted. Most here wouldn't have a problem with that...yes?

Now let's say it was a female Polar Bear fetus.

Oh boy...

The first pic of is of a child because why? Its self sufficient? It can survive on its own? Its walks talks & shits?
The second picture is not a child because of the opposite reasons I guess.

Hope you never end up in a hospital or old age home on some form of life support. Can't talk to ask for food? well then I guess killing the person is certainly an option. Oh, coma? Can't respond to stimuli etc?

Ah, but comas & veg stats CAN be temporary, so therefor we don't really have the option to "abort" the adult in these situations. But what if Grammy or Grammpy coming out of the coma causes us undo hardships? Hmm.. Still can't waste them eh?

Those little cells will become a person within a 10 month period.

Every hear that bit on the phone call? When does a call become a call... when I dial, when the other person picks up? When there is vocal communication?

We can't come to agreement on the phone call connection time line, but we want to risk a human life without knowing WHEN life starts.

Anyone remember when they used Alpha waves (brain activity) to determine life. Know why they dont do that any more? The equipment got more & more sensitive & they found alpha & Beta waves far sooner than they had before. So by their own benchmark Life started well before the 20 week period.

Toss the alpha wave test out..

watch a video of a late term abortion. Watch the fetus (which is just the latin word for baby) baby struggle while being burned by the saline solution that's used. Tell me its not alive. Fuck, most people would try to protect a kitten from going through it, but fuck the children.

call it what it is. I am of the opinion that life starts at conception & because of that, I must err on the side of caution & vote no go on the abortion issue. Its amazing how people will goto war over an issue like this but those same people who will fight for the right to kill an unwanted child will die themselves to save a dolphin.

I want to go & get some sea turtle eggs. GREAT omelet. sea turtles are protected, but the eggs arent :)

actually, they are... but I was trying to show the point that if sea turtles eggs are protected the same as sea turtles, how come humans arent given the same protection other than the fact that people arent endangered.
<applause> Let's say there's a pregnancy...and it's determined the infant was a female. Lets say that's unacceptable...a male was the desired sex. So lets say the female was aborted. Most here wouldn't have a problem with that...yes?

Now let's say it was a female Polar Bear fetus.

... You rang? cn
I don't see why all the afterlife believing God people have such a problem with abortion tbh, wouldnt the child just go back to God thus skipping the cruelty of life? Wouldn't they be without sin too?

Just throwing it out there ;)
I don't see why all the afterlife believing God people have such a problem with abortion tbh, wouldnt the child just go back to God thus skipping the cruelty of life? Wouldn't they be without sin too?

Just throwing it out there ;)
:o Dude! It's genius! Just kill them before they're even born and you'll be doing the little bastard the greatest favor ever! The most sure shot a person has at getting into heaven!
I don't see how/why spirituality fits into the debate.

I don't see why all the afterlife believing God people have such a problem with abortion tbh, wouldnt the child just go back to God thus skipping the cruelty of life? Wouldn't they be without sin too?

Just throwing it out there ;)
I don't see how/why spirituality fits into the debate.

sin is considered as 'missing the mark' - maybe we're here to 'get it right this arrow - sorry, time'. And hey, what if this IS your afterlife?


**Harrekin's quote is not here, should be though...

Here: "wouldnt the child just go back to God thus skipping the cruelty of life? Wouldn't they be without sin too?"
hey april um this is my husbands profile i seen the topic and had to post ..in any event of that happing i totally see where you are coming from i would never ever wish rape or ne assaault on you y wish the same on me,,,,,i do see what u say on the victims of a rape,and i do see what you mean on that but i just dnt see y all these no good people can end up prego and just go have it gone...its so not fair to that childs life that is all i meant...but i do hope u never have to face this disissioin...but i do stand by my prolife...

I went to a private french catholic school that did not even sell tampons, sex before marriage was very much frowned upon, abortion was drilled into everyones head as muder, so being fully educated on both the religious and medical aspects i feel i have no issues speaking on this subject or standing behind my views. Thank u for posting but u never actualy said what u would do faced in such a horrible situation ( raped and preggo) i just hope u don't ever face this choice urself it makes me sad to think of what these women and men go thru :(

Don't allow someone to decide what u do with ur body if u were never given the choice to begin with.
So can a rapist fight for custody also? is child support paid?